The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.

Transactions Annual Congresses of the Federation of European Sections Theosophical Society

(in French) Essai sur le Mécanisme de la ClairvoyanceTh. Pascaly1905v2-Julyp245
(in French) Essai sur le Mécanisme de la ClairvoyanceTh. Pascaly1905v2-Julyp245
(in French) L'Espace: L'Hyperespace et son ExperienceL Desainty1905v2-Julyp247
(in French) L'Espace: L'Hyperespace et son ExpérienceL Desainty1905v2-Julyp247
Notes on the Fourth Dimension with some Sections, & Orthogonal Projections ...WJLy1905v2-Julyp253
These plates, which illustrate the 4th dimensional solids ...anony1905v2-Julyp272
I 16 cell B, II 16 cell Canony1905v2-Julyp272
III 24 cell B, IV 24 cell Canony1905v2-Julyp272
III 24 cell Banony1905v2-Julyp272
II 16 cell C, III 24 cell Banony1905v2-Julyp272
Physical Evidence of Atlantis & LemuriaPercy Lundy1905v2-Julyp295
The Scientific Principles Underlying "Reincarnation" and "Karma"WC Worsdelly1905v2-Julyp299
Modern AstrologyAlan Leoy1905v2-Julyp313
In Defence of SpiritualismFlorence MM Russelly1905v2-Julyp323
Vibratory Capacity, the Key of PersonaltyCHH Frankliny1905v2-Julyp329
Ett Bidrag till Studiet af Reinkarnationen (see Teosofisk Tidskrift för Skandinavia July 1905)Hans Erlandssony1905v2-Julyp345
Ett Bidrag till Studiet af Reinkarnationen (see Teosofisk Tidskrift for Skandinavia July 1905)Hans Erlandssony1905v2-Julyp345
Department E - Artanony1905v2-Julyp347
Contents of Department Eanony1905v2-Julyp348
The Artistic InspirationMontague Fordhamy1905v2-Julyp349
The Modern Symbolist MovementLilian Lloydy1905v2-Julyp353
Guilds: Visible & InvisibleAW Waddingtony1905v2-Julyp357
The Theosophical Society & MusicEdward Maryony1905v2-Julyp365
(in French) Essai sur le Pouvoir Educateur de la MusiqueA. André-Gedalgey1905v2-Julyp375
(in French) Essai sur le Pouvoir Educateur de la MusiqueA. Andre-Gedalgey1905v2-Julyp375
Art as a Factor in the Soul's EvolutionC Jinarajadasay1905v2-Julyp383
Summary - Music as a Factor in EvolutionAM Alexandery1905v2-Julyp391
Department F - Administration - Propaganda, Methods of Workanony1905v2-Julyp393
Contents of Department Fanony1905v2-Julyp394
On Theosophical Propaganda in FranceJuliette Decroixy1905v2-Julyp395
The Relation of the Theosophical Society to the Theosophical MovementI. Hoopery1905v2-Julyp399
A Plea for a More Practical Wisdom for TheosophistsKatherine Wellery1905v2-Julyp405
Summary - A Newspaper SchemeW Wyberghy1905v2-Julyp409
On the Education of Children - Physical, Moral, Intellectual, & ReligiousEJ Laudery1905v2-Julyp411
Some Danger Points in the New Thought Movement - A Suggestion to TheosophistsJB McGoverny1905v2-Julyp425
A Sincere Tribute of Grateful Admiration to our Great Instructor Madame BlavatskyFTSy1905v2-Julyp431
Department G - Occultismanony1905v2-Julyp433
Contents of Department Ganony1905v2-Julyp434
The Conditions of Occult ResearchAnnie Besanty1905v2-Julyp435
Part 5 - Indexanony1905v2-Julyp445
Contents of Part 5anony1905v2-Julyp446
Pronounciation of Sanskrit Wordsanony1905v2-Julyp447
Index to Parts 3, 4anony1905v2-Julyp449
Part 1 - Officialanony1906v3-Julyp1
Transactions of the 3rd Annual Congress of the Federation of European Sections of the TS (Paris, July 3-5)anony1906v3-July_p1
Contents of Part 1anony1906v3-Julyp2
1. List of Officers - President HS Olcottanony1906v3-Julyp3
2. Statement of AccountsCH Blechy1906v3-Julyp6
3. Opening Meetinganony1906v3-Julyp7
4. Meetings for Debateanony1906v3-Julyp8
Showing 151 to 200 of 415 entries