The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.

The Canadian Theosophist

Edmonton LodgeRogelle Pelletiery1986v67i4Sep-Octp84
The "Monday" Secret Doctrine ClassVera Gilly1986v67i4Sep-Octp85
Orpheus LodgeLillian Hoopery1986v67i4Sep-Octp85
Toronto LodgeRuth E Playley1986v67i4Sep-Octp86
TS in Canada 1986 Annual MeetingDDy1986v67i4Sep-Octp87
Iuchian the PoetSEy1986v67i4Sep-Octp88
The Dharma of the HeartJerome Wheelery1986v67i4Sep-Octp90
Secret Doctrine Question and Answer Section: 7 Archetypes/Prototypes - Part 1 [reprint CT vol 51]Geoffrey Barborkay1986v67i4Sep-Octp92
Interview with Madame Blavatsky Paris, 1884. Introduction and Notes [reprint 'Morning News' 21 April 1884]HP Blavatsky, Michael Gomesy1986v67i5Nov-Decp97
The Golden StairsHP Blavatskyy1986v67i5Nov-Decp102
Secret Doctrine Question and Answer Section: 7 Archetypes/Prototypes - Part 2 [reprint CT vols 45, 51]Geoffrey Barborkay1986v67i5Nov-Decp103
The Theosophical Society in Canada Annual Report 1985-86Ted G Davyy1986v67i5Nov-Decp105
Notes and Comments by the General SecretarySTy1986v67i5Nov-Decp107
Calgary LodgeLaetitia van Heesy1986v67i5Nov-Decp109
Hermes LodgeEva Sharpy1986v67i5Nov-Decp109
PG Bowen and "The Sayings of the Ancient One"anony1986v67i5Nov-Decp110
Acquisitions and Deprivations: The Meditation of HP Blavatsky [reprint American Theosophist 1986]John Algeoy1986v67i5Nov-Decp111
A Reader's NotesTGDy1986v67i5Nov-Decp116
Psychometry [reprint Platonist 1884]William Q Judgey1987v67i6Jan-Febp121
Inaugural Address of the Incoming General Secretary at the TS in Canada Annual Meeting July 5, 1986S Treloary1987v67i6Jan-Febp123
The Future of the Theosophical SocietyDudley W Barry1987v67i6Jan-Febp125
review: 'Karma and Rebirth: Post-Classical Developments' ed by Ronald W NeufeldtTed G Davyy1987v67i6Jan-Febp126
Karma [reprint 'The Secret Doctrine' II, 303-5]HP Blavatskyy1987v67i6Jan-Febp130
Philosopher's Stone (vf)Laura Baldwiny1987v67i6Jan-Febp130
Notes and Comments by the General SecretarySTy1987v67i6Jan-Febp131
Calgary LodgeDoris Davyy1987v67i6Jan-Febp133
Dharma Study CentreDiane P Mottusy1987v67i6Jan-Febp133
Toronto LodgeRuth E Playley1987v67i6Jan-Febp133
1986 European School of TheosophyEE Pelletiery1987v67i6Jan-Febp134
Secret Doctrine Question and Answer Section: 7 Archetypes/Prototypes - Part 3 [reprint CT]Geoffrey Barborkay1987v67i6Jan-Febp136
A Reader's NotesSTDy1987v67i6Jan-Febp138
review: 'Autobiography of Alfred Percy Sinnett'Ted G Davyy1987v67i6Jan-Febp139
Index - The Canadian Theosophist Vol 67anony1987v67i6Jan-Febp142
Justice in Human Life [radio talk 1933]Lawren Harrisy1987v68i1Mar-Aprp1
The Hope of the World [reprint 'The Canadian Theosophist' vol 14]Lawren Harrisy1987v68i1Mar-Aprp4
What Kind of Theosophical History?Jean-Paul Guignettey1987v68i1Mar-Aprp5
Aengus and Iuchian (2)SEy1987v68i1Mar-Aprp7
From the Presidential Address - To the 111th Annual Convention of the Theosophical SocietyRadha Burniery1987v68i1Mar-Aprp9
Notes and Comments by the General SecretarySTy1987v68i1Mar-Aprp11
Edmonton LodgeRPy1987v68i1Mar-Aprp13
Hermes LodgeEva Sharpy1987v68i1Mar-Aprp14
Victoria LodgeMollie Yorkey1987v68i1Mar-Aprp14
Krishnamurti's Changing views on the TS [reprint 'The Theosophist' December 1922; 'The Indian Theosophist' 1986]J Krishnamurti, P Krishnay1987v68i1Mar-Aprp19
Secret Doctrine Question and Answer Section: 7. Archetypes/Prototypes - Part 4 [reprint CT vol 57]Geoffrey Barborkay1987v68i1Mar-Aprp20
Hermes Libraryanony1987v68i1Mar-Aprp22
photo - Helena Petrovna Blavatsky - August 11, 1831 - May 8, 1891anony1987v68i2May-Junp25
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky [reprints]variousy1987v68i2May-Junp26
Theosophy and Christianity [reprint 'Lucifer' October 1891]Annie Besanty1987v68i2May-Junp29
review: 'Self-Transformation Through Music' by Joanne CrandallBeth Cooily1987v68i2May-Junp34
Notes and Comments by the General SecretarySTy1987v68i2May-Junp35
Showing 3251 to 3300 of 4442 entries