The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.

Theosophical History

review - The Chalchiuhite Dragon: A Tale of Toltec Times by Kenneth MorrisRobert Boydy1993v4-Apr-Julp230
Editor's CommentsJames Santucciy1993v4-Octoberp233
Ltte - (GRS Mead & the Pistis Sophia)Ted G Davyy1993v4-Octoberp238
Ltte - (AB & CWL's private scheme of theosophy)Geoffrey Farthingy1993v4-Octoberp238
Ltte - (Joscelyn Godwin & HPB)W Dallas TenBroecky1993v4-Octoberp239
Ltte - (a reply to W Dallas TenBroeck)Joscelyn Godwiny1993v4-Octoberp245
Theosophy at the Chicago Parliament of the World's ReligionsMichael Gomesy1993v4-Octoberp246
Progress on the Blavatsky Letters & Other Matters or Why I am Not Replying to CorrespondenceJohn Coopery1993v4-Octoberp249
Scholarly Research - assistance sought on Pt LomaMichael Ashcrafty1993v4-Octoberp250
Scholarly Research - assistance sought on Oskar Adler (1874-1955)Raymond Heady1993v4-Octoberp250
The Occult in Modern Russian & Soviet Culture: An Historical PerspectiveBerenice Glatzer Rosenthaly1993v4-Octoberp252
Secret Messages from Colonel OlcottPaul Johnsony1993v4-Octoberp260
review - HPB: The Extraordinary Life & Influence of Helena Blavatsky, Founder ... by Sylvia CranstonRobert Boydy1993v4-Octoberp264
bn - Witness for the Prosecution: Annie Besant's Testimony ... the NY Sun/Coues Law Case by Michael GomesJohn Patrick Deveneyy1994v5-Januaryp1
bn - The Eliade Guide to World Religion by Mircea Eliade & Ioan P CoulianoBenjamin J Hubbardy1994v5-Januaryp4
Colonel Olcott Meets the Brothers: An Unpublished LetterJoscelyn Godwiny1994v5-Januaryp5
A Short Introduction to Julius EvolaHT Hansen (tr EE Rehmus)y1994v5-Januaryp11
Veritas Mystica Maxima (OTO 3)Peter-Robert Königy1994v5-Januaryp23
Veritas Mystica Maxima (OTO 3)Peter-Robert Konigy1994v5-Januaryp23
review - Annie Besant: A Biography by Anne TaylorAlbert R Vogelery1994v5-Januaryp30
Editor's CommentsJames Santucciy1994v5-Aprilp35
review - The Transcendental Universe: 6 Lectures On Occult Science, Theosophy, & Catholic ... by CG HarrisonJohn Patrick Deveneyy1994v5-Aprilp40
bn - Skoob Occult Review, a journalRobert Boydy1994v5-Aprilp42
bn - Aleister Crowley & the Hidden God by Kenneth GrantRobert Boydy1994v5-Aprilp42
Scholarly Research - assistance sought on Brother XII (Edward Arthur Wilson)John Oliphanty1994v5-Aprilp43
Scholarly Research - assistance sought on The Temple of the Motherhood of GodKevin Tingayy1994v5-Aprilp43
Scholarly Research - assistance sought on Pt LomaBruce Coughrany1994v5-Aprilp43
The Scope of Theosophical HistoryJohn Coopery1994v5-Aprilp45
Theosophists & Others in FictionJohn Coopery1994v5-Aprilp46
The Letters of HP Blavatsky to WQ Judge: (1) Letter dated 1 May 1885Michael Gomesy1994v5-Aprilp48
review - Science, Meaning & Evolution: The Cosmology of Jacob Boehme by Basarab NicolescuKaren-Claire Vossy1994v5-Aprilp59
review - Islands of the Dawn: The Story of Alternative Spirituality in New Zealand by Robert S EllwoodJill Roey1994v5-Aprilp70
Editor's CommentsJames Santucciy1994v5-Julyp75
Scholarly Research - assistance sought on electricityShinichi Yoshinagay1994v5-Julyp78
Scholarly Research - assistance sought on KrishnamurtiGiovert Schullery1994v5-Julyp78
Beyond DiversityRobert B McLareny1994v5-Julyp79
note from John CooperJohn Coopery1994v5-Julyp80
note on The Dream of Ravan & the JnanesvariJohn Coopery1994v5-Julyp81
A note of The Dream of Ravan: It is a Portion of the Jnanesvari?Jean-Louis Siémonsy1994v5-Julyp81
A note of The Dream of Ravan: It is a Portion of the Jnanesvari?Jean-Louis Siemonsy1994v5-Julyp81
The Letters of HP Blavatsky to WQ Judge (2) Letter dated 3 Nov 1886Michael Gomesy1994v5-Julyp86
Wanda Dynowska-Umadevi: A Biographical EssayKazimierz Tokarski (tr Anna Sowinska)y1994v5-Julyp89
review - Mircea Eliade: The Romanian Roots, 1907-1945 by Mac Linscott Ricketts ("antitheosophist")Robert Ellwoody1994v5-Julyp106
review - Theosophy in the Nineteenth Century: An Annotated Bibliography by Michael GomesJames Santucciy1994v5-Julyp111
Editor's CommentsJames Santucciy1994v5-Octoberp115
bn - The Buddhist & the Theosophical Movements: 1873-1992 by CV AgarwalJames Santucciy1994v5-Octoberp118
bn - Buddhist Themes in Modern Literature ed by Shu Hikosaka & G John SamuelJames Santucciy1994v5-Octoberp120
bn - Yesterday's Children by Jenny CockellJean Overton Fullery1994v5-Octoberp121
Ltte - (corrections)Michael Gomesy1994v5-Octoberp123
Ltte - (HPB & WQJ)Doss McDavidy1994v5-Octoberp123
Showing 301 to 350 of 968 entries