The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.

All entries

The TheosophistThe Theosophist, Madras, June, 1883Editory1883v4-Junep209
The Theosophista note (to "Will - Schopenhauer & Adwaitism")anon (HPB)y1883v4-Junep210
The Theosophistfootnotes to "Esoteric Spiritualism, The Law of Influx & Efflux"(HPB)y1883v4-Junep210
The TheosophistEsoteric Spiritualism, The Law of "Influx" & "Efflux" & W Oxley's Philosophy of SpiritWilliam Yeatesy1883v4-Junep210
The TheosophistA Few Thoughts on Some Wise Words (The Essentials of Religion by Raj Narain Bose)anon (HPB)y1883v4-Junep213
The TheosophistMahabharata in English "Datavya Bharat Karyalaya"Pratab Chandra Royy1883v4-Junep213
The TheosophistOrmazd & Ahriman & the Allegorical Writings of the AncientsNMPy1883v4-Junep217
The TheosophistSuggestive Comparisons (statistics of Infidel & Christian Morality)Ed. Theosy1883v4-Junep217
The TheosophistEditor's Note (to "Should men cut their Hair?")anon (HPB)y1883v4-Junep218
The TheosophistShould men cut their Hair? (rprnt Phrenology Journal)Alexander Wildery1883v4-Junep218
The TheosophistHomoeopathy & harmonyKrishnadhan Mukerjiy1883v4-Junep219
The TheosophistThe Religion of a Great Statesman (Leon Gambetta 1838-1882)Frederick Harrisony1883v4-Junep220
The TheosophistA mode of Divination among the ParsisJN Unwalay1883v4-Junep220
The TheosophistEditor's Note [to "The Efficacy of Funeral Ceremonies"]anon (HPB)y1883v4-Junep221
The TheosophistThe Efficacy of Funeral CeremoniesNDKy1883v4-Junep221
The TheosophistGambetta's Eye & Brainanon (HPB)y1883v4-Junep222
The TheosophistBy "Bell, Book & Candle" (2) (rprnt Catholic Mirror)a missionary priest (HPB)y1883v4-Junep223
The TheosophistZoroastrianism in the Light of Occult Philosophy (1)anon (HPB)y1883v4-Junep224
The TheosophistSwami Dayanund - A Freethinkeranon (HPB)y1883v4-Junep224
The TheosophistThe TantrasTSy1883v4-Junep226
The Theosophistfootnote to "The Tantras"(HPB)y1883v4-Junep226
The Theosophistfootnote to "Visishtadvaita Philosophy"(HPB)y1883v4-Junep228
The TheosophistVisishtadwaita PhilosophyA. Govinda Charluy1883v4-Junep228
The TheosophistThe Visishthadwaita Catechism Dissectedan Adwaiteey1883v4-Junep229
The TheosophistCosmical Rings & Rounds (Difficulties in the theory)ST K * * * Chary (HPB)y1883v4-Junep231
The Theosophist[Reply to "Cosmical Rings and Rounds"]ST K * * * Charyy1883v4-Junep232
The TheosophistEditor's Note to "Lay Chela"anon (HPB)y1883v4-Junep232
The TheosophistLtte - Subhuti's Sopara RelicPeter D' Abrewy1883v4-Junep233
The TheosophistThe NadigrandhamsN Chedumburam Iyery1883v4-Junep233
The TheosophistLight's VelocityDMS (? DM Strong)y1883v4-Junep234
The TheosophistEditor's Note [to "Explanation Wanted"]Ed. (HPB)y1883v4-Junep234
The TheosophistExplanation Wanted (Runic Arne Saknussem)A Junior Studenty1883v4-Junep234
The TheosophistWe Reply [to "Pertinent Questions"]anon (HPB)y1883v4-Junep235
The TheosophistPertinent Questions: What is a Yogi? Is Vegetarianism necessary for advancement in Occultism?HN Vakily1883v4-Junep235
The TheosophistHow a Man Becomes a Hindu & a BrahmanA. Sankariahy1883v4-Junep235
The TheosophistPsychometry & ArchaeologyPoorna Chundra Mookherjiy1883v4-Junep235
The TheosophistProf Max Muller's opinion wanted: Interpretation of Christ's last words by the Maya Vocables of Yucatananon (rprnt `Psychometric Circular`)y1883v4-Junep236
The TheosophistThe Summum bonum of Hinduism & BuddhismSMy1883v4-Junep236
The TheosophistHow to become a BrahmanT Sarmany1883v4-Junep236
The TheosophistWhat is a "Perahera"?A Ceylon Buddhisty1883v4-Junep236
The TheosophistEditor's Note (Denton's Soul of Things)anon (HPB)y1883v4-Junep236
The TheosophistMadras Hindu Charity High SchoolV Rama Raoy1883v4-Junep237
The TheosophistAn Attempt at a new Calendar - The Paine Hall Calendar - The era of the Martyrdom of Giordano Brunoanony1883v4-Junep237
The TheosophistThe Calcutta School of HomoeopathyShooshee Bhoosun Mookerji (Mukerji)y1883v4-Junep238
The TheosophistThe First Anniversary of the Bengal Theosophical Societyanony1883v4-July+p1
The TheosophistTo Colonel HS OlcottPeary Chand Mittray1883v4-July+p1
The Theosophist[Annual Report of the Bengal Theosophical Society]Mohini Mohun Chatterjiy1883v4-July+p1
The Theosophist[Address delivered at the First Anniversary of the Bengal Theosophical Society]N Nath Sen (`Indian Mirror` editor)y1883v4-July+p2
The Theosophist[Address delivered at the First Anniversary of the Bengal Theosophical Society]Dijendra Nath Tagorey1883v4-July+p3
The Theosophist(The Observations of Dr Yaeger of Stutgart (Stuttgart))Leopold Salzery1883v4-July+p4
Showing 2201 to 2250 of 211352 entries