Booklets & Leaflets - A selection of basic principles found in the literature of Theosophy
For real Theosophy IS ALTRUISM
If Theosophy prevailing in the struggle, its all-embracing philosophy strikes deep root into the minds and hearts of humanity, if its doctrines of ...
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Booklets & Leaflets
Leaflets & Booklets - A selection of basic principles found in the literature of Theosophy (26 items in collection)
Members & Membership
Info for joining, rejoining and participating in the TS, and our Constitution & Policies (5 items in collection)

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Simon O'Rourke 2024 bio
National Education Co-ordinator Theosophical Society in Australia

What is Theosophy
Theosophy, Divine Wisdom or Wisdom of the Gods

Esoteric Tenets - the Human Constitution
An in depth study of the seven principles of the human being
Certified Groups
Meeting around Australia (7 items in collection)

Education and Retreat Centre
Springbrook, Queensland