The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.

The Upadhi

(editorial) "It is the object of the promoters of this vehicle for exchange of Theosophical opinions ..."anony1892v1-Octoberp1
Q1 replyEd.y1892v1-Octoberp5
The Querist - Question 1 - proof for reincarnationFESHy1892v1-Octoberp5
Q2 replyEd.y1892v1-Octoberp6
Q2 the possibility of communion with the departedFESHy1892v1-Octoberp6
Q3 First Logos, Second Logos, Third LogosEWy1892v1-Octoberp7
Theosophical News & Activities in Australia & Tasmania - Lemurian Lodge - Sydney (changes name from "Olcott")TW Willansy1892v1-Octoberp8
Notice to intending subscribersanony1892v1-Octoberp11
Notes by the Wayanony1892v1-Novemberp12
The Querist Q3 (logoi)EWy1892v1-Novemberp14
reply "The crux point appears to be the origin of mind."Ed.y1892v1-Novemberp15
Q4 the origin of Man, esoteric vs materialisticT.y1892v1-Novemberp15
Q6 Has phrenological science any basis of fact in Theosophy?FFy1892v1-Novemberp16
Q5 How to secure a conscious immortalityK.y1892v1-Novemberp16
Hobart Branch (Tasmania)anony1892v1-Novemberp17
Melbourne (Victoria) TSanony1892v1-Novemberp17
Theosophical News & Activities - Adelaide (South Australia) TSanony1892v1-Novemberp17
The Sydney TS (NSW)George Puel & EW Minchiny1892v1-Novemberp18
Maybank (Victoria) TSEP Corry1892v1-Novemberp19
Lemurian Lodge - Sydney (NSW)TW Willansy1892v1-Novemberp21
The Theosophical Literature DepotGeorge de C Regoy1892v1-Novemberp23
Theosophical News & Activities - Hobart TS (Tasmania)anony1892v1-Decemberp25
Melbourne TS (Victoria)Henrietta Pattersony1892v1-Decemberp26
Lemurian Lodge - Sydney (NSW)TWWy1892v1-Decemberp27
Answers to Correspondents - Q5 "How to secure conscious immortality" KFRPy1892v1-Decemberp29
Another Answer to Q5"Atom"y1892v1-Decemberp31
Q6 (Phrenology)"Atom"y1892v1-Decemberp31
Q8 "How does the esoteric Philosophy explain atavism?""Atom"y1892v1-Decemberp32
Q7 Meaning of "nucleus of universal brotherhood"Humanityy1892v1-Decemberp32
Notice to intending subscribersanony1892v1-Decemberp35
(Official Notice from Adyar) Mrs Cooper-Oakley will visit AustraliaHS Olcotty1893v1-Januaryp36
Maybank TSElise Picketty1893v1-Januaryp39
Theosophical News & Activities - Melbourne TSanony1893v1-Januaryp39
Lemurian Lodge - Sydney, NSWanony1893v1-Januaryp41
Answers to Correspondents - Answer to Q7 (nucleus of universal brotherhood - how does one ... practice ...)Humanityy1893v1-Januaryp44
Answer Q7JRPy1893v1-Januaryp44
Another Answer to Q7anony1893v1-Januaryp48
reply to Q8 (Atavism)Protoplasmy1893v1-Januaryp49
Q10 (the effects of Hypnotism)A.y1893v1-Januaryp50
Q9 (What methods enable one to grasp Divine Wisdom?)W.y1893v1-Januaryp50
Notes by the Wayanony1893v1-Februaryp52
Activities - Hobart TS (Tasmania)JBy1893v1-Februaryp53
Melbourne TSHenrietta Pattersony1893v1-Februaryp55
General News - MelbourneHenrietta Pattersony1893v1-Februaryp56
Lemurian Lodge - Sydneyanony1893v1-Februaryp58
Answers to Correspondents - Q9 (methods for gaining Divine Wisdom) AnswerEWy1893v1-Februaryp61
Answer 2Editory1893v1-Februaryp62
Q10 (Hypnotism)Editory1893v1-Februaryp63
Q13 What is the origin of the Soul or Ego?EPy1893v1-Februaryp64
Showing 1 to 50 of 98 entries