The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.

The Path

Editorial explaining the reason for publication of the PathEditory1886v1i1Aprilp1
AUM!Hadji Erinn (likely WQJ)y1886v1i1Aprilp4
KabbalahSeth Pancoasty1886v1i1Aprilp8
SeershipMurdhna Jotiy1886v1i1Aprilp14
The Nature & Office of Buddha's ReligionH Sumangala (Rt Rev)y1886v1i1Aprilp24
A Prophecy about Theosophy (contains prophecy re Coulomb)Unsignedy1886v1i1Aprilp27
review - Apollonius of Tyana by DM Tredwell-y1886v1i1Aprilp28
review - What is Theosophy by a Fellow of the Theosophical Society-y1886v1i1Aprilp29
review - The Secret Doctrine by Mdme Blavatsky-y1886v1i1Aprilp29
review - Bible Myths, & Their Parallels in other Religions by JW Bouton-y1886v1i1Aprilp29
The Aryan Theosophical Society of New York - Report (America)-y1886v1i1Aprilp30
The Rochester Branch Formed in 1882 By: WB Shelley & Mrs JW Cables - Report (America)-y1886v1i1Aprilp30
Chicago Branch founded 1885, Stanley B Sexton, Pres. Dr W Phelon Cor Sec (1885/11/27) - Report (America)-y1886v1i1Aprilp31
Bro Judge gave lecture on object, drift & method of Theosophy & also read a paper on Jacob Bohmeanony1886v1i1Aprilp31
Malden Branch. Started Spring 1885. Formal Dec. 1885 (1885/12/27) - Report (America)-y1886v1i1Aprilp31
Spreading of Theosophical Literature - Report (America)-y1886v1i1Aprilp31
Cincinnati Branch - Report (America)-y1886v1i1Aprilp31
Lecture on TheosophyGopal Vinayak Joshee of Bombayy1886v1i1Aprilp31
Pioneer Theosophical Society of St Louis founded 1884 by Brother Elliott B Page - Report (USA)-y1886v1i1Aprilp31
Lecture by Bro A. Gebhard: The Ideals of Richard Wagner as they bear on Theosophyanony1886v1i1Aprilp31
Historic Cycles (1886/3/25)CHA Bjerregaardy1886v1i1Aprilp31
Explanation of Verse on Top of Page 1Unsignedy1886v1i1Aprilp32
Extent of the Society & the Number of Branches in the World - Report-y1886v1i1Aprilp32
American Board of Control. Pres Prof Elliott Coues, Secretary Elliott B Page - Report (America)-y1886v1i1Aprilp32
Studies in the Upanishads (1)a Studenty1886v1i2Mayp33
The Mystery of NumbersSeth Pancoasty1886v1i2Mayp37
Sufism (1) Or Theosophy from the Standpoint of MohammedanismCHA Bjerregaardy1886v1i2Mayp41
Theosophical Symbolism (No. 7 & other symbols)Nilakant (likely WQJ)y1886v1i2Mayp51
review - The Secret Doctrine of the Ancient Mysteries by JD Buck-y1886v1i2Mayp55
Inworld. Outworld. Poems edited by Ralph Waldo Emerson. (1842)anon `The Dial`y1886v1i2Mayp56
Another Theosophical ProphecyUnsignedy1886v1i2Mayp57
Ltte - TheosophyA.y1886v1i2Mayp59
Ltte - What is Udgitha? (1886/4/16)LJ (with comments from Editor)y1886v1i2Mayp61
Aryan Theosophical Society of New York - Report (America)-y1886v1i2Mayp62
Exposures, Also Mme Blavatsky now in Europe - Report-y1886v1i2Mayp63
Boston - Report (America)-y1886v1i2Mayp63
The American Board of Control - Report (America)-y1886v1i2Mayp63
Col Olcott & Rev Mr Leadbeater in Ceylon (tour)anony1886v1i2Mayp63
Cincinnati - Report (America)-y1886v1i2Mayp63
Brother Krishnarao B Bullel graduated from the Homoeopathic Medical College - Report (America)-y1886v1i2Mayp63
Admission to Society - Report-y1886v1i2Mayp64
Yoga Vidya or the knowledge of Yoga & Editor's comments & that the Society is not in favour of it - Report-y1886v1i2Mayp64
A Hindu Chela's Diary (1)Unsignedy1886v1i3Junep65
Sufism (2)CHA Bjerregaardy1886v1i3Junep68
Polarity of the Human BodyCh J Quetil FTSy1886v1i3Junep84
The Hermetic Philosophy (1)B.y1886v1i3Junep87
review - Patanjali's Raj Yoga Philosophy-y1886v1i3Junep89
review - Light on the Hidden Way by Anon. (Boston)-y1886v1i3Junep90
review - Journal of Speculative Philosophy-y1886v1i3Junep90
review - Immortality of the Individual by WT Harris-y1886v1i3Junep90
Showing 1 to 50 of 3869 entries