The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.

The Canadian Theosophist

review: 'Sacred Word and Sacred Text: Scripture in World Religions' by Harold CowardRonald Neufeldty1988v69i3Jul-Augp68
Know Thyself [abridged] [reprint 'Theosophy in New Zealand']Gordon Limbricky1988v69i4Sep-Octp73
Great Pan is Alive: God, Man and NatureWilliam R Laudahny1988v69i4Sep-Octp80
Notes and Comments by the General SecretarySTy1988v69i4Sep-Octp83
Edmonton LodgeRogelle Pelletiery1988v69i4Sep-Octp84
Hamilton LodgeSharon Taylory1988v69i4Sep-Octp85
Hermes LodgeEva Sharpy1988v69i4Sep-Octp85
Victoria LodgeEunice Bally1988v69i4Sep-Octp86
Secret Doctrine Question and Answer Section: 10. Fohat - Part 1 [reprint CT vol 60]Geoffrey Barborkay1988v69i4Sep-Octp87
Human KnowledgeSEy1988v69i4Sep-Octp89
A Reader's NotesTGDy1988v69i4Sep-Octp91
review: 'HP Blavatsky and the Secret Doctrine, Second Edition' ed by Virginia HansonTGDy1988v69i4Sep-Octp91
review: 'Theosophia in Neo-Platonic and Christian Literature' by Jean-Louis SiemonsTed G Davyy1988v69i4Sep-Octp92
review: 'The New Testament Commentaries of HP Blavatsky' comp by HJ SpierenburgTed G Davyy1988v69i4Sep-Octp92
Whitman on Animals (vf)Walt Whitmany1988v69i4Sep-Octp94
Student Survey Summary Reportanony1988v69i4Sep-Octp95
Theosophical BiographiesTGDy1988v69i5Nov-Decp97
Charles Lazenby, FTSTGDy1988v69i5Nov-Decp99
Pulch: A brief sketch of the life of Charles Lazenby by his daughterPD Cosgrovey1988v69i5Nov-Decp101
And Lazenby Could Laugh [extracts]EA Lucas, WLC [Will Levington Comfort?] , Muriel Brucey1988v69i5Nov-Decp106
Notes and Comments by the General SecretarySTy1988v69i5Nov-Decp107
The Theosophical Society in Canada Annual Report 1987-88S Treloary1988v69i5Nov-Decp109
Calgary LodgeDoris Davyy1988v69i5Nov-Decp111
The Theosophical Society in Canada Triennial Election 1989 Call for NominationsS Treloary1988v69i5Nov-Decp111
Beaconsfield Study CentrePat Lemieuxy1988v69i5Nov-Decp111
The Teaching, the Teacher and the TaughtJames Whitcraft Forsythy1988v69i5Nov-Decp112
Three Early Theosophists in ReviewTed G Davyy1988v69i5Nov-Decp113
review: 'Annie Besant and Progressive Messianism (1847-1933)' by Catherine Lowman WessingerTed G Davyy1988v69i5Nov-Decp113
review: 'Blavatsky and Her Teachers' Jean Overton FullerTed G Davyy1988v69i5Nov-Decp114
review: 'Yankee Beacon of Buddhist Light' ('Hammer on the Mountain') by Howard Murphet [reprint CT 1973]Ted G Davyy1988v69i5Nov-Decp116
Impressions of the Annual MeetingLaurier Augery1988v69i5Nov-Decp118
Studies in Early American Theosophical History (1)Michael Gomesy1989v69i6Jan-Febp121
Letter [re Will Levington Comfort]James Whitcraft Forsythy1989v69i6Jan-Febp130
Notes and Comments by the General SecretarySTy1989v69i6Jan-Febp131
Calgary LodgeDoris Davyy1989v69i6Jan-Febp133
Edmonton LodgeGay Geringy1989v69i6Jan-Febp133
Hermes LodgeEva Sharpy1989v69i6Jan-Febp134
The Famous "Trickle-Down" Theory: Social and SpiritualWR Laudahny1989v69i6Jan-Febp135
review: 'Mysterious Canada: Strange Sights, Extraordinary Events, and Peculiar Places' by John Robert ColomboTed G Davyy1989v69i6Jan-Febp138
review: 'Algernon Blackwood: A Bio-Bibliography' by Mike AshleyTed G Davyy1989v69i6Jan-Febp139
A Reader's NotesTGDy1989v69i6Jan-Febp139
obituary: Victor Endersby (8 November, 1988)anony1989v69i6Jan-Febp139
Secret Doctrine Question and Answer Section: 10. Fohat - Part 2 [reprint CT vol 55]Geoffrey Barborkay1989v69i6Jan-Febp140
Index - The Canadian Theosophist Vol 69anony1989v69i6Jan-Febp142
WQJ (vf) [reprint 'The Irish Theosophist' 1896]George W Russell (AE)?y1989v70i1Mar-Aprp1
obituary - William Q Judge (1851-1896) [reprint 'The Irish Theosophist' 1896]Julia Keightley, George W Russell (AE), Fred J Dicky1989v70i1Mar-Aprp2
From the Presidential Address - To the 113th Annual Convention of the Theosophical SocietyRadha Burniery1989v70i1Mar-Aprp4
Impressions of the 113th ConventionPeter Lakiny1989v70i1Mar-Aprp8
Retributive Justice [reprint Boston Spiritual Scientist 1875]Henry S Olcotty1989v70i1Mar-Aprp9
Notes and Comments by the General SecretarySTy1989v70i1Mar-Aprp11
Showing 3401 to 3450 of 4442 entries