The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.

Theosophical History

The Letters of HP Blavatsky to WQ Judge (14a) Letter dated Aug 9, 1890 (from Bertram Keightley)Michael Gomesy1996v6-Julyp92
review - an Electronic Index to The Theosophist (& other journals founded by HPB) by G. Oakley (Jan 12 1996)John Patrick Deveneyy1996v6-Julyp94
Henry Steel Olcott, Anagarika Dharmapala & the Maha Bodhi SocietyStephen Protheroy1996v6-Julyp96
Julius Evola & the Independent Theosophical Association of RomeMarco Rossi (tr EE Rehmus)y1996v6-Julyp107
review - Initiates of Theosophic Masters by K Paul JohnsonMichael Ashcrafty1996v6-Julyp115
review - Mario Roso de Luna by Esteban CortijoRobert Boydy1996v6-Julyp119
Editor's Comments in this issueanony1996v6-Octoberp125
Theosophical History Centre Publicationsanony1996v6-Octoberp127
The Letters of HP Blavatsky to WQ Judge (15) Letter dated Nov 19, 1890Michael Gomesy1996v6-Octoberp129
Response to Jerry Hejka-Ekins' review of Psychic Initiation: Secrets of 777Mark MacDougally1996v6-Octoberp132
reply to Mark MacDougallJerry Hejka-Ekinsy1996v6-Octoberp136
from the Internet (via Lowell Dyson)Robert Mathieseny1996v6-Octoberp138
A Communication (Olcott & HPB)Jean Overton Fullery1996v6-Octoberp138
William Q JudgeFranz Hartmann (tr Robert Hütwohl)y1996v6-Octoberp140
William Q JudgeFranz Hartmann (tr Robert Hutwohl)y1996v6-Octoberp140
Mrs May Banks StaceyDavid T Rocksy1996v6-Octoberp144
review - The White Buddhist: The Asian Odyssey of Henry Steel Olcott by Stephen Prothero BloomingtonAnanda WP Gurugey1996v6-Octoberp151
review - Modern Esoteric Spirituality ed by Antoine Faivre & Jacob NeedlemanJames Burnell Robinsony1996v6-Octoberp153
Editor's CommentsJames A. Santucciy1997v6i5Januaryp159
Statement of Ownership, Management & CirculationJames A. Santucciy1997v6i5Januaryp163
The Letters of HP Blavatsky to WQ Judge - Letter to HP Blavatsky, May 16, 1885 (Notes by Michael Gomes)William Quan Judgey1997v6i5Januaryp164
review (in French) - La Symbolique des Nombres by Jean-Pierre BrachJean-Pierre Lauranty1997v6i5Januaryp167
review - The Millenium Myth: Love & Death at the End of Time by Michael GrossoRobert S Ellwoody1997v6i5Januaryp168
review - Buddhism in Russia - The Story of Agvan Dorzhiev, Lhasa's Emissary to the Tsars by John SnellingJames Burnell Robinsony1997v6i5Januaryp170
review - Intuitive Thinking as a Spiritual Path: A Philosophy of Freedom by Rudolf SteinerJane Hipolitoy1997v6i5Januaryp171
Witchcraft, Evil, & Memnoch the Devil - Esoteric & Theosophical Themes in Anne Rice's New Orleans FictionMassimo Introvigney1997v6i5Januaryp173
review - The Speech of the Grail: A Journey toward speaking that Heals & Transforms by Linda SussmanJohn Oliphanty1997v6i5Januaryp180
review - The Esoteric Scene: Cultic Milieu, & Occult Tarot by Danny L JorgensenRobert Boydy1997v6i5Januaryp181
Editor's CommentsJames A. Santucciy1997v6i6Aprilp187
The Theosophists & the Fairies - A Footnote to the Story of the Cottingley FairiesLeslie Shepardy1997v6i6Aprilp194
"Fairies" or "There is no Religion Higher Than Truth"Jean Overton Fullery1997v6i6Aprilp198
KH & Peter DavidsonJoscelyn Godwiny1997v6i6Aprilp202
Introduction & Notes (to the two Lampsakanism articles that follow)James A. Santucciy1997v6i6Aprilp203
Lampsakanism: How it happened that the Theosophists were sold (April 1877)A Reforming Lampsakany1997v6i6Aprilp207
The Illuminated Lampsakenoi: A Conference with the Grand Kopht concerning Theosophistsanony1997v6i6Aprilp209
H Spencer Lewis: A Bibliographical SurveyDavid T Rocksy1997v6i6Aprilp215
H Spencer Lewis BibliographyDavid T Rocksy1997v6i6Aprilp219
review - Madame Blavatsky's Baboon:A History of the Mystics, Mediums, & Misfits ... by Peter WashingtonRobert Boydy1997v6i6Aprilp224
review - Sites of Memory, Sites of Mourning: The Great War in European Cultural History by Jay WinterRobert Ellwoody1997v6i6Aprilp228
Editor's CommentsJames A. Santucciy1997v6i7Julyp231
illustration - Spalding House: With the Glass Dome (c 1984)anony1997v6i7Julyp236
illustration - Spalding House: Without the Glass Dome (c 1981)anony1997v6i7Julyp236
Getting on the Ball: Replicating the Glass Sphere on Spalding HouseRichard Robb (notes by James A. Santucci)y1997v6i7Julyp237
illustration - Spalding House (c 1915)anony1997v6i7Julyp240
illustration - The Academy, Temple, Spalding House (c 1920)anony1997v6i7Julyp240
Byzantine TheosophyLeslie Pricey1997v6i7Julyp242
George Henry Felt: The Life UnknownJames Santucciy1997v6i7Julyp243
illustration - patent - GH Felt - Signal Rocket - patented August 25 1863anony1997v6i7Julyp249
illustration - patent - GH Felt - Blasting Plug patented February 27, 1866anony1997v6i7Julyp253
review - Land of Desire: Merchants, Power, & the Rise of a New American Culture by William LeachJames Biggsy1997v6i7Julyp262
Showing 451 to 500 of 968 entries