The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.


review - Isaure & other poems by W Stewart Rossanony1887v1-Octoberp154
Theosophical & Mystic Publications - variousanon (HPB)y1887v1-Octoberp156
correspondence - Astrological Notes (II)Nemoy1887v1-Octoberp158
correspondenceRobert H Fryary1887v1-Octoberp159
From the Note-Book of an Unpopular Philosopheranon (HPB)y1887v1-Octoberp160
"Let Every Man Prove His Own Work"anon (HPB)y1887v1-Novemberp161
The Demand of the Neophyte [continuation of Comments on Light on the Path by the author]Mabel Collinsy1887v1-Novemberp170
The Esoteric Character of the Gospels (1)HPBy1887v1-Novemberp173
The "Square" in the HandAnna Bonus Kingsford (1846-1888)y1887v1-Novemberp181
Freedom (vf)PH Dalbiacy1887v1-Novemberp185
The Invisible WorldAlfred Percy Sinnett (1840-1921)y1887v1-Novemberp186
The Mystic Thought (vf)PH Dalbiacy1887v1-Novemberp192
The Blossom & The Fruit: The True Story of a Magician (3)Mabel Collinsy1887v1-Novemberp193
The Science of Life - report (by HPB) of a lecture (by Leo Tolstoy)HPB & Leo Tolstoyy1887v1-Novemberp203
Sin Against Lifeanon (HPB)y1887v1-Novemberp211
filler - Pythagoric Sentences of Demophilusanony1887v1-Novemberp215
review - The Blood-Covenant, A Primitive Rite, & its Bearings on Scripture by H Clay TrumbullGerald Masseyy1887v1-Novemberp216
footnotes to "Blood-Covenanting"(HPB)y1887v1-Novemberp217
correspondence - addressed to the author of Light on the PathMabel Collinsy1887v1-Novemberp226
"Esoteric Buddhism"NDy1887v1-Novemberp229
reply to NDanon (HPB)y1887v1-Novemberp230
correspondenceMadame la Marechale Canroberty1887v1-Novemberp231
review - The Real History of the Rosicrucians by AE Waiteanon (HPB)y1887v1-Novemberp231
reply to anon QuestionerMCy1887v1-Novemberp231
review - Nineteenth Century Sense: The Paradox of Spiritualism by John Darbyanony1887v1-Novemberp236
From the Note-Book of an Unpopular Philosopheranon (HPB)y1887v1-Novemberp238
"Lucifer" to the Archbishop of Canterbury, Greeting! (an open letter)anon (HPB)y1887v1-Decemberp241
"Emerson & Occultism"Charles Johnston (1867-1931)y1887v1-Decemberp252
The Blossom & The Fruit: The True Story of a Magician (4)Mabel Collinsy1887v1-Decemberp258
Twilight (vf)KDK (? Katie Duncan King)y1887v1-Decemberp266
The Spirit of HealingAIRy1887v1-Decemberp267
Theosophical Society's Convention of 1887HS Olcott (1832-1907)y1887v1-Decemberp273
A Remarkable Christmas EveConstance Wachtmeister (1838/9-1910)y1887v1-Decemberp274
A Half Convert (vf)Mary N Galey1887v1-Decemberp281
Theosophy & Modern Socialism - by a Socialist Student of Theosophy (1)J Brailsford Brighty1887v1-Decemberp282
The Great Quest (1)Pilgrim (William Scott-Elliot (- 1919))y1887v1-Decemberp288
"God Speaks for Law & Order"W Eldon Serjeant (HPB)y1887v1-Decemberp292
An Infant Genius (Josef Hofmann 1876-1957)W Ashton Ellis (- 1919)y1887v1-Decemberp296
Fear (vf)PHD (? PH Dalbiac)y1887v1-Decemberp298
The Esoteric Character of the Gospels (2)HPBy1887v1-Decemberp299
filler - Golden Sentences of Democritusanony1887v1-Decemberp310
filler - Similitudes of Demophilusanony1887v1-Decemberp310
correspondence - A Law of Life: KarmaJH Beattyy1887v1-Decemberp311
Miscellaneous Notes(HPB)y1887v1-Decemberp311
reply to JH BeattyAKy1887v1-Decemberp315
"The Latest Attack on Christianity"TG Headleyy1887v1-Decemberp318
Islam & ChristianityTG Headleyy1887v1-Decemberp322
Hylo-Idealism - An ApologyRobert Lewinsy1887v1-Decemberp323
Hylo-IdeaismHerbert L Courtneyy1887v1-Decemberp323
Showing 51 to 100 of 2866 entries