Locations and Contacts
Theosophical Society Lodges, Branches and Certified Groups in Australia
National Headquarters
Address | National Headquarters, The Theosophical Society in Australia Level 2, 162 Goulburn St, Surry Hills, NSW 2010, Australia |
Phone | (02) 9264 7056 |
Contact hours | Monday to Friday, 10:00am to 4:00pm. |
tshq@theosophicalsociety.org.au | |
TheTheosophicalSocietyInAustralia Facebook | |
Programme info | The Theosophical Society in Australia |
Canberra Group
Coordinator | Gordon Herbert |
Mobile | 0466 464 064 |
canberratheosophicalsociety@gmail.com | |
Meet Address | Friends Meeting House, Crn. Bent and Condamine Streets, Turner |
Programme info | Canberra Group |
| Go to Locations by State |
Blavatsky Lodge
Acting President | Walter Mason |
Secretary | Pamela Peterson |
Meet Address | Suite 8, 599 Pacific Highway, St Leonards, Sydney NSW 2065 (Entrance in Albany Street) |
Meetup | Blavatsky Lodge, Sydney meetup activities |
Phone | 02 9267 6955 |
adyar@tssydney.org.au | |
Blavatsky Lodge facebook page | |
Programme info | Blavatsky Lodge |
Newcastle Lodge
President | Patricia Bolsover |
Mobile | 0412 699 631 |
pat_bolsover@optusnet.com.au | |
Secretary | Jane Wilson |
zoisite888@gmail.com | |
Meet Address | Wallsend Railway Goods Shed 76 Cowper Road Wallsend NSW 2287 |
Meetup | Newcastle Lodge meetup activities |
Newcastle Lodge facebook page | |
Programme info | Newcastle Lodge |
Blue Mountains Group
Acting Coordinator | Jessica Gemmell |
Mobile | 0415 535 525 |
tsbluemountains@gmail.com | |
Meet Address | Blue Mountains Cultural Centre 30 Parke Street, (Above Coles) Katoomba NSW 2780 |
Programme info | Blue Mountains Group |
Gosford Group
Coordinator | Pamela de Lacy |
Mobile | 0415 288 873 |
delacynetwork@gmail.com | |
Group Sec | Roni Ostergaard |
Phone | (02) 4358 1413 |
Meet Address | The Narara Community Centre Pandala Road Narara NSW 2250 |
Programme info | Gosford Group |
Northern Beaches Group
Coordinator | Nila Chambers |
nilachambers@bigpond.com | |
Postal & Meet Address | c/- 31 Riviera Street Avalon NSW 2107 |
Programme info | Northern Beaches Group |
| Go to Locations by State |
Brisbane Lodge
President | Bruce Cassidy |
Secretary | Russell Preston |
Phone | 07 3839 1453 |
brisbanelodge@theosophyqld.org.au | |
Meet Address | 355 Wickham Terrace Brisbane Queensland 4000 |
Meetup | Brisbane Lodge meetup activities |
Brisbane Lodge facebook page | |
Programme info | Brisbane Lodge |
Sunshine Coast Lodge
President | Vacant |
Secretary | Mary Margarit |
Mobile | 0422 878 379 |
theosophy.sunshinecoast@gmail.com | |
Meet Address | Suncare Community Centre, (Entry via right end while facing building) 2-8 George Street, Maroochydore, QLD |
Meetup | Sunshine Coast Lodge meetup activities |
Sunshine Coast Lodge facebook page | |
Programme info | Sunshine Coast Lodge |
Logan Group
Coordinator | Christine Gwin |
Mobile | 0418 755 496 |
Logantheosophy@gmail.com | |
Meet Address | Logan Hyperdome Library. Meeting Room downstairs. |
Meetup | Logan Group meetup activities |
Programme info | Logan Group |
Toowoomba Group
Coordinator | Barry Bowden |
Mobile | 0427 751 464 |
Meet Address | East Creek Community Centre 43 Kitchener Street Toowoomba East, Queensland |
Programme info | Toowoomba Group |
| Go to Locations by State |
Adelaide Lodge
President | Colin Darcey |
Secretary | Ann Pritchard |
Phone | 08 8223 1129 |
president@tsadelaide.org.au | |
Meet Address | 310 South Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000 |
Programme info | Adelaide Lodge |
| Go to Locations by State |
Hobart Branch
President | Grant Dale |
Vice-President | Helen Steven |
Phone | 03 6294 6195 |
berrydunston@optusnet.com.au or helen_steven@live.com | |
Meet Address | 13 Goulburn Street, Hobart Tasmania 7000 |
Meetup | Hobart Branch meetup activities |
Hobart Branch facebook page | |
Programme info | Hobart Branch |
| Go to Locations by State |
Melbourne Lodge
Acting President | Stephen Fiyalko |
| Stephen@melbournetheosophy.org |
Phone | 03 8638 9007 |
info@melbournetheosophy.org | |
Meet Address | Manchester House 1st Floor 234 Flinders Lane Melbourne 3000 VIC |
Meetup | Melbourne Lodge meetup activities |
Melbourne Lodge facebook page | |
Programme info | Melbourne Lodge |
Mornington Peninsula Group
Coordinator | Alice Opper |
Mobile | 0439 563 313 |
Meet Address | Mornington Community House 3/91 Wilsons Road Mornington |
Programme info | Mornington Peninsula Group |
| Go to Locations by State |
Perth Branch
President | Jean-Robert Hote |
Secretary | Mary Hote |
Phone | 08 9328 8104 |
info@tsperth.com.au | |
Meet Address | 21 Glendower Street Perth WA 6000 |
Meetup | Perth Branch meetup activities |
Perth Branch facebook page | |
Programme info | Perth Branch or TS Perth |
| Go to Locations by State |