The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.

The Coming Of Alcyone To Adyar

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The Coming Of Alcyone To Adyar *

Rt. Rev. C. W. Leadbeater

Compiled and edited by C. Jinarājadāsa

[*  Alcyone was the pseudonym of J. Krishnamurti—ed.]
Published in The Theosophist 1932
June  p 238-245;  July  p 365-373;  September  p 736-742;  
October  p 38-43;  November  p 157-161

EVENTS have moved fast since J. Krishnamurti came to Adyar in 1909. And because of that very speed, I think it as well that some of us should go back a bit to see how it all began. I publish therefore extracts from letters of C. W. Leadbeater from Adyar to his colleague, our President [ed—Dr Besant], then in U.S.A. and Europe, written at the time. Some of the originals are here, at Adyar. The text of the others is from the Privy Council record of the case G. Narayaniah versus Mrs. Annie Besant. (These letters were among the papers which Dr. Besant handed to Mr. Νarayaniah's lawyer before the case began to get at all the facts for himself.) I have, necessarily, to omit bits here and there from the letters, as not dealing with matters touching upon the welfare of Alcyone [ed—J. Krishnamurti]. All the footnotes are mine.I omit in each letter the beginning, "My dear Annie," and the ending, which is "With very much love, I am ever Yours most affectionately, C. W. Leadbeater, or "I am ever yours most affectionately, C. W. Leadbeater."Since the linking of Alcyone to the Larger Consciousness, many changes have taken place which seem to some to indicate that there has been a violent wrenching of the present from the past. The present may put forth shoots and branches not clearly seen in the past, but the two—the past and the present--are inseparably linked, and more than that, each is but as the warp and the woof upon which the design of the future is slowly being woven.



September 2nd, 1909

. . . There is something which I should like very much to suggest about the arrangements here, if you will not think that I am exceeding my duty in mentioning it. I called on Naraniah, [1] the quiet assistant-secretary of the E.S., the other day on business, and was really shocked to see with what serious inconveniences he is silently putting up. He has a family of boys, you know—very nice quiet fellows, but at present no female relation, though he tells me that some time ago he had a sister staying with him. But the overcrowding in that tiny place is far from sanitary, and indeed I feel sure that if you had seen it as I did you would have instantly given orders for some change. There is no water-closet of any sort, and a pariah village crowding the house closely at the back. The man bears it uncomplainingly enough, though he says he does not know how he has managed to get along. He has asked——again and again to build him a water-closet, but you know how nothing is ever done here! That is not what is wanted, however, but a much larger house with some conveniences, for really he is one of our best and most reliable workers, and I do not like to see him in this condition of discomfort. Now that house built by Judge Srinivasa Rao is lying empty, and there is the old printing-press room where Ilynski was housed close beside it; if those two places could be placed at his disposal he would be comfortable, I feel sure; could not that be done? Of course I have not said a word to Naraniah or any one here, as they would think I was interfering; but could not you send orders . . . that this move should be effected—simply order it without saying that I suggested it . . .

Naraniah's children are very well behaved, and would cause us no trouble; van Manen [2] and I have taught some of them to swim, and have also helped the elder with English composition and reading, so we have come to know a little of them. Also (but this is not generally known) I have used one

[1] Jiddu Νarayaniah—sometimes shortened to Naraniah—the father of J. Krishnamurti.
[2] Johan van Manen of the Adyar Library.

as a case to investigate for past lives, and have found him to have a past of very great importance, indicating far greater advancement than his father, or indeed than any of the people at present at Headquarters—a better set of lives even than Hubert’s [1] though I think not so sensational. I am sure that he is not in this compound by accident, but for the sake of its influences; I should not be at all surprised to find that the father had been brought here chiefly on account of that boy; and that was another reason why I was shocked to see the family so vilely housed, for it seems to me that if we are to have the karma of assisting even indirectly at the bringing-up of one whom the Master has used in the past and is waiting to use again, we may as well at least give him the chance to grow up decently! I feel quite sure that you have not looked into the case, or you would at once have done something; and with a house standing empty it seems unnecessary that any one should suffer. I should have known nothing about it if I had not "happened" to call, and caught sight of certain things. Your road is progressing, but not very rapidly; the Dharmasala is entirely at a standstill, but the well is almost finished, though there has been trouble with it, for one side collapsed and had to be strengthened. No more trees have been cut down, I am thankful to say, and on the whole the place looks very nice. One of the trees planted in the place which [Gagarin] so cruelly spoiled is growing well, but I fear it will take years to repair the mischief done.

The upper part of the Press-building is of course not nearly finished yet, but work seems to be going on there occasionally. You are often here, but I do not know how far you remember these detail           s, so I am repeating them on the physical plane. I showed you, for example, the lives Naraniah’s boy, and you were keenly interested; I wonder if you have brought any of it through . . .

[1] Hubert Van Hook.


September 28th, 1909

. . . The set of lives upon which I have been engaged [1] proves of quite enthralling interest, and of the greatest importance. The latest ten of the series are now complete, and I will send you a copy of them by the next mail. I know that you can have very little time for reading, but at least perhaps on some of your journeys you might glance through this, and if it is at all possible I should be especially glad if you would do so, for I want you to know of them and of all they involve before you arrive on the scenes here. Please bring the copies safely back to me again, as the only thing that I have left to work with is a very weak carbon, and I need them constantly for reference. I am at present at work on the previous ten, and I hope by degrees to continue them back quite a long way and to find out how this curious intensifying type came from the Moon Chain, and if possible why it differs from the rest. You ought to know something about all that, since you seem to be distinctly a member of that class, for you show all their characteristics of the shorter but more intense period in the heaven-world, and the irresistible tendency to incarnate in India on every possible occasion. Also in this particular line of lives with which I commenced the investigation of that group, I find self-sacrifice as a very prominent characteristic; life after life it seems to be the method by which the hero learns—and that also has been one of your characteristics.

[1] The lives of Alcyone. C. W. L. began his investigations backwards, i.e., starting back into the past from the present life to the previous one, and so on in succession.


