The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.

The Magnet

EST [Address to a General Meeting in London 10 August 1919]Annie Besanty1919v1i7Octp173
Mr Jinarajadasa in Australiaanony1919v1i7Octp187
Notes on the First 36 Clauses of the 'Voice of the Silence' (1)E Carslakey1919v1i7Octp188
[issue missing]-y1920v1i8Janp193
[issue missing]-y1920v2i1Aprp1
[issue missing]-y1920v2i2Julp31
From the Corresponding SecretaryEsther Brighty1920v2i3Octp63
Our OH's Birthday Partyanony1920v2i3Octp63
Address by the Outer Head [Notes of Address at General Meeting 16 November 1919]Annie Besanty1920v2i3Octp65
The Value of Personal InspirationC Jinarajadasay1920v2i3Octp79
Letter: EST MemberJEy1920v2i3Octp84
Thoughts at Sunriseanony1920v2i3Octp85
From the Corresponding SecretaryEsther Brighty1921v2i4Janp91
Address by C Jinarajadasa [Notes of Address to a General Meeting 3 October 1920]C Jinarajadasay1921v2i4Janp94
Away with Frictionanony1921v2i4Janp111
[This is a combined issue 5 and 6 for April and July 1921]-y1921v2i5Aprp113
From the Corresponding SecretaryEsther Brighty1921v2i5Aprp115
Address by the OH [Notes from Address at General ES Meeting in Cardiff 19 June 1921]Annie Besanty1921v2i5Aprp122
From Mr C JinarajadasaC Jinarajadasay1921v2i5Aprp126
Meditation in the ESanony1921v2i5Aprp127
The International CongressGertrude Baillie Weavery1921v2i5Aprp129
[The above is a combined issue 5 and 6 for April and July 1921]-y1921v2i6Julp131
Address by the OH [Notes of Address to Meeting of First and Higher Degree Members of the EST London 3 July 1921]Annie Besanty1921v2i7Octp3
Address by the OH [to First and Higher Degree Members London 17 July 1921]Annie Besanty1921v2i7Octp16
From the Corresponding SecretaryEsther Brighty1922v2i8Janp163
Address to a General Meeting of the ES [6 July 1921]CW Leadbeatery1922v2i8Janp172
Imagination [Resum‚ of a Talk given to the Teacher's Group, March 1921]Josephine Ransomy1922v2i8Janp184
Artists' GroupEF Maynardy1922v2i8Janp195
From the Corresponding SecretaryEsther Brighty1922v3i1Aprp3
General Meeting [London 2 April 1922]Esther Bright, Baillie Weavery1922v3i1Aprp4
Address to EST Meeting [Benares 26 December 1922]C Jinarajadasay1922v3i1Aprp15
obituary: Barbara VilliersEsther Brighty1922v3i1Aprp24
Letters: To the Corresponding SecretaryC Jinarajadasay1922v3i1Aprp25
Evening (vf)HE Burnabyy1922v3i1Aprp28
Extracts from Indian Lettersvariousy1922v3i1Aprp28
Annie Besant - A Greeting (vf)Gerald Masseyy1922v3i1Aprp31
From the Corresponding SecretaryEsther Brighty1922v3i2Julp35
The Christ Within [Sermon in the Liberal Catholic Church of St Alban Sydney 14 May 1922]Annie Besanty1922v3i2Julp36
Showing 51 to 100 of 331 entries