The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.

Booklets & Leaflets - A selection of basic principles found in the literature of Theosophy

For real Theosophy IS ALTRUISM

If Theosophy prevailing in the struggle, its all-embracing philosophy strikes deep root into the minds and hearts of humanity, if its doctrines of ...

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Booklets & Leaflets

Leaflets & Booklets - A selection of basic principles found in the literature of Theosophy (26 items in collection)

Members & Membership

Info for joining, rejoining and participating in the TS, and our Constitution & Policies (5 items in collection)

Online Catalogue Advanced Search Help

Library Catalogue Search Help

Simon O'Rourke 2024 bio

National Education Co-ordinator Theosophical Society in Australia

What is Theosophy

Theosophy, Divine Wisdom or Wisdom of the Gods

Esoteric Tenets - the Human Constitution

An in depth study of the seven principles of the human being

Certified Groups

Meeting around Australia (7 items in collection)

Education and Retreat Centre

Springbrook, Queensland

Canyonleigh Southern Highlands

Theosophical Retreat Centre Canyonleigh

National Headquarters

Headquarters of the Theosophical Society in Australia

Website Policy

Copyright©2023 The Australian Section Theosophical Trust

TPH Adyar

The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar, sells an extensive range of titles online.

Local Theosophical Bookshops

Find a local store and browse a wide variety of reading material. (0 items in collection)

The Campbell Theosophical Research Library

A wealth of material on the history of the spiritual counterculture in Australia, and more

Our Libraries

TS library and Archive Resources in Australia.

Theosophical Periodicals

Our extensive catalogue of searchable publications, indices, and periodicals.


And Contacts

Freedom of the Society

Resolution passed by the General Council of The Theosophical Society, 1949

Freedom of Thought

Resolution passed by the General Council of The Theosophical Society, 1924

Theosophy and The Theosophical Society

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