The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.

Oriental Department Papers - American Section

Some Customs of AryavartaSwami Bhaskara Nand Saraswatiy1891-i1Januaryp1
Races in Western IndiaUmedram Lalbhai Desaiy1891-i2Februaryp11
Discernment of the Knowledge of SelfPanchanan Ghoshy1891-i3Aprilp27
The ParsisDosabhai Framji Karakay1891-i3Aprilp31
Do the Parsis Worship Fire?Nasarvanji Framji Bilimoriay1891-i4Mayp35
The Ginee, or the Hindu Family Queen of BengalKali Prasanna Mukherjiy1891-i4Mayp42
Comments on January Numberanony1891-i5Junep45
Atma the only RealityDurahath Ganguliy1891-i5Junep47
The Goddess KaliPrasanna Arandra Row Tredhala Bhattay1891-i5Junep50
Paramount FactsKali Prasanna Mukherjiy1891-i5Junep51
Asceticism DefendedKanai Lal Banerjiy1891-i5Junep53
What Am I?Panchanan Ghoshy1891-i6Julyp55
Siddhanta-Vindusara, or, The Philosophy of AhamMandusudan Sarasvatiy1891-i6Julyp63
NoticeWQ Judgey1891-i7Augustp67
The Garuda Purana (1)MN Dvivediy1891-i7Augustp68
Purusha Sukta, or a Mirror of the Real Substanceanony1891-i7Augustp73
The Garuda Purana (2)MN Dvivediy1891-i8Octoberp79
The Language of Our TemplesHP Munkherjiy1891-i8Octoberp84
Yoga Philosophyanony1891-i8Octoberp86
Yajnavalkya-Samhita (1)tr Manilal N Dvivediy1891-i9Decemberp91
SavitriMN Dvivediy1891-i9Decemberp101
The SamskarasMN Dvivediy1892-i10Februaryp107
The Work of the Oriental DepartmentWilliam Quan Judgey1892-i10Februaryp121
Yajnavalkya-Samhita (2)tr Manilal N Dvivediy1892-i11Mar-Aprp123
Notice and CautionWQ Judgey1892-i12May-Junp139
Yajnavalkya-Samhita (3)tr Manilal N Dvivediy1892-i12May-Junp140
Idol-WorshipMN Dvivediy1892-i12May-Junp145
The CharpatapanjarkaManilal N Dvivediy1892-i12May-Junp152
Tales from the UpanishadsMN Dvivediy1893-i13Junep1
The Game of KnowledgeMN Dvivediy1893-i13Junep7
The Book of the Great Decease - Maha Parinibbana Sutta (1)anony1893-i13Junep9
The Book of the Great Decease - Maha Parinibbana Sutta (2)anony1893-i14Novemberp17
The Great Upanishadsanony1894-i15Januaryp2
A Vedic Master - Prashna Upanishadanony1894-i15Januaryp3
The Symbols UsedCJy1894-i15Januaryp6
The Heritage of the Brahmansanony1894-i15Januaryp9
Buddha's Methodanony1894-i16Marchp17
A Vedic Master (2)anony1894-i16Marchp18
Life and the Livesanony1894-i16Marchp20
Shankara the Teacheranony1894-i16Marchp24
First Steps on the Path (from Crest Jewel of Wisdom)(Shankara)y1894-i16Marchp27
Esoteric Teaching (from Rig Veda)anony1894-i17Mayp33
Meaning of Omanony1894-i17Mayp34
Four Duties of a Dervishanony1894-i17Mayp40
The Birth of the World-Egganony1894-i18Julyp49
First Principles (1) (from Chandogya Upanishad)anony1894-i18Julyp50
The Awakening to the SelfShankaracharyay1894-i18Julyp59
Showing 1 to 50 of 132 entries