The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.

Transactions Annual Congresses of the Federation of European Sections Theosophical Society

4. Meetings for Debateanony1906v3-Julyp8
6. Meetings of Departmentsanony1906v3-Julyp9
7. Exhibition of Arts & Craftsanony1906v3-Julyp14
8. Receptions & Entertainmentsanony1906v3-Julyp15
9. Closing Meetinganony1906v3-Julyp16
10. Meetings of the Council of the FederationRudolf Steinery1906v3-Julyp17
Part 2 - General Addressesanony1906v3-Julyp21
Contents of Part 2anony1906v3-Julyp22
(in French) Address of WelcomeDr Th. Pascaly1906v3-Julyp23
Secretary's AddressJohan Van Maneny1906v3-Julyp25
Presidential AddressHS Olcotty1906v3-Julyp29
The Religion of the Mind (see vol 1 Echoes from the Gnosis)GRS Meady1906v3-Julyp39
(in French) Problemes de l'Heure presentePierre E Bernardy1906v3-Julyp41
(in French) Problèmes de l'Heure présentePierre E Bernardy1906v3-Julyp41
(in French) Closing AddressDr Th. Pascaly1906v3-Julyp47
Part 3 - Debatesanony1906v3-Julyp49
Contents of Part 3anony1906v3-Julyp50
(in French & English) Première Séance de DébatsJvM, GRSM, L Revel, HSO, AK, othersy1906v3-Julyp51
(in French & English) Premiere Seance de DebatsJvM, GRSM, L Revel, HSO, AK, othersy1906v3-Julyp51
(in French & English) Seconde Séance de DébatsBK, JvM, GRSM, Mr Martyn, Mrs Leo, othersy1906v3-Julyp77
(in French & English) Seconde Seance de DebatsBK, JvM, GRSM, Mr Martyn, Mrs Leo, othersy1906v3-Julyp77
Part 4 - Departmental Papersanony1906v3-Julyp103
Contents of Part 4anony1906v3-Julyp104
Department A - Brotherhood, in its various aspectsanony1906v3-Julyp105
Contents of Department Aanony1906v3-Julyp106
(in French) L'Assistance Théosophique MatérielleDA Courmesy1906v3-Julyp107
(in French) L'Assistance Theosophique MaterielleDA Courmesy1906v3-Julyp107
Department B - Religion, Mysticism, Myths & Legends, Folkloreanony1906v3-Julyp113
Contents of Department Banony1906v3-Julyp114
A New ReligionElizabeth Seversy1906v3-Julyp115
An Aspect of IslamEd. E Longy1906v3-Julyp125
Some Folklore Gleanings, principally from DevonshireGeorge M Doey1906v3-Julyp145
The Religion of Our Forefathers (2) The Slavonic RacesA. von Ulrichy1906v3-Julyp155
Some Notes on the Voyage of Bran (other Planes & other States of Being)MU Greeny1906v3-Julyp183
Theosophy in Germany a Hundred Years AgoRudolf Steinery1906v3-Julyp199
Department C - Philosophyanony1906v3-Julyp211
Contents of Department Canony1906v3-Julyp212
Mukti - A Psycho-Physiological TreatmentPT Srinivasa Iyengary1906v3-Julyp213
A Modern "Counsel of Perfection"Margaret S Duncany1906v3-Julyp225
(In Italian) La Felicita dovuta allo Sviluppo delle Virtu socialiG Cavalliniy1906v3-Julyp231
(In Italian) La Felicità dovuta allo Sviluppo delle Virtù socialiG Cavalliniy1906v3-Julyp231
Acvaghosha's "Awakening of Faith" in the MahayanaG Herbert Whytey1906v3-Julyp241
Açvaghosha's "Awakening of Faith" in the MahayanaG Herbert Whytey1906v3-Julyp241
(in French) La Philosophie de M. Bergson dans ses Rapports avec la Philosophie antique de l'IndeL Desainty1906v3-Julyp253
(in French) Essai d'un Guide dans la VieEug. Lévyy1906v3-Julyp267
(in French) Essai d'un Guide dans la VieEug. Levyy1906v3-Julyp267
(in French) Le pretendu Pessimisme de l'Inde et la theorie morale du BonheurMaurice Largerisy1906v3-Julyp273
(in French) Le prétendu Pessimisme de l'Inde et la théorie morale du BonheurMaurice Largerisy1906v3-Julyp273
Diagrams & SymbolsAWy1906v3-Julyp275
Department D - Science (including the "Borderland" Sciences)anony1906v3-Julyp279
Showing 201 to 250 of 415 entries