October 6th, 1909

. . . I had better commence with the lives of Orion, as that makes a very good coherent series, though I must say that it is hardly a fair sample, because of its sensational character. They are a great contrast to the lives of Alcyone, the last ten of which I am sending you by this post. Please either return them to me or bring them back with you, as I have only an inefficient carbon copy. Ι think it is quite as remarkable as that of Orion, but in a totally different way. Orion's lives were full of stirring adventure, and crushing karma immediately followed upon any mistake made, the hero learning chiefly by these strong impacts. Alcyone on the contrary, lives much more quietly, and is trained chiefly by curiously persistent self-sacrifice, always having to yield in each life that to which he is most strongly attached. Wadia wishes rather to begin with the President-Founder, but I hardly think that that is desirable, first because most people will at once recognise the lives, and secondly because we are very far from having a complete set of them—in fact, we have only two or three scrappy ones with large gaps between them.

I have sent the Alcyone lives in a registered packet by "commercial papers" post. None of the real names of the parties concerned appear in the lives, with the exception of the Lord Buddha, Zarathustra, King Harsha, and one or two public characters of that sort, and also the Master D. K. I enclose herewith a private list, giving a key to the meaning of the star names. Many of these characters occur also in the lives of Orion, and Ι have used the same star-names for them in this set as in that. The scheme was to employ the names of planets for Those who are now Masters, the only exceptions being that the names of Vulcan and Venus were given to Madame Blavatsky and Col. Olcott respectively. [1] The names of fixed stars or constellations, and Greek heroes, indifferently, were given to those other characters whom we know to be in incarnation at the present time; the names of

[1] These were later changed to Vajra and Ulysses, and Vulcan and Venus used for two Adepts.

Greek letters were given to some people who recurred frequently in the lives, and took parts of some prominence, but are not known to us in the present incarnation. [1] In one or two cases people who were at first unrecognised have since been identified; Alpha, for example, appears to be Alexander Fullerton. [2]

I am at present, when I can find time for it, at work upon a previous set of ten lives, which led up to and immediately preceded the ten which I send you. So far I have done four of that earlier ten, and find that in each of them the influence of the Master K. Η. is a dominant factor. The close connection of Alcyone with that Master, and with the Master D. K., is one of the many remarkable features of this set of lives. The set is indeed unusual and it seems to me that it throws considerable responsibility and a duty upon us, which I am already beginning in a small way to try to discharge by teaching and helping.

The watch-tower [President’s column in The Theosophist] is very interesting. I have always thought that Point Loma would eventually come into our hands, though I don't think that the Community [3] will be exactly there; it gives me rather the impression of being further down in the actual peninsula of lower California, which now belongs to Mexico . . .

Alcyone is at present a boy of 13 1/2, named Krishnamurti, the son of your E. S. Assistant Secretary Naraniah. His present father appears in the lives sometimes, and is called Antares; his younger brother Mizar is important, and his dead mother (Omega) and his elder brother Regulus also appear, but not prominently. With the assistance of Mr. Clarke [4] I am trying to teach him to speak English, and hope to have made some progress by the time you come.

[1] As these were identified, one by one other names were given to them.
[2] Alpha was later changed to Alastor.
[3] The Sixth Root Race.
[4] R. Balfour-Clarke.


October 14th, 1909

. . . Ruspoli [1] seems very glad to be here, and is anxious to have regular work found for him. There will be a good many people to find work for in a few weeks. There is an immense amount to do, and one would be very glad of help, but it is rare to find a man who can do exactly what is wanted. I have tried various people at proof-correcting, but still I find that I also must go over everything to make sure! Wood [2] has been very useful to me with his shorthand, and Ruspoli and Clarke are both learning it, to be able to take his place when you want him elsewhere. Clarke is at present superintending the insertion of a window in Mrs. Russak's [3] bathroom, and I am also employing him as much as possible to teach Alcyone English. Naraniah has had a providential difference of opinion with his schoolmaster, [4] who seems to have been utterly inefficient, so the two boys in whom He [5] is most interested (Alcyone and Mizar) are at present at home, and I am utilising the opportunity to have them taught as much English as possible, taking them myself when I can spare the time, and getting Clarke, Wood, Subramania [6] and others to assist. I hope to have made considerable progress before your return, so that they may be able to talk intelligently to you. I am endeavouring to steer a rather cautious course; of course I must carry out the instructions given to me, but after all that has happened

[1] Don Fabrizio Ruspoli.
[2] Ernest Wood.
[3] Mrs. Marie Russak Hotchener.
[4] The two brothers attended the P. Subramania High School, then at the corner of Mylapore Tank; but one of the teachers beat Alcyone, and so the boys were removed from the school and kept at home.
[5] The Master, who had taken Alcyone and his brother Mizar as pupils on Probation on August 1, 1909.
[6] S. V. Subramania Iyer, who later was a supporter of Mr. Narayaniah in the Narayaniah v. Besant case.

within the last three years, I must not take too prominent an interest in boys of 13! When you are here I shall be bolder, and can do more of what He wishes. I think that when Mrs. Van Hook comes she will also be useful, as she will be teaching Hubert, and perhaps these other boys can join in occasionally . . .

. . . I send you herewith another ten of the lives of Alcyone, in the hope that you will make time to read them on the steamer, for I feel that it is important that you should see them before you arrive, so that you may know exactly how matters stand . . .


October 27th, 1909

. . . Of course you saw a good deal of the Community pictures, but I sent the full account, because I was not sure how much you would remember physically. I am very glad you wrote about Naraniah's house; he is to move in to the Judge's cottage as soon as it can be cleaned and repaired. Subbiah asks me what may be done to it, and I have replied: "Anything that is necessary to make it habitable and convenient," You need never think for a moment that I do not trust you; of course I do, because I can see. When I said that I shrank from interfering, I meant that this sort of thing is in Subbiah's department, and that the suggestion ought really to have come from him

. . .

I think the right thing has been done now, and I hope everything will settle down satisfactorily. When you receive this you will already be well on the way hither; you can hardly imagine how delighted we shall all be to see you. According to your telegrams we shall hold the lives until you come, and shall not publish anything about the International people.

(To be continued)

(Continued from p. 245)


November 4th, 1909

SEND you herewith another ten lives of Alcyone, in the hope that you will make time to read them on the steamer, for I feel that it is important that you should see them before you arrive, so that you may know exactly how matters stand.


