The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.

All entries

The TheosophistGurus & ChelasT Subba Row & 200 othersy1883v4-Aug+p2
The TheosophistColonel Olcott's CuresLadli Mohun Ghosey1883v4-Aug+p2
The TheosophistThe Madras Theosophical SocietyT Subba Rowy1883v4-Aug+p3
The TheosophistMadras TS [establishment of Sanskrit Schools]T Subba Rowy1883v4-Aug+p3
The TheosophistGyanodaya TS (Bara-Banki) [formed; office-holders elected; approval by HS Olcott]Brij Mohun Lal, No. 2y1883v4-Aug+p3
The TheosophistSociété Scientifique des Occultistes de France (Paris) [description of the new branch]anon (HPB)y1883v4-Aug+p3
The TheosophistOur New Branchesvarious (HPB)y1883v4-Aug+p3
The TheosophistOfficial Reportsvariousy1883v4-Aug+p3
The TheosophistPoona TS [report of past years doings adopted; office-bearers elected]Rajanna Linguy1883v4-Aug+p4
The Theosophist[Approval of London Lodge name change]HS Olcotty1883v4-Aug+p4
The TheosophistLondon Lodge of the TS [change of name from British Theosophical Society]WF Kirbyy1883v4-Aug+p4
The TheosophistIonian TS (Corfu, Greece) [election of officers; short comments on the branch]Otho Alexandery1883v4-Aug+p4
The TheosophistColombo TS (Ceylon) [third anniversary celebrations; election of officers; other matters]CP Goonewardeney1883v4-Aug+p4
The TheosophistThe P-F's Reception at TinnevellyS Ramaswamiery1883v4-Aug+p5
The TheosophistTinnevelly TS (Madras Presidency) [election of officers; general discussion]S Sundram Aiyery1883v4-Aug+p5
The TheosophistMiscellaneous Notes(HPB)y1883v4-Aug+p5
The TheosophistPersonal Itemsvariousy1883v4-Aug+p6
The Theosophist[Baldeo Prasad Sankdhar - re his dedication to the Theosophical Society]anony1883v4-Aug+p6
The Theosophist[Khushwagt Rai - gone to England to study for the Bar]anony1883v4-Aug+p6
The Theosophist[HS Olcott - details of his trip to Ceylon]anony1883v4-Aug+p6
The Theosophist[Anadi Bai Joshi - extract from a letter to a friend] (rprnt Indian Mirror)anony1883v4-Aug+p6
The Theosophist[Dajiraj Chandra Singhjee - arrived at London]anony1883v4-Aug+p6
The Theosophist[HP Blavatsky - left Madras for Ootacamund]anony1883v4-Aug+p6
The Theosophistobituary - Jogendro Nath Basu Sarbodhicaryanony1883v4-Aug+p6
The TheosophistOur Fifth Yearanon (HPB)y1883v4-Augustp265
The TheosophistThe Theosophist, Madras, August, 1883Editory1883v4-Augustp265
The TheosophistHindu Music (Dr WW Hunter's exertions)HS Olcotty1883v4-Augustp265
The TheosophistMemorandum* * * (a British Theosophist; CCM?) (HPB)y1883v4-Augustp266
The TheosophistDevachan - Western Stricture & Eastern VersionEd. (HPB) (KH: see ML#59 p333)y1883v4-Augustp266
The Theosophistreply I - The Real & the Unrealanon 1 (HPB)y1883v4-Augustp267
The TheosophistThe Real & the Unrealanon (HPB)y1883v4-Augustp267
The Theosophistreply II - Dream Lifeanon 2 (HPB)y1883v4-Augustp269
The Theosophistreply III - The Various States of Devachananon 3 (HPB)y1883v4-Augustp270
The TheosophistBy "Bell, Book & Candle" - Leaves from the Note-Book of a Missionary Priest (3) (rprnt Catholic Mirror)anon (HPB)y1883v4-Augustp272
The TheosophistAn Astrologer of ReputePestanji Dorabji Khandalevalay1883v4-Augustp272
The TheosophistAllah (in Atharvan Veda, the source of Mahomedanism)NBy1883v4-Augustp273
The Theosophista note (to "The Essentials of Religion")anon (HPB)y1883v4-Augustp274
The TheosophistThe Essentials of ReligionRaj Narain Bosey1883v4-Augustp274
The TheosophistDivination (among the Parsees)NDKy1883v4-Augustp275
The TheosophistVictims of Christianity (rprnt New York World)anony1883v4-Augustp276
The TheosophistVictims of Hinduism - (Suicide for the sake of Salvation)anony1883v4-Augustp276
The TheosophistAstrology & Modern Science - Michel de NostradamusDr Fortiny1883v4-Augustp277
The TheosophistEsoteric Buddhism a new book by AP Sinnett (rprnt Bombay Gazette)anon (+ a note, anon)y1883v4-Augustp277
The TheosophistLtte - A Human Storage Battery: W Underwood, exhaling fire through his mouthSE Woodmany1883v4-Augustp279
The TheosophistThe Perils of Dabbling in MesmerismABC & HSO (ABC =? Manilal N Dvivedi)y1883v4-Augustp280
The TheosophistEditor's Note [to "A Human Storage Battery"]anon (HPB)y1883v4-Augustp280
The TheosophistEditor's Note - The Work of Allan Kardecanon (HPB)y1883v4-Augustp281
The TheosophistMesmerising WaterPTS (? PT Srinivasaingar)y1883v4-Augustp281
The TheosophistFuneral Rites among Savage RacesWD (+ a note, HPB)y1883v4-Augustp281
The TheosophistWhence the SoulA Theosophisty1883v4-Augustp281
Showing 2301 to 2350 of 211352 entries