The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.

The Magnet

Preparation for the Coming [Notes of Talk by the OH 78 Lancaster Gate 15 October 1925]Annie Besanty1926v7i2Octp50
ES Meeting London June 1926: Address by Bishop WedgwoodJI Wedgwoody1926v7i2Octp52
ES Meeting London June 1926: Notes from Krishnaji's AddressJ Krishnamurtiy1926v7i2Octp55
ES Meeting London June 1926: Address by the OHAnnie Besanty1926v7i2Octp59
From Letters Written by a Brother in India to One Here Who Has Suffered Muchanony1926v7i2Octp64
Letter: To a Corresponding Secretary, ESTC Jinarajadasay1926v7i2Octp66
Address by the OH [First Degree EST 19 June 1926]Annie Besanty1926v7i2Octp67
Krishnaji: His Workanony1926v7i2Octp79
The Coming of the Lord: An Impression by a Memberanony1926v7i2Octp80
Address by Krishnaji [ES General Meeting Ommen 26 July 1926]J Krishnamurtiy1926v7i2Octp83
Talk by Krishnaji [Self-Preparation Group at Ommen 25 July 1926]J Krishnamurtiy1926v7i2Octp86
NoticesC Jinarajadasa, Esther Brighty1926v7i2Octp92
From the Corresponding SecretaryEsther Brighty1927v8i1Aprp3
A Statement by Dr Annie Besant [reprint 'The Ojai' 14 January 1927]Annie Besanty1927v8i1Aprp5
The New CivilizationAnnie Besanty1927v8i1Aprp7
Organizing Committeeanony1927v8i1Aprp14
Because I Love and Protect, I Want You to Love and Protect TooR Spurriery1927v8i1Aprp14
Address by Dr Annie Besant [General ES Meeting Chicago 29 August 1926] [reprint 'American ES Bulletin']Annie Besanty1927v8i1Aprp18
Nature-Spirits and AngelsJI Wedgwoody1927v8i1Aprp28
Notes from an Address by D Graham Pole [General ES Meeting Mortimer Halls 6 February 1927]D Graham Poley1927v8i1Aprp33
Bishop Leadbeater: A Note on His Work in AustraliaMary E Rockey1927v8i1Aprp43
Bees at OmmenRalph L Christiey1927v8i1Aprp50
Prayer for Animalanony1927v8i1Aprp52
Animal Welfare WorkRobert H Spurriery1927v8i1Aprp53
Notes of an Address by Professor Marcault [Mortimer Halls 5 December 1926]JE Marcaulty1927v8i1Aprp54
Notes from an Address by Miss Bright [General ES Meeting 5 December 1926]Esther Brighty1927v8i1Aprp59
Thoughts on Embryonic Correspondences and Expansion of Consciousness [revised]Beata J Butterworthy1927v8i1Aprp64
Extracts from an Article Sent Out by Mr C JinarajadasaC Jinarajadasay1927v8i1Aprp67
ES Libraryanony1927v8i1Aprp72
From the Corresponding SecretaryEsther Brighty1927v8i2Octp87
Address by the OH [First Degree EST at Mortimer Halls 28 May 1927]Annie Besanty1927v8i2Octp91
Notes of an Address by Mr C Jinarajadasa [First Degree EST 14 May 1927]C Jinarajadasay1927v8i2Octp101
Address by George Arundale [Second and Higher Degrees at St Mary Cathedral London 18 June 1927]George Arundaley1927v8i2Octp113
Address by Mr C Jinarajadasa [General ES Meeting Star Camp Ommen 6 August 1927]C Jinarajadasay1927v8i2Octp125
Address by Dr Besant [General ES Meeting Star Camp Ommen 6 August 1927]Annie Besanty1927v8i2Octp127
The Work in South AfricaJosephine Ransomy1927v8i2Octp138
International Anti-Vivisection and Animal Protection CongressR Spurriery1927v8i2Octp141
A Glimpse of Life at Castle Eerde Before the Star CampMy1927v8i2Octp144
Extract from a Letter from Adyaranony1927v8i2Octp145
Extract Transcribed from Braille Letter of a Blind ES Brotheranony1927v8i2Octp146
NoticesEsther Brighty1927v8i2Octp147
The ES Libraryanony1927v8i2Octp148
Hear What Our Master Says: A Clean Life, etc.anony1928v9i1Aprp3
From the Corresponding SecretaryEsther Brighty1928v9i1Aprp4
What Are You Seeking? [Ojai 11 January 1927]J Krishnamurtiy1928v9i1Aprp7
Address by the OH [4 June 1927]Annie Besanty1928v9i1Aprp9
Showing 251 to 300 of 331 entries