November 11th, 1909

. . . I sent you to Port Said another batch of the Alcyone incarnations, preceding the previous set, so that you have now twenty successive lives, and I think you will agree that they are transcendently interesting. I had wondered how I should manage about Alcyone and Mizar when you returned, and I had to be in your room all day, and consequently could not give the time to teaching them English which I give now; but that problem is solved, for Mrs. Van Hook has taken a great liking to them and is delighted to teach them along with Hubert. She had felt, it appears, that he would lack the companionship of boys of his own age, and had been a little troubled about it, so she considers their presence as a special dispensation of providence, and takes them straight into her heart—which is ideal for all parties, and will save us much trouble. It is very pleasant for us all to reconstitute the old Weisser Hirsch party of Mrs. Russak, the Van Hooks and Wedgwood and van Manen, with these two Indian boys and Clarke thrown in. It needs only you and Basil and Raja to make it quite complete; Basil we cannot have as yet, but you will be here in three weeks, at which we shall all rejoice hugely . . .

The December THEOSOPHIST is rather overcrowded. We have been obliged to omit altogether Madame Blavatsky's "Hill Tribes" because of the amount of Watch-Tower, and we must also leave out the section called "Our Contemporaries," and I have had to shorten my "Community" article and cut the Twilight in half—which last I regret, for it contained some pretty Invisible Helper stories about work done by my new boy pupil Alcyone, though of course I did not mention that it was Alcyone. However, I have got the most interesting in, and am holding over another for next time. They are quite fit to add to the next edition of the book. Alcyone himself remembers frequently fragments of his nightly adventures, and brings back memories of some of the Masters very clearly, distinguishing Them instantly One from Another. Several of Them have spoken very kindly to him . . .


November 23rd, 1909

. . . I rejoice greatly at your approach, and I hope you have decided to come straight through from Bombay, now that the troubles there are settled. As to lives, if we do not take ——'s [1] I should suggest beginning with Orion's; but here will still be time to talk over this when you come. We called you Heracles because of the many labours through which you have passed. Alcyone and Mizar are already learning with Hubert, and have taken to him, to Mrs. Van Hook and Mrs. Russak in the most remarkable manner; in fact we are already all one family, as though we had been together for years . . .

Everything here is behind, and frantic efforts are being made to overtake what ought to have been done months ago. The road is not yet finished, nothing has been done to prepare Naraniah's house for him, and consequently he has not moved in, in spite of your definite order to that effect. Miss Fuller's room is unfinished, and the Dharmasala has advanced no further than it had four months ago. I am hoping that you will see your way to put capable people in charge of things, because as matters are now, much of Their money is wasted, and Their work is not done, and that makes one rather sad. I have already done three lives of the C [2] set, and find them fully up to the others in interest. I shall have them ready to show you when you arrive.


(The President arrived at Adyar on November 27th. Her arrival is described by Krishnaji [ed—Krishnamurti] as follows.)

As the time passed we all began to grow very anxious [about] the arrival of my dearest Mother, Mrs. Besant. I remember once having just caught a glimpse of her shortly before her departure for Europe early in the year. We had already been settled in Adyar near the Vasanta Press, as I have mentioned before, and one day as I was wandering about I saw a little procession of people coming to the Press. As I was very shy I hid behind some bushes, and I saw at the head an elderly lady with white hair.  She was in Indian dress

[1] The Lives of Erato—the first series done in 1896.
[2] The last ten lives were enumerated as set A, as they were the first recorded, the ten earlier were called set B; set C is the set of ten earlier still.

But obviously an European. I did not know at the time who she was, but I felt much drawn to her, which was rather strange since she was a foreigner. I supposed I must have inwardly identified her with the picture which had been in my mother’s room, but this did not come to my mind at the time for my feelings were mainly occupied with the fact that I was by myself and face to face with a bigger crowd of Europeans than I had ever seen before.

Mrs. Besant was to arrive on the morning of the 27th of November, and a party of us—including Mr. Leadbeater, my father, the Van Hooks, Mrs. Russak, the Kirbys and the Ruspolis—went down to the Madras Central railway station about eleven o’clock. There was a large gathering of Theosophists at the station, several of whom had garlands in their hands. I remember Mr. V. C. Seshachary giving me a garland of roses to throw over her. The sun was very hot, and we had to wait a very long time because while the first telegram which we received at Adyar informed us that she would arrive about mid-day, a second telegram to the station-master reported an accident to the train in which she was travelling. Some of us were bare-footed and that part of the platform unprotected by the roof became very hot, especially as it was paved with slabs of stone. My feet grew so uncomfortable that, after dancing about for some time, I took refuge on Don Fabrizio Ruspoli's feet. In order to pass the time till four o'clock, at which hour she was expected, we took a long drive round Madras.

At last she arrived and everybody pressed towards the railway carriage from which she stepped down. There was such a rush that I could hardly see anything of her at all and was only just able to get near enough to her to throw the garland over her and salute her in our Indian way. Then other people came up, and I doubt [if] she noticed me at all. Finally Mrs. Besant and Mr. Leadbeater went off in the motor car while Don Fabrizio Ruspoli, Mr. Clarke, Nitya and myself followed them in Sir Subramaniam's carriage. After reaching Adyar we went back to Mr. Leadbeater's bungalow and waited there a long time while he was talking with Mrs. Besant in the main building.

At last we heard the peculiar coo-ee by which Mr. Leadbeater often called us. He was standing on the Shrine Room verandah which looks down upon his bungalow, and he told my brother and myself that Mrs. Besant wished to see us. We both felt very nervous as we went upstairs for although we were very eager to meet her, we had heard how great she was. Mr. Leadbeater went into her room with us, and we found her standing in the middle of the room. Mr. Leadbeater said: “Here is Krishna with his brother.” As is the custom with us towards those for whom we have great reverence, we both prostrated ourselves at her feet. She lifted us up and embraced us. I do not remember what she said to us, as I was still very nervous, although full of a great happiness. We did not stop very long as there was to be a meeting of T. S. members as usual in the big drawing room on the same floor. As we were going in we met my father and Mrs. Besant said to him: "I suppose this will be the first of these private T. S. meetings that your sons have attended. Ι hope you approve of their coming.” He replied that he was very glad. I sat at her feet facing the people who were gathered there, and I was very nervous.

From this time forward we went to see her regularly every day, until she went up to Benares for the annual convention of the Theosophical Society. About this time we were given bicycles and went out every morning for about an hour's ride. We were quite a little party of cyclists. Don Fabrizio and Mr. Clarke always accompanied us and sometimes Hubert Van Hook and others came too. On the 5th of December, 1909 our mother—we always call Mrs. Besant “mother”—admitted my brother and myself to the Esoteric Section. I have forgotten to mention that in order that we might play tennis, an old tank just near Mr. Leadbeater's bungalow was filled up and made into an excellent tennis court. Every day we either went to the sea to swim or played tennis. It was very wonderful to see how well Mr. Leadbeater played in spite of his being over sixty years of age. I think he was more active than any of us, and played a very steady game.


