The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.

The Theosophist

What the European Papers Say (of Theosophy)many & variousy1884v5-Septemberp294
Historical Researches on Magic (tr by CW Rohner) (2) (rprnt Harbinger of Light)Baron Dupotety1884v5-Septemberp297
Ltte - Thelemometre - A Will MeasurerEriopoles, FTSy1884v5-Septemberp299
When to expect Spiritual HelpPGNy1884v5-Septemberp299
note [to "Homaeopathy"]Ed.y1884v5-Septemberp300
HomaeopathyEW Berridgey1884v5-Septemberp300
Questions by "a Truthseeker"A Truth-seekery1884v5-Septemberp300
notes [to "Questions by a Truth-Seeker"]Edy1884v5-Septemberp300
Anglo-Sanskrit SchoolsParash Nath Chuckerabuttyy1884v5-Septemberp301
review - Koot Hoomi Unveiled by Arthur LillieFranz Hartmann FTSy1884v5-Septemberp301
SpiritualismHC Nibletty1884v5-Septemberp301
Review - "The Government & the Buddhists in Ceylon" anonFHy1884v5-Septemberp303
Notice [WQ Judge appointed treasurer & DK Mavalankar appointed Recording Secretary of the TS]anony1884v5-Septemberp303
Special Notice (New Agent of TS in Paris)anony1884v5-Septemberp303
Our Next Volumeanony1884v5-Septemberp303
Notice [the delay in the issue of part I of the SD was due to ...]anony1884v5-Septemberp304
Chelasanon (HPB)y1884v6-Octoberp1
Madame Blavatsky & Her Slanderersanony1884v6-Octoberp2
The Free Church Mission & the Theosophists (rprnt Madras Mail)anony1884v6-Octoberp3
[note - Report of Observations Made During a Nine Month's Stay at the TS Head-Quarters - rprnt Madras Mail]anony1884v6-Octoberp4
A Forged Theosophical Letter (HSO & FH) (rprnt Madras Mail)anony1884v6-Octoberp4
Animal Life by Electricity, Description of Mr Crosse's Experiments(Peter Davidson)y1884v6-Octoberp5
Practical Instructions for Students of Occultism (VI) ImaginationABy1884v6-Octoberp6
Are the "Arabian Nights" all Fiction?William Quan Judgey1884v6-Octoberp8
Experiences in Oriental Black MagicX, a chelay1884v6-Octoberp9
Studies in Swedenborg's Philosophy (1) PsychologyHC Vetterlingy1884v6-Octoberp9
Colonel Olcott's Healingsanony1884v6-Octoberp11
The Founders in EuropeMGy1884v6-Octoberp12
Objective Efficacy of Prayer (Extracts from Inquiries into Human Faculty)Francis Galtony1884v6-Octoberp13
Mr Arthur Lillie's paper on "Indian Yoga"An Adwaiteey1884v6-Octoberp16
The Late Lord Lytton & the "Masters" (Sir Edward George Bulwer-Lytton (1803-1873))anony1884v6-Octoberp17
Ltte - "The Art of Being Happy"Hari Narayan (? Hari Narayan Somnay)y1884v6-Octoberp17
Answers to Correspondentsvariousy1884v6-Octoberp17
Stray Thoughts of an AspirantAn American FTSy1884v6-Octoberp18
note [to "The Art of Being Happy"]Ed.y1884v6-Octoberp18
Bible InterpretationL Salzery1884v6-Octoberp19
note [to "Karma"]H.y1884v6-Octoberp19
KarmaT Sadasiviery1884v6-Octoberp19
Answers [to Vera's questions]Edy1884v6-Octoberp19
review - Brahmoism; or History of Reformed Hinduism by Ram Chandra Boseanony1884v6-Octoberp20
note [to "Bible Interpretation"]Edy1884v6-Octoberp20
[Notes on Infant Marriage and Enforced Widowhood in India by Behramji M Malabari; mentioned]anony1884v6-Octoberp20
The Third Annual Report of the Secunderabad Albert Reading Room & Library, 1878 - 1883; receivedanony1884v6-Octoberp20
review - Keshub Chunder Sen & the People Among Whom he Lived & Worked by (A Hindu)anony1884v6-Octoberp20
review - Psychography by MA (Oxon)anony1884v6-Octoberp21
Showing 3101 to 3150 of 26591 entries