The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.

Gosford Group

Meets 2nd Tuesday of each month 8.00pm to 10.00pm February to november

All welcome to our small & friendly group Meetings held at: Narara Community Centre, 2 Pandala Road, Narara, NSW, 2250
Donation: $5
(light supper after talks)

2024 Programme

Tuesday 13th February
Pete Twohig, Author, homeopath, philosopher, and autistic advocate 
Is Autism on the rise? An autist spills the beans...
Autism is now about 1 in 20—we are surrounded by these unusual people. It’s time for the neurotypical population to upgrade their understanding of the future impact that these two groups can have on each other.

Tuesday 12th March
Chris Challis, Astrologer & University of the third Age lecturer
Starseeds Part 2: Let us continue the foray into the cosmos…
Old souls or Starseeds learn how the constellations can be our playgrounds where spirit has no boundaries..

Tuesday 9th April
Mariette Blackmore, Retired Scientist, NLP Practitioner
Accessing the Akashic Records for deep healing
The Akashic Records are an energetic library of evidence, of each soul’s journey across time & space—its purpose & past lives, and how to overcome challenges in the current lifetime.

Tuesday 14th May
Phil Wade, Pharmacist, Naturopath & Healer
What is your gut telling you?
Discusses messages your gut gives on a physical, mental, emotional & spiritual level--these can help improve your health, even save your life.

Tuesday 11th June
Gerard Brennan, TS NSW & ACT State Representative
The Theosophical Society Symbol
A deep discussion about the TS Emblem or Seal comprising different symbols from ancient times to express profound spiritual & philosophical concepts about humanity and the universe.

Tuesday 9th July
Simon O’Rourke, TS member of 30 years. Education Co-ordinator for TS Society
The Five Great Initiations & Three Enlightenments
Discussion about these powerful principles and how they can be applied to your life to create significant change.

Tuesday 13th August
Keith Howes, TS Researcher, Experienced TS speaker
Am I from another planet?
Do you ever feel that you don’t belong? Fasten your seat belts for a voyage of discovery for those who feel they come from “somewhere else”.

Tuesday 10th September
Nat Dodin, Yoga, Meditation& Spiritual Teachings
What is EMF? Electromagnetic Radiation? 5G? Any real causes for concern or just hype?
Living with the benefits of modern technology & mitigate the potential risks. Ways to reduce ur exposure to EMR & more... Nat Dodin -  OEA Affiliate

Tuesday 8th October
Steve Boyd, Philosopher & Alan Turvey, Hypnotherapist
Within: Our higher self is within us, everything is possible if we listen to “source” to guide us.  Have faith, we can be healed. Stories: Crafting meaningful & personal journey narratives to help ourselves & others navigate the unconscious oceans.

Tuesday 12th November
Stephen McDonald, National President of The Theosophical Society
Unveiling the Mystery
Jiddu Krishnamurti remains the most paradoxical religious figures of the 20th Century.  This talk explores aspects of his inner life.

Tuesday 10th December
AGM and discussion. AGM & End of Year celebrations
Also, planning for 2025 talks — topics wish list.

Information:  Pamela: 0415 288 873      Email:
Secretary/Treasurer:  Roni: (02) 4358 1413

Please Note: Most meetings will also be on Zoom - registration for online meetings: click this link

The Three Objects of The Theosophical Society:

  1. To form a nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of Humanity, without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste or colour.
  2. To encourage the study of comparative religion, philosophy and science.
  3. To investigate the unexplained laws of nature and the powers latent in the human being.


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