(Soon after the arrival of the President, the two Masters Μ. and K. H. gave instructions as follows.)

The Master M. said:

A few serious words should be said to the father of their bodies; he means well, but he does not understand. Until now they haνe been his; he must recognise that during the last thirteen years he has had his opportunity of taking part in the great work of preparation, and that now they are no longer his, but the world's. He has not comprehended that as pupils of a Brother of the Great Lodge they have a code of rules more rigid than his own, and that in his ignorance of these he is constantly trying to force them to break them. Have it conveyed to him clearly and unmistakably that it is not for him to rebuke or interfere with them in the slightest degree, either with regard to food or to any other detail of life. They are not as other children, and they will themselves know what is best for them.

The Master K. H. said:

I shall impress directly upon them whatever is necessary, and what cannot be conveyed in that manner will be arranged by Annie and you, to whom my brother Morya and I have deputed this work. Into your hands we give them wholly, and the father must be willing to sacrifice his inappropriate ideas of parental authority. For the next few years we wish them kept entirely apart from other boys, and associated only with those who are directly under Theosophical influence, so that the old evil time may as far as possible be forgotten. I allow the mother's ceremony under the restrictions which I have before mentioned, and the recitation of the minimum of their daily practice; but no other ceremonies of any sort should be attempted. Also remember that there must be no repetitions.

I am satisfied with the love and devotion of the boys, and their term of probation will be shortened. I thank our American sisters for their kindness to my two Indian children, and my young friend Clarke for his devotion to them. I know the responsibility is great, but my help shall be with you, and for you also His Star will shine.

The Master Μ. added:

The less they see of their father for the next few years the better, for he personifies to them much which they must forget; but that is for your own guidance, and not a message to him.


December 15th, 1909

We miss you at every turn, and cannot yet adjust ourselves to our bereavement. [1] According to your instructions I held no meeting last night, but shall keep them on for the

[1] The President had left the day previous on her way to the Convention at Benares.

rest of this week. I spoke to Naraniah last night about the children sleeping in your room; his first idea was naturally postponement, as it always is here, and he said he might be able to arrange it after he returned from Benares. [1] I explained that I did not think that was at all what you meant, as you had wished to get them out of present conditions until their own room was ready, and suggested telegraphing to you for more precise instructions; but he said at once that he was quite prepared to take orders from me, and himself suggested consulting the boys as to their wish in the matter. Krishna was for once decided, and said: "We will sleep there tonight." Sο they did. They were not absolutely undisturbed for Krishna tells me that a woman in black walked up and down your writing-room all night wringing her hands . . .

K. also saw a bright steady light shining near the head of the bed all night which he associated with you, believing it to be your thought-form watching over him. They duly went in for their meditation this morning. They desire to send their love, and they are already beginning to count the days until your probable return. I have asked Mrs. Russak to look to whatever may be needed in your room in the way of cleaning and dusting, for it absolutely will not do to have the magnetism of such a depleting creature as [Mrs. L——] permeating the atmosphere where they sleep. While you were away before she used to sleep on your balcony, and she and the Countess [2] sometimes ate there, which horrified the Hindus, as they use eggs. I am requesting that the rooms and balcony should be kept strictly private for magnetic reasons and that no one but those directly connected with the Master should enter except when absolutely necessary for real business.

They held "psychic classe" up there before, you know, but I do not think it is desirable. I had quite a long talk with

[1] The Annual Convention of 1909 was held at Benares.
[2] Countess Olga Schack.

Naraniah last night, and told him as much as I thought safe, so that he seemed to feel much more reconciled to the course of affairs, and was very friendly.


December 18th, 1909

I do not know that there is much of importance to report to you, but no news is usually good news. It was indeed a grand inspiration on your part to arrange that the boys should sleep in your room, for it has even already saved them from what would have been a serious annoyance . . . [1]

All this has created a most undesirable atmosphere at and around Naraniah's house, and it would have been disastrous for the boys to have been exposed to it and compelled to sleep in it. Your foresight has saved them from that trouble. They look different creatures since they escaped from the vampirising of that very unpleasant aunt each night: they now sleep peacefully and seem really rested in the morning, which they never did before. If we could only get them away from having to eat what she cooks, I think we should have perfect health. I have asked the father to give them food at the Dharmasala, but he grumbles and postpones as usual, though he admits that the food at home is very bad and that he himself cannot eat it with any relish. But he has still the selfish point of view that if they eat there they may become estranged from him, and that to him is more important than their digestions, or magnetism, or anything else! Otherwise the boys have been going on very well, and growing more attractive than ever under the better conditions for sleeping. . . .

[P. S.]

Ι send you very much love,


[1] Here follows a paragraph detailing a domestic disturbance which took place between Mr. Naraniah and a relative.—C. J.


December 20th, 1909

Naraniah is leaving here to-day, so I suppose he will arrive along with this letter. He was friendly in taking leave of me—touched my feet and so on, so I hope he is all right. Unfortunately that wretched ceremony for his dead wife comes a month later this year, so he will be back for it, which is a nuisance. Please remind him firmly that they must be absent from here only between ten and eleven o'clock, and that their morning milk and other food must be sent here as usual and the midday meal at the Dharmasala immediately after. If he will follow exactly any instructions that I may have to give him with regard to the ceremony, he cannot go wrong . . .

Labberton [1] lent his bicycle to Mr. Clarke, so Krishna tried it and became enthusiastic over it, being able to ride it the first day. We are therefore going to buy one for him, and promise ourselves much healthy exercise in connection therewith. The boys are well and happy, and making first-rate progress. The quiet sleep in your room is having the most beneficial effect upon them.

[P. S.]

I send you much love.


[1] D. van Hinloopen Labberton.

(To be continued)


(Continued from p. 373)


December 22nd, 1909

I WAS very glad to have yours of the 18th, and to hear of your enthusiastic reception at Benares. If the Viceroy's visit is to be in January I suppose it will be fairly convenient for you, as your tour in the north will occupy you during the whole of that month; but we shall rejoice greatly to have you back here again.

