The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.

The Theosophist

How Long it takes to Dream a Dream (rprnt Chicago Herald)anony1884v5-Aug+p111
Theosophy [letter to the editor of the Indian Mirror]an Humble Brahminy1884v5-Aug+p112
Acknowledgement [the Theosophical Society's influence on the reviving of Hinduism]Ranjan Vilas Rai Chaudhuriy1884v5-Aug+p112
ChelasStanley B Sextony1884v5-Aug+p112
The Gooty Theosophical Society [Sanskrit School partially founded by the president of the Branch]BP Narasimhiahy1884v5-Aug+p112
correspondence - A Curious Date-TreeVVS Avadhani (1858 - )y1884v5-Aug+p112
The Prayag Psychic TS (Allahabad) [new assistant secretary elected]anony1884v5-Aug+p113
The Tirupattur TS (Madura District) [Sanskrit elementary school opened]N Sreenivasa Iyery1884v5-Aug+p113
PhenomenalP Sreenevas Rowy1884v5-Aug+p113
Official Reports - The Chittoor Theosophical Society [Sanskrit school opened]N Sreenivasa Iyery1884v5-Aug+p113
Special Orders of 1884 (Dr Fortin; & the Society of Occultists in Paris, provisional charter cancelled)Mohini M Chatterjiy1884v5-Aug+p113
Rules & Bye-Laws - The objects of the Chittur Theosophical Society are listedA. Raju (Moodeliar)y1884v5-Aug+p114
The Hyderabad (Dekkan) Theosophical Society [election of officers; rules and bye-laws]Darabjee Dasabhyy1884v5-Aug+p114
Rules & Bye-Laws of the Gyanodaya Theosophical Society (Bara-Banki)Purmeshri Dassy1884v5-Aug+p115
obituary - Samuel Ward {includes a tribute by MA (Oxon) rprnt from Light}anony1884v5-Aug+p115
obituary - Krishnanath Govindnath Kothareanony1884v5-Aug+p115
an advertisement - "The Secret Doctrine" by HP Blavatskyanony1884v5-Aug+p116
[seven advertisements]variousy1884v5-Aug+p116
Occultism in Modern Literature (1)Miad Hoyo-Ra Kora-Hony1884v5-Augustp257
The European Press on the Theosophical Mission in Europevariousy1884v5-Augustp258
Miscellaneous Notes(HPB)y1884v5-Augustp258
The Theosophists' Welcome to ParisEmilie de Morsiery1884v5-Augustp260
Adepts & Magicians - Occultism in IndiaDDK * * *y1884v5-Augustp261
Colonel Olcott's Mission for the Buddhistsanony1884v5-Augustp261
The Future Occultistanon (HPB)y1884v5-Augustp263
An Interesting Adventure (rprnt Psychische Studien)A. Demjanenkoway1884v5-Augustp263
Practical Instructions for Students of Occultism (IV) KnowledgeABy1884v5-Augustp264
Mr Gladstone & "Thought Reading" (rprnt Madras Mail)anony1884v5-Augustp266
Can the Mahatmas be selfish?anon (HPB)y1884v5-Augustp266
Contemplation (3)DKMy1884v5-Augustp267
Scientific Verification of "Spiritual" Phenomena (rprnt Light)CC Masseyy1884v5-Augustp267
The Origin of Nature & the Origin of ScienceAn Adwaiteey1884v5-Augustp268
Ltte - The Future BuddhasKhetra Mohana Mukhopadhyayay1884v5-Augustp268
note [to "The Future Buddhas"]Editor (HPB)y1884v5-Augustp269
Notes on "The Best Food for Man"BGy1884v5-Augustp269
Thief or "Medium?"Ranjan Vilas Rai Chaudhuri [+ note by H]y1884v5-Augustp269
note [to "Vedantism & Buddhism"]DKMy1884v5-Augustp270
Vedantism & BuddhismAn Enquirery1884v5-Augustp270
note [to "Interview with a Mahatma"]DKMy1884v5-Augustp270
Interview with a MahatmaRajani Kant Brahmachariy1884v5-Augustp270
note [to "An Aspirant's Perplexities"]BSy1884v5-Augustp271
An Aspirant's PerplexitiesAn FTSy1884v5-Augustp271
Yoga-VidyaParash Nath Chuckerabuttyy1884v5-Augustp271
SympathyEdmond W Wadey1884v5-Augustp271
note [to "Yoga-Vidya"]Editory1884v5-Augustp272
review - Posthumous Humanityanony1884v5-Augustp272
review - The Origin & Development of the AlphabetPC Mukerjiy1884v5-Augustp275
review - Mona Singh: A Sketch by DM Stronganony1884v5-Augustp276
review - The Panchadasi (A Hand-book of Hindu Pantheism) tr Nandalal Dholeanony1884v5-Augustp277
Showing 3001 to 3050 of 26591 entries