The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.

Transactions of the London Lodge of the Theosophical Society first series

Questions by Members dealt with by Mr Mohini at a Meeting of the Lodge held on the 11th June 1884Mohini M Chatterjiy1884-i1Junep3
A Paper on Kama-Loca & the bearings of the Esoteric Doctrine on SpiritualismAP Sinnetty1884-i2Decemberp3
On the Higher Aspects of Theosophic StudiesMohini M Chatterjiy1885-i3Januaryp3
A Synopsis of Baron Du Prel's "Philosophie der Mystik"Bertram Keightleyy1885-i4Februaryp3
A Paper on ReincarnationFrancesca Arundaley1885-i5Marchp3
The Theosophical Movement (in this country has naturally been misunderstood.)AP Sinnetty1885-i6Junep3
Note by Mr MohiniMohini M Chatterjiy1885-i6Junep15
The Higher SelfAP Sinnetty1885-i7Octoberp3
The Theosophical Society & its WorkMohini M Chatterjiy1885-i8Decemberp3
A Paper on KrishnaMohini M Chatterjiy1886-i9Junep1
On MesmerismAP Sinnetty1886-i10Julyp1
Theosophy in the Works of Richard WagnerWilliam Ashton Ellisy1886-i11Augustp1
Buddha's TeachingAP Sinnetty1887-i12Julyp1
The Relations of the Lower & the Higher SelfAP Sinnetty1887-i13Augustp1
Karma in the Animal KingdomMrs AP Sinnetty1889-i14Novemberp1
On Free Will & Necessity regarded in the Light of Reincarnation & KarmaAP Sinnetty1890-i15Februaryp1
FaithPilgrim (W Scott-Elliot)y1890-i16Marchp1
The Evolution of HumanityW Scott-Ellioty1893-i17Februaryp3
The Human AuraAP Sinnetty1893-i18Julyp3
The Pyramids & StonehengeAP Sinnetty1893-i19Decemberp3
Masters of WisdomBertram Keightleyy1894-i20Aprilp3
Vehicles of ConsciousnessW Scott-Ellioty1894-i21Mayp3
The Culture of the SoulAnnie Besanty1894-i22Junep3
Modern Spiritualism (The Phenomena of Spiritualism considered in the Light of Theosophic Teaching)AP Sinnetty1895-i23Marchp3
The Astral PlaneCW Leadbeatery1895-i24Aprilp3
The Path of InitiationAP Sinnetty1895-i25Mayp3
The Lunar PitrisMrs AP Sinnett & W Scott-Ellioty1895-i26Augustp3
DreamsCW Leadbeatery1895-i27Decemberp3
The Future that Awaits UsAnnie Besanty1896-i28Januaryp3
Atlantis - A Geographical, Historical, & Ethnological SketchW Scott-Ellioty1896-i29Februaryp1
The System to which we BelongAP Sinnetty1896-i30Aprilp3
The Beginnings of the Fifth RaceAP Sinnetty1897-i31Februaryp3
Apollonius of TyanaAP Sinnetty1898-i32Januaryp3
The Constitution of the EgoAP Sinnetty1899-i33Februaryp3
Karma (The Extent & Limitations of our Knowledge)AP Sinnetty1899-i34Novemberp3
Hindoos & EuropeansAP Sinnetty1901-i35Marchp3
Obscure Problems of Karma & RebirthAP Sinnetty1902-i36Aprilp3
The Animal KingdomAP Sinnetty1902-i37Junep3
The Constitution of the EarthAP Sinnetty1903-i38Mayp3
The Law of SacrificeW Scott-Ellioty1903-i39Octoberp3
VibrationsAP Sinnetty1906-i40Aprilp3
Showing 1 to 41 of 41 entries