I think Master's Indian children have known that they were much in your thoughts, for they have spoken constantly of you, and they often feel you near them. At night in your room they seem always to sense you very strongly, and Krishna . . . [1] sees you in the Shrine-room in the early morning. Everything goes excellently well with them, and I think it will not be long before the acceptance comes. [2] They have just been to Madras with . . . and . . .  to see about cycles, and have returned . . . K is already a good and fearless rider, after only three days’ practice, and I think it will be of benefit to him. This morning I heard from Clarke that the work on the boys’ room

[1] In this letter, the     gaps which appear are where the letter has been eaten through by certain insects which are the pests of the tropics.
[2] Both Alcyone and Mizar had been put upon Probation by the Master K. H. on August 1, 1909.

was stopped for want of money, and would not be resumed till after the New Year. I at once suggested telegraphing to you for further supplies, as neither Schwarz [1[ nor Aria [2] was here; but on this —— . . . said he could advance money from some source if I would agree to it. I did not see that my permission was necessary, but I readily gave it, and I believe Rs. 70 was accordingly provided. It seems to have been needed in order to release some iron girders for the roof. I should like to push on that work as rapidly as possible, so that they may have the new room ready to occupy before your return and may never have to enter the other ill-omened house again. They have not yet ceased to wonder at the peacefulness of your room, and the undisturbed sleep which they have there, and they have certainly looked far better and less fatigued in the mornings than they used to do, since they have been there. I have delivered your kind message to them, and they seem much touched by it, and by your remembrance of them. Naraniah's ill-conditioned [relative] reappeared this morning, and began to annoy his wife again, pestering her to come with him, which she emphatically refused to do. I told him as kindly as I could that as she did not wish to go he must let her alone, as I could not have this compound disturbed by brawls. He left, promising not to return, but I have no faith in him.

[P. S.]

I send you much love.


[1] A. Schwarz, the Treasurer.
[2] Jal R. Aria, the Recording Secretary.


December 24th, 1909

I am directed to see that the boys do not again enter their old house, and I fear I may have difficulty with that father, since his mind moves so very slowly. Can you impress it upon him? It is simple enough really; their room will be ready before your return, and until then they sleep in yours. Until the whole new house is ready (not only their room) let them continue to take food in the Dharmasala as they are doing now. But this detail also needs to be impressed upon him for he is very dull of understanding about such things. I wonder whether the Master anticipates trouble with him about that ceremony, for He again referred to it last night saying: "Remember that they must not be absent more than the hour which I allowed." So it would seem that there is some special reason, something more than has yet occurred to me. Also they are not to follow a paid priest, but to say for themselves anything that may be considered necessary. The Master plainly intimated that this was the last time they would be permitted to take part in anything of this sort, and this only as a concession to the "weaker brethren". I think it would be a blessing if the father could be kept away over the date of this ceremony—Jan. 7th I think. Could you not send him to inspect a branch in Kashmere or some other distant province? If I am rather nervous about the function, I must do what I am told, and I know the procrastinating ways so well that I feel sure there will be trouble.

Everything goes gloriously well with them, and cycling has proved a fine idea, developing concentration and decision. Krishna has already ridden thirty-one miles, and Nitya is rapidly learning. Could you not bring your Elswick [1] down from Benares?

[1] Her bicycle.


December 27th, 1909

Many thanks for yours of the 22nd. I had already said that no one should enter your rooms but Mrs. Russak: and the pronouncement seems to have been accepted without any grumbling, so the boys are left at peace. I feel exactly what you say—that all these small outer things should be made as easy as possible, so that our strength may be left for the real work. I hope you can arrange that they shall eat in the Dharmasala (as they are now doing) until their new house is ready, indeed, it might be better that they should ever continue to do so. The father of course may also do so if he likes, but that does not matter to us. I hope he can be kept away over the time of that ceremony, for I fear that complications may arise if he is present. I think a month's tour in the North would be very good for him—and for us. The arrangement of putting them in your room is most admirable, and is highly commended. They enjoy themselves much with their cycles. Krishna has now ridden 82 miles, and adds about 20 a day to his record—all of which is very good for him. The place is quiet now and our little family is almost alone . . .


December 30th, 1909

Very many thanks for yours of Christmas day. I hope that Naraniah will understand that a Master means exactly what He says and that what He says must be done. Let him understand that this is the last ceremony He will allow, and that He allows this only for the sake of "weaker brethren" like ——. It might be well to impress upon him also that the boys' room must be finished quickly, so that it may be all dry for them to enter when you return, because his tendency is to neglect that and push forward his part of the building. If we could only get it finished during his absence we could make a much better job of it. I have agreed to the substitution of a brick staircase for the wooden one, because I found by experiment that the latter was awkward and unsafe. I am trying to have the room made nice for them and I do not grudge a few rupees for that purpose. Naraniah’s theory, on the contrary, is that anything will do for the boys.

Krishna's cyclometer stands now at 143 miles and he is a rapid and fearless rider, deciding promptly and with judgment in a crisis . . .


December 31st, 1909

The Master K. H. has just now signified His intention of admitting Krishna to the grade of accepted pupil to-night. I am telegraphing to you to try to be present, for though of course I shall tell you astrally I want to avoid the slightest chance of misunderstanding, for it would not seem the same thing to the boy if you were not with him. I think we may congratulate ourselves, for this is the shortest probation of which I have heard—only five months. Of course the boy is delighted, though rather overawed.

Sutcliffe [1] has announced in THE THEOSOPHIST a very unusual collocation of stars on the 11th, and thinks it presages the birth of the Christ on that day. If it were but a little later, might it not be the second birth of the body which the Christ will take? But I suppose it is too soon to hope for that just yet. Still, things are moving with such marvellous rapidity that nothing seems too good to be true.

All continues to go very well.

[Ρ S.]

It seems almost as though it could not be true, but He is so good.

Please be there, dear Mother. I send very much love to you.


[1] G. E. Sutcliffe.        


January 3rd, 1910

I think you are quite right to move Mrs. L—for she is not at all a suitable person to have so near the Shrine. I hope this may be the prelude to a move to a still greater distance. Thank you much for the order that the boys should be put in her room [1] on your return, if their own new room is not ready. I trust however that it may be finished, for we are pushing it on as fast as possible. The main thing is that they should not re-enter the old house, neither for food nor sleeping.

Krishna has written you his idea of the ceremony which began the new year for us, but he does not mention (for he probably did not see) that the Lord Maitreya Himself looked in and the STAR once more gleamed over us at the critical moment. More and more I see the importance of every step in this affair, and my sense of the responsibility grows day by day. Of this last development I have told Mrs. Russak, Mrs. Van Hook, Ruspoli and Clarke—the people whom Krishna himself chose. I do not know whether it is well that the whole Sunday morning meeting should know, but if so I think it will be better for you to tell them on your return.

