The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.

Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research

Report of the Committee ... to investigate phenomena connected with the Theosophical Society (1) & (2)anony1885v3--p201
Report of the Committee (1) Statement & Conclusions of the Committeeanony1885v3--p201
Report of the Committee (2) Account of Personal Investigations in India - authorship of the "Koot Hoomi" lettersRichard Hodgson (1855-1905)y1885v3--p207
Extracts from & Comments upon Blavatsky-Coulomb Lettersvariousy1885v3--p211
The Sassoon Telegramvariousy1885v3--p211
The Adyar Saucervariousy1885v3--p211
The Shrine a "Conjurer's Box" (plan, following p380)variousy1885v3--p219
(Untrustworthiness of) Mr Damodar's Evidencevariousy1885v3--p226
(Collapse of Evidence for) Mr Damodar's "Astral" Journeysvariousy1885v3--p231
(Worthlessness of) Colonel Olcott's Evidencevariousy1885v3--p237
(Worthlessness of) Evidence of Mohini M Chatterjivariousy1885v3--p239
(Worthlessness of) Remaining Evidence for Appearances of Mahatmasvariousy1885v3--p245
Reasons for Distrusting Mr Babajee D Nathvariousy1885v3--p246
Appearance & Disappearance of (alleged precipitated) Letters accounted forvariousy1885v3--p248
The "Occult World" Phenomena & Weakness of Mr Sinnett's Evidencevariousy1885v3--p256
Evidence of Mr AO Humevariousy1885v3--p273
Handwriting of Blavatsky-Coulomb Lettersvariousy1885v3--p276
Circumstances under which certain documents were receivedvariousy1885v3--p278
Mr FG Netherclift's Opinion on the KH Writingvariousy1885v3--p282
Reasons for attributing KH Letters to Madame Blavatskyvariousy1885v3--p283
Changes in the use of the English d by Madame Blavatskyvariousy1885v3--p290
Two KH Letters attributed to Mr Damodarvariousy1885v3--p293
Deception by Mr Bhavani Shankarvariousy1885v3--p297
Chela Document signed BDS, written by Mr Babajee D Nathvariousy1885v3--p298
Forged Hartmann Document written by Madame Blavatskyvariousy1885v3--p298
Authorship of Mahatma M Writingvariousy1885v3--p301
Ignorance Displayed by Mahatmasvariousy1885v3--p302
Koot Hoomi's bad Englishvariousy1885v3--p305
Chelas incited to Fraudvariousy1885v3--p308
Possible Motives of Mr Damodarvariousy1885v3--p309
Colonel Olcottvariousy1885v3--p311
Conclusion - Summary of the Main Points involved in the Inquiryvariousy1885v3--p312
Motives of Madame Blavatskyvariousy1885v3--p313
Appendix 1 The Sassoon Telegramvariousy1885v3--p318
Appendix 2 The Adyar Saucervariousy1885v3--p321
Appendix 3 Colonel Olcott's Flower Vasesvariousy1885v3--p323
Appendix 4 Concerning the Shrinevariousy1885v3--p325
Appendix 5 Mr G's Lettervariousy1885v3--p341
Appendix 6 The "Ramaswamy's Arm" Phenomenonvariousy1885v3--p344
Appendix 7 Phenomena described in Mohini M Chatterji's depositionvariousy1885v3--p346
Appendix 8 Experience of Mr Ramaswamiervariousy1885v3--p358
Appendix 9 Evidence of Mr Martandrao B Nagnathvariousy1885v3--p364
Appendix 10 Alleged Astral Apparition witnessed by Mr & Mrs Ross Scottvariousy1885v3--p369
Appendix 11 Precipitated Writingvariousy1885v3--p373
Appendix 12 Account by P Iyaloo Naiduvariousy1885v3--p374
Appendix 13 Fall of a Calendarvariousy1885v3--p375
Appendix 14 (Sydney University) Professor Smith's Letter sewn with silkvariousy1885v3--p377
Appendix 15 Concerning Handwritingvariousy1885v3--p378
Explanation of (three large foldout sheets)variousy1885v3--p380a+
Plate 1 - Plan of Occult Room, with Shrine & surroundingsvariousy1885v3--p380b+
Showing 1 to 50 of 60 entries