The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.

Theosophical History

Theosophical Influence in Baha'i HistoryPaul Johnsony1992v4-Januaryp24
The Loss of Rudolf SteinerLeslie Pricey1992v4-Januaryp30
Editor's Comments: Theosophical History, An Independent Journal of ResearchJames Santucciy1992v4-Aprilp33
bn - Thesaurus Linguae Graecae Canon of Greek Authors & Works by Luci Berkowitz & Karl A. SquitierJames Santucciy1992v4-Aprilp37
The Destiny of Russian Theosophists in the Beginning of the 20th-CAndrey V Gnezdilovy1992v4-Aprilp39
Marx & Engels on Spiritualism & TheosophyHerman de Tollenaerey1992v4-Aprilp45
Four Madame Blavatskys?Leslie Pricey1992v4-Aprilp49
The Mead SymposiumJoscelyn Godwiny1992v4-Aprilp50
Mme Blavatsky Again. ... the Buddhist Faith & its Miracles (rprnt New York World April 2 1877)anony1992v4-Aprilp51
review - Brother XII: The Incredible Story of Canada's False Prophet by John OliphantJames Santucciy1992v4-Aprilp56
Editor's Comments - Theosophical History: Occasional PapersJames Santucciy1992v4-Julyp61
bn - Manimekhalai (The Dancer with the Magic Bowl) by Merchant-Prince ShattanGlenn Yocumy1992v4-Julyp66
bn - HPB Teaches: An Anthology by Michael GomesJames Santucciy1992v4-Julyp66
bn - (various Sanskrit language workbooks for students learning the language)James Santucciy1992v4-Julyp67
Ltte - (scope of Theosophical History)John Coopery1992v4-Julyp68
Ltte - (astrology)Jutta K Lehmanny1992v4-Julyp68
Conference Updates from EuropeKaren Vossy1992v4-Julyp70
International Theosophical History ConferencePaul Johnsony1992v4-Julyp73
review - Encounter with Unfamiliar States: A Review of Five Books by Kenneth GrantGregory Tilletty1992v4-Julyp77
Theosophy & Education: From Spiritualism to TheosophyMax Lawsony1992v4-Julyp85
The OTO Phenomenon (OTO 1)Peter-Robert Königy1992v4-Julyp92
The OTO Phenomenon (OTO 1)Peter-Robert Konigy1992v4-Julyp92
review - Il Cappello del Mago: I Nuovi Movimenti Magici dallo Spiritismo al Satanismo by Massimo IntrovigneJoscelyn Godwiny1992v4-Julyp99
review - Le Nuove Religioni by Massimo IntrovigneJoscelyn Godwiny1992v4-Julyp99
Editor's CommentsJames Santucciy1992v4-Oct-Janp102
review - Arktos: The Polar Myth in Science, Symbolism & Nazi Survival by Joscelyn GodwinPaul Johnsony1992v4-Oct-Janp105
review - Ignis: Rivista de studi iniziatici by Roberto SestitoMassimo Introvigney1992v4-Oct-Janp106
review - Astadhyayi of Panini tr by Sumitra M KatreJames Santucciy1992v4-Oct-Janp106
review - Mathura: The Cultural Heritage ed by Doris Meth SrinivasanJames Santucciy1992v4-Oct-Janp108
From the Archives (16 letters from HP Blavatsky to WQ Judge)Michael Gomesy1992v4-Oct-Janp109
Report on the 8th Annual Conference of Politica Hermetica held at the SorbonneDaniel Caracosteay1992v4-Oct-Janp111
The Haunting of E Gerry Brown: A Contemporary DocumentJoscelyn Godwiny1992v4-Oct-Janp115
Theosophy & Nationalism: A DialogueJames Biggsy1992v4-Oct-Janp121
Mead's Gnosis: A Theosophical Exegesis of an Ancient HeresyClare Goodrick-Clarkey1992v4-Oct-Janp134
An Experimental Theosophical Community in Italy: The Green VillageIsotta Poggiy1992v4-Oct-Janp149
review - Inventing the Middle Ages: The ... Great Medievalists of the 20th-C by Norman F CantorRobert Boydy1992v4-Oct-Janp155
review - Helena P Blavatsky ou la Reponse du Sphinx by Noel Richard-NafarrePaul Johnsony1992v4-Oct-Janp158
Editor's CommentsJames Santucciy1993v4-Apr-Julp161
review - Autobiographies by Kathleen RaineRobert Ellwoody1993v4-Apr-Julp165
review - Buddha in the Crown - Avalokitesvara in the Buddhist traditions of Sri Lanka by John Clifford HoltJames Santucciy1993v4-Apr-Julp166
An Announcement from Leslie PriceLeslie Pricey1993v4-Apr-Julp168
A Reply to Mr Paul Johnson's review of N Richard-Nafarre's Helena Blavatsky ou la Reponse du SphinxNoel Richard-Nafarrey1993v4-Apr-Julp168
Response to Noel Richard-NafarrePaul Johnsony1993v4-Apr-Julp171
HP Blavatsky writes to "MA, Oxon", An Unpublished LetterJoscelyn Godwiny1993v4-Apr-Julp172
The Esoteric School within the Hargrove Theosophical SocietyJohn Coopery1993v4-Apr-Julp178
Theodor Reuss as Founder of Esoteric Orders (OTO 2)Peter-Robert Konigy1993v4-Apr-Julp187
Theodor Reuss as Founder of Esoteric Orders (OTO 2)Peter-Robert Königy1993v4-Apr-Julp187
The Teachings of Brother XIIJohn Oliphanty1993v4-Apr-Julp194
review - HPB: The Extraordinary Life & Influence of Helena Blavatsky, Founder ... by Sylvia CranstonJean Overton Fullery1993v4-Apr-Julp220
review - HPB: The Extraordinary Life & Influence of Helena Blavatsky, Founder ... by Sylvia CranstonJohn Algeoy1993v4-Apr-Julp223
Showing 251 to 300 of 968 entries