The room is advancing, but the money seems to be exhausted, so I am advancing what I can myself that the work may not be delayed. The boys are very well and are working capitally. The cycles have done much to develop courage and decision, and I think we shall soon be quite free from fear and superstition. I am glad that there is a prospect that the father may be detained over the 7th. We certainly get on more comfortably without him.

[1] This room is the eastern half of H. P. B.'s first room, which was later divided into two rooms by a wall.


January 6th, 1910

Many thanks for yours of the first. The grouping which you describe accurately represents one stage of the proceedings and it is true that the Lord Maitreya solemnly gave him into our charge on behalf of the Brotherhood. Krishna was deeply impressed and has been different ever since.

Naraniah has returned and seems very friendly. He tells me that the Master spoke directly to him in the train on the night of the 3rd, and that his views on the whole matter have been clarified and completely changed thereby. I have seen him only for a moment and have not heard particulars, but it is evident that something striking and beautiful happened. When I hear details I will tell you . . .



8th January, 1910

BESANT, Benares.

Initiation ordered for eleventh. Surya [1] in person will officiate. Ordered afterwards visit Shamballa. Involves thirty-six hours seclusion.



8th January, 1910


Care President, Theosophical Society, Madras, Adyar.

Close Shrine and my verandah locking stairs door for time required. Use my rooms my Secretary's and L——'s as needed. You hold my authority for everything.


[1] The name given in the " Lives " for the Bodhisattva, the Lord Maitreya.

(To be continued)

(Continued from Vol. LIII, Part II, p.742)


January 8th, 1910

I TELEGRAPHED you this morning the information given to me last night, lest by any chance you should not bring it clearly through. As you surmised, Krishna's initiation is to be on Tuesday, the Lord Maitreya Himself will officiate in person, and after it is over we are ordered to take him before the LORD Himself at Shamballa. The necessary work can be compressed into 36 hours, because he already knows the astral work thoroughly and has passed its tests, so that there remain only the ceremony itself and the Buddhic experience.

Many thanks for your consideration in postponing for another week the recommencement of the evening meetings; with this business on hand it will be a great relief. I can arrange it so that I shall miss nothing but one 8.15 meditation on the Tuesday evening, and no one here need know what is transpiring except the family—Mrs. Russak, Mrs. Van Hook and Ruspoli, and of course the father. [1] The latter tells me that since the voice in the train he has felt quite a different man, and he cannot

[1] Mr. G. Narayaniah.

Now understand his former attitude. It appears that long ago he took as a kind of motto some words of yours about being an intelligent co-operator with the LOGOS, and the Master seems to have said to him: "How can you co-operate with the LOGOS whom you have not seen if you will not co-operate with His servants, Mrs. Βesant and Mr. L., whom you have seen?" The common-sense of this struck him, and he reformed accordingly. I had a pleasant talk to him this morning. From Monday evening until Wednesday morning Krishna and I shall be shut up in your room. Please send us your good thoughts. We shall need the strength which they will give us. Krishna is deeply impressed, but thinks he can do what is necessary.

He continues to ride each day, and his cyclometer now marks 369 miles. With very much love.

[P. S.]

I send very much love to you. This which is coming is very wonderful, but I know you will help me.



January 12th, 1910

I think you will have brought through enough to know that everything went most marvellously well. Very many thanks for your telegram giving me authority to close the Shrine room. I did not go quite so far as that, for I felt that I could manage without it. I turned out ——  and had her room cleaned and white-washed, and then locked the wooden gate between your room and the Shrine, and had cloth nailed over the entrance from Dr. English’s room to the drawing-room. In that way I had perfect seclusion, yet the people could get to the Shrine room to meditate. I asked them to be especially quiet, and everybody co-operated most kindly. Subbiah took a holiday especially to see that the gardeners were kept quiet, Subramania sat up all night to repress the watchmen, and Ruspoli slept outside the Shrine-Room to see that the early morning meditators did not bang their lanterns too vigorously.

Of course all the usual astral training had been done long ago, so They could proceed straight to the ceremony, and all that was finished by Tuesday morning. He woke then crying out eagerly: "I remember! I remember!" and I at once said: "Tell me what you remember". What he then spoke I have written down, correcting his tenses where they were wrong, and supplying a word here and there when he could not express himself, but carefully not adding anything from my own knowledge, or in any way modifying his expressions. All that about the strength of the sea and the smile like the sunlight is word for word as he said it, and it seems quite an inspiration for a boy of thirteen writing in a foreign language. His intention was to write all this out by hand as a letter to you, but it would have taken him two days, and he was so tired that Mrs. Russak offered to type it for him from my notes. But it is entirely his choice of words, not hers, and I think it is a striking account, considering how little English he knows, so I send it to you just as it is.

He does not mention that after our return from the great audience last night to the Master's house, the Master admitted him to Sonship, and accepted Nitya "because of his overflowing love and his unselfish devotion to My son Krishna", as He said. So we have very great cause for rejoicing all round.

He is tired with the strain of it all, but very well and radiantly happy. The father behaved capitally, embraced him affectionately, prostrated himself before me, rejoiced exceedingly and generally acted quite like a human being. I told only very few what was to happen, but somehow it seems to have leaked out, and I think almost everyone here knows, So far as I have heard they all take it in the right way, and are very happy over it, but I have not had time to see any of them yet.

The ceremony for the dead mother came to nothing after all. I got the boys ready and sent them off at ten o'clock according to the arrangement, but they found that the whole affair was already over, and their presence had not been required, so all difficulties were avoided. Now they will never attend any more of such ceremonies, and all will go well.

Sivaram [1] had no ill-feeling about his brothers' bicycles; he is not at all that sort of youth. Not unnaturally, he wanted one for himself also, and his father has bought one for him, so he now accompanies the others when they ride. Krishna's cyclometer stands to-day at 444 miles. Hubert and Wedgwood have also bought cycles. I am quite sure that Sivaram will have no ill-feeling about the silver plates; why should he? He fully recognises Krishna's advancement, and is enthusiastic over it . . .

If I am to catch the post I have not time for more. This letter may be somewhat disconnected, for it is hard to get quite back to the physical plane again after all this.

[1] Elder brother of J. Krishnamurti.



January 23rd, 1910

Indeed I remember the King very clearly, and I shall never forget him. He is so glorious, so strong that all the world is just like a ball in His Hands, and yet He was kind just to a boy like me. But in this new life everybody is so kind—the Lord Maitreya and all the Masters, and the members who work for Them at Adyar; all are quite different from the people that I used to know, so that it is a different world for me. Even my father is different now, and everything is beautiful. I hope I may be good enough for it all. [1]

[1] The original of this letter was among the papers handed over by Dr. Besant to the opposing lawyers. I do not know what became of them afterwards. But they appear in the Privy Council Record of the case, No. 23 of 1914, "In the Privy Council. On appeal from the High Court of Judicature at Madras. Between Annie Besant (Defendant), Appellant, and G. Narayaniah (Plaintiff) and J. Krishnamurti, J. Nityananda, Added by Order in Council, Respondents".

In the letters published in THE THEOSOPHIST, the following are copied from the Privy Council Record: XV Dec. 24; XVI Dec. 27; XVII, Dec. 30; ΧΙΧ Jan. 3; XX, Jan. 6; XXIV, Jan. 23 (Krishnamurti's); XXV, April 18; XXVI, April 21. All the remaining letters are copied from the originals at Adyar, including Krishnamurti’s account of Dr. Besant's arrival, No. IX.


April 18th, 1910

Very many thanks for yours of the 14th. It is good that old Naraniah has to work hard at Besant Gardens for on the whole it keeps him out of some of his mischief, and gives him less time to brood over imaginary wrongs.

He seems to have had a bad fit of his insanity two days ago, but it did not last long. He said nothing to me (he never does so) but he was rude to the boys, and he wrote a long crazy letter to Wadia, saying that as he had induced him to sign the document [2] he held him responsible for seeing that all that he wished should be done. He pretended just now to have discovered that the boys took milk in the morning, and to be much horrified at it. Of course we know that the milk was for some time sent to his own house, and that he knew all about it, but he did not know that we were aware of that. It horrified him also that they should drink before meditation, but I feel quite serene on that, for you remember the special caution of the Master:

"Do not forget that India is not England, and that these young bodies are not so strong as yours; see to it that they always have food immediately on rising, before they do anything

[2] This was a document handing over to Dr. Besant the guardianship of the two boys in order that they might have the advantages of a fine education.

else whatever and do not neglect to administer it at frequent intervals each day, for what you have to do with them means a severe strain on the physical vehicle for young boys.” I have fulfilled these instructions—no, I mean carried them out—most sedulously, especially with Krishna, upon whom the strain has been so much greater than Nitya, and I am proposing to continue to do so, whatever queer old superstitions the parent may have. But is it not odd that he cannot let things alone? It seems such an easy thing to do, just to keep quiet and mind one's own business. However, as I said, he spoke no word to me. Wadia did not answer his letter and now the boys report he is quite reasonable and friendly again.


April 21st, 1910

. . . I mentioned to you yesterday that the Master had spoken very kindly and encouragingly about the recent disturbance here, but I had no time to tell you what He said, and I should like you to know it exactly as soon as possible, lest by chance you should not have remembered fully, though I think you do generally remember anything that concerns the boys. I wrote it all down as soon as I woke, so as to be sure to have it accurately, for every word of His is precious.

"You are passing through a troubled time; but do not fear; you know all will be well. The work which you are doing for me is of such importance that you cannot hope that it will escape the attention of the darker powers, and the nominal father by his anger and jealousy offers them a convenient instrument. I regretfully reiterate what my brother said to you before; the less he sees of the boys for the next few years the better. He must kindly but firmly be made to understand that he must no more interfere with them in any way whatever than with their brother Hubert, that in word and deed he must leave them absolutely to follow their own will and your instructions. I approve the careful arrangements that you have made with regard to bathing, eating and sleeping; when any change is needed I will myself tell you. Again I thank my young friend Mr. Clarke for his assistance to you in all this, and for his hearty devotion to my dear boys. My brother Krishna has shown wisdom in his decisive yet tactful management of the case; but he must never allow himself to feel the least agitation, nor to forget even for a moment that the power of the Brotherhood now stands behind him and the Star of the KING shines over him. I send my thanks also to your Vice-President [1], and to my young friend Wadia [2], for their ready and whole-souled support of them when danger seemed to threaten them".

All seems quiet at present, but after the specimen of his insanity that we have had we shall never feel secure until a definite understanding has been arrived at, and even then he will not keep to it. He promises on his honour (1 wonder whether he has any) that he will make no further disturbance and will not try to interfere in any way with the boys until you come back, but then he says he is going to dictate his terms. He has not yet come to see me since this outburst, though I sent for him, but Krishna says that he will bring him one day soon, and I have no doubt he will prevail upon him to do what he wishes. I am sorry that all this lunacy should trouble you when you have so many other things to think about . . .

[1] Dr. S. Subrarnanja Iyer.
[2] Β. P. Wadia.

(Το be concluded)

(Concluded from p. 43)

The statements which follow are not letters to Dr. Besant from Bishop Leadbeater. They are statements of the Masters concerning Alcyone and his work, given as instructions to Dr. Besant and Bishop Leadbeater, who were responsible for Alcyone's training.—C. J.


The Master Κ. Η.

Instructions given towards the end of 1910, and partly with a view to the first departure of Alcyone to Europe in April, 1911.

They have lived long in hell; try to show them something of Paradise. I want them to have everything exactly the opposite of their previous conditions. Instead of hostility, distrust, misery, squalor, irregularity, carelessness and foulness, I want them surrounded by an atmosphere of love and happiness, confidence, regularity, perfect physical cleanliness and mental purity. Do not forget that the evils are ingrained customs which will readily reassert themselves; they must be removed from them as much as possible, and from all that reminds them of them, for one minute of their baneful influence may undo the effect of a whole day of your patient labour.

Keep them as far as you can within your aura or Annie's so that they may be protected from all evil or cruel thought, and that the new vibrations may presently grow strong enough to be unaffected by the upwelling of the old. I want you to civilize them; to teach them to use spoons and forks, nail-brushes and tooth-brushes, to sit at ease upon chairs instead of crouching on the ground, to sleep rationally on bed, not in any corner like a dog. Long hours of sleep are specially necessary; but take care that they do not sleep in the pyjamas which are responsible for so much evil in your civilisation. Underclothes must always be of silk, linen or cotton, and no wool or flannel must touch the skin. No undue tightness must be permitted anywhere, and the shape of the foot must on no account be spoiled. Keep their heads always cool, and whenever possible uncovered.

His body must be developed to be straight and strong, agile and muscular, with soldierly carriage, deep chest and great lung power. The most scrupulous cleanliness under all conditions is of primary importance.


The Master M.

(After Alcyone passed his Second Initiation in 1912)

We are satisfied with the way in which you have carried out the onerous task imposed upon you. You were quite right to remove them entirely from the influence which has been the principal obstacle in the way of their progress, [1] and the splendid success now attained is the direct result of that removal. All seems favourable for the further success which should crown your efforts a few months hence. There is room for improvement in regard to those which have seemed to some of your helpers to be minor points.

Do not let yourselves regard anything as insignificant which helps to provide a perfect vehicle for the Lord. I must again emphasize the necessity of special care of the feet and hands; this has not been so thoroughly attended to since it passed out of the charge of your young brother Clarke, and there is even a slight commencement of distortion, which must be corrected. You will clearly understand that the dictates of

[1] The father.

what is called fashion must not for a moment be allowed to interfere with perfection of form. Nor should the extremes of this Moloch of fashion be followed with regard to their dress. Dress them always in material of the best, but especially neatly and unobtrusively, avoiding everything of questionable taste. See that no compression of any kind is permitted, and remember that both head and feet should be uncovered when possible. Care should be taken that the food is nutritive and attractive, and all but the weakest of tea should be avoided. Do not allow your original watchfulness in these matters to diminish.

Beautiful handwriting is desired, and to that end I must reiterate the request that no word shall ever be written which is not well written. In all these points there is nothing new; yet I trust you to see to them for me.

You have before you a difficult, yet most interesting piece of work—that of helping him to bring the lower vehicles into harmony with the splendid development of the causal and mental bodies which has taken place to-night. To do that fully will be a work of years, but most of it can be done, and should be done, under the exceptionally happy conditions of the next few months, while you are all together. You will need to prolong that time to its utmost limit, yet every moment of it will be well spent if he is thoroughly happy in the progress which he is making. Take courage, for we shall be with you in every step of the way.


The Bodhisattva


(The following is a summary only, not a transcription of the words used)

That Alcyone and his brother should not reside in London, but that short visits maybe paid when the work requires them. He desired that they should not live there or in any other large town. If the University plan is carried through [1] they will have to live in or near a town for some months in the year, but they should escape to the sea as soon as possible.

Until the legal troubles are over, they are better away from England; after that, if they wish it, there are the Islands which He loves. [2]

[1] This part of the plan failed.—C. J.
[2] The Scilly Isles, off Cornwall, where tradition says that St. Patrick was wrecked on his journey to the East.—C. J.


The Bodhisattva

I send people to him [Alcyone] sometimes, because I want the body to get used to expressing Me. Remember his presence carries with it My Benediction and that of My greater Brother. [1] He will send it by correspondence too, sometimes.

Last winter's residence was satisfactory; but when you are free to arrange these things for yourselves, you should always be close to the sea, and whenever possible should combine the hills with the sea as you did in Sicily. If you must be in the British Isles, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Wight are preferable, though there are many places in Devonshire or Cornwall which might do. [2]

[It was in this message that particular stress was laid that Alcyone's social training should be such that he should be at ease with people of every rank and of every race, and that his educational training should be less to make him brilliant and more to make him international. Much reading in poetry was recommended as useful in this part of the training.]

[1] The Lord Gautama Buddha.
[2] Bude, in Cornwall, was chosen.


I have been asked why I publish these letters and statements about Alcyone's [ed—J. Krishnamurti] past, especially as Krishnaji [ed—J. Krishnamurti] sees no value in what is termed Occultism, nor any particular use, to a man seeking Truth, in the existence of the Masters of the Wisdom. They are not published to convince those who are treading Krishnaji's way of the existence of any other way. But they are published for the information of those who have trusted in Dr. Besant and Bishop Leadbeater, and to a lesser extent in Bishop Arundale and in myself, when we worked to prepare for the Coming. The past cannot be brushed aside as non-existent; thousands in that past sacrificed at our call time, devotion and money for Krishnaji and to help to prepare for Krishnaji's later work. Some saw directly for themselves what was the future about Alcyone the boy; for some, the mere first sight of him, or the touch of hand, was enough to show them that the boy even then had a greater Presence behind him. Others believed in our word.

In these days, when so much doubt is cast upon certain facts, as if they were mere phantasies of pragmatical value but not real truth, we owe it to those who trusted us to show them that we did not plan blindly, but only as we were bidden. Nor have the plans "gone astray". Our sacrifices show their fruition in the response which the world is making to Krishnaji. In nearly every land our helpers prepared the Way well, so that the mere name "Krishnamurti" drew the instant attention of every newspaper editor, from 1910 onwards. We have done our part of the work; Krishnaji is doing his part now.

The two parts of the work are not separate, though they seem to be. What does appearance matter? What is important is that the world should be helped. Those who love to help can wait to understand. That understanding will come to those who trust in themselves, and know by first-hand knowledge that Truth which is the souls essence comes when it “listeth," and cannot be forced to appear at the mind's call.


Krishnamurti’s last recorded statement, 7th February 1986, Ojai, California, published in Mary Lutyens’s book “Krishnamurti–The Open Door”, London, John Murray Publishers, 1988, pp. 148-149.

‘I was telling them this morning—for seventy years that super energy—no—that immense energy, immense intelligence, has been using this body. I don’t think people realise what tremendous energy and intelligence went through this body—there’s twelve-cylinder engine. And for seventy years—was a pretty long time—and now the body can't stand any more. Nobody, unless the body has been prepared, very carefully, protected and so on—nobody can understand what went through this body. Nobody. Don’t anybody pretend. Nobody. I repeat this: nobody amongst us or the public, know what went on. I know they don’t. And now after seventy years it has come to an end. Not that that intelligence and energy—it’s somewhat here, every day, and especially at night. And after seventy years the body can’t stand it—can’t stand any more. It can’t. The Indians have a lot of damned superstitions about this—that you will and the body goes—and all that kind of nonsense. You won’t find another body like this, or that supreme intelligence operating in a body for many hundred years. You won’t see it again. When he goes, it goes. There is no consciousness left behind of that consciousness, of that state. They’ll all pretend or try to imagine they can get into touch with that. Perhaps they will somewhat if they live the teachings. But nobody has done it. Nobody. And so that’s that.’

Image Attribution: J. Krishnamurti and Annie Besant


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