The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.

All entries

The TheosophistThe Behar Theosophical Society - Rules & Bye-LawsPurnendra Narayan Sinhay1883v4-March+p4
The TheosophistThe British Theosophical Societyanony1883v4-March+p4
The Theosophist[Alfred Percy Sinnett - in Calcutta; expected to visit headquarters]anony1883v4-March+p5
The Theosophist[Bishen Lall - promoting theosophy across India]anony1883v4-March+p5
The TheosophistA Praiseworthy Example, Sinhalese National Buddhistic FundGregoris Edrewerey1883v4-March+p5
The Theosophist[visit to the Adyar Headquarters by HH Daji Raj]anony1883v4-March+p5
The TheosophistPersonal Itemsvariousy1883v4-March+p5
The TheosophistAnother Theosophical Sanscrit Schoolanony1883v4-March+p5
The TheosophistThe Paris (France) Theosophical Societyanony1883v4-March+p5
The TheosophistThe Number Sevenanony1883v4-March+p5
The Theosophistobituary - HE Nawab Sir Salar Jung BahadurMRRy P Iyalu Naiday1883v4-March+p6
The TheosophistAn Enemy Turned Brother* * *y1883v4-March+p6
The Theosophist[JC Williams - going to England]anony1883v4-March+p6
The TheosophistSir Richard & Theosophy, Againanon (HPB)y1883v4-Marchp127
The TheosophistThe Theosophist, Madras, March, 1883Editory1883v4-Marchp127
The TheosophistEditor's Note [to "In re Adwaita Philosophy"]anon (? T Subba Row)y1883v4-Marchp128
The TheosophistIn re Adwaita PhilosophySwami of Almoray1883v4-Marchp128
The TheosophistThe Sacred Tree of Kum Bum (in Tibet)anon (HPB)y1883v4-Marchp130
The Theosophist(Rev Joseph) Cook at Homeanony1883v4-Marchp130
The TheosophistSham Asceticismanon (HPB)y1883v4-Marchp131
The TheosophistFragments of Occult Truth (VI) DevachanA Lay Chelay1883v4-Marchp131
The TheosophistAppendix to "Devachan"anony1883v4-Marchp135
The TheosophistUnder the Shadow of Great Namesanon (HPB)y1883v4-Marchp137
The TheosophistA Personal & An Impersonal GodT Subba Rowy1883v4-Marchp138
The TheosophistMissionary Progress in Indiaanony1883v4-Marchp139
The TheosophistLetter - No Revelation InfallibleAO Humey1883v4-Marchp140
The TheosophistThe "Blessings" of the BrothersEd. (HPB)y1883v4-Marchp141
The TheosophistLight wanted by a ParsiA FTS (+ note by Editor)y1883v4-Marchp141
The TheosophistPrince Wittgenstein's Letter (to the Editor of the Spiritualist)E Wittgenstein (1824-1878)y1883v4-Marchp142
The TheosophistAn Excellent Magic Mirroranon (HPB)y1883v4-Marchp142
The Theosophist(reply) A Word with "Zero"Theosophical Unit (HPB)y1883v4-Marchp143
The TheosophistA Word with the TheosophistsZero (HPB)y1883v4-Marchp143
The TheosophistMr IsaacsA***8111y1883v4-Marchp145
The TheosophistSaufi (Sufi) Ode (Esoteric Mahomedanism)Bamacharan Ghoshy1883v4-Marchp145
The Theosophistfootnote to "Mr Isaacs"(HPB)y1883v4-Marchp145
The TheosophistDo the Rishis exist?A Hindu Theosophist (+ a note by HPB)y1883v4-Marchp146
The TheosophistThe Travelling Truthseeker - a review of A Truthseeker Around the World by DM Bennettanon (HPB)y1883v4-Marchp146
The Theosophistreview - My Visit to Styria by Caroline Corneranony1883v4-Marchp146
The Theosophistobituary - SB BrittanHS Olcotty1883v4-Marchp147
The Theosophistreview - A Catalogue (Revised) of Indian Drugs by Dr W Dymockanony1883v4-Marchp147
The Theosophistreview - The Battle Ground of the Spiritual Reformation by SB Brittananony1883v4-Marchp147
The TheosophistThe Gospel of the Future: or the "Revelation" of St Keshub (Chandra Sen)anon (HPB)y1883v4-Marchp148
The TheosophistThe Theosophical SocietyAP Sinnetty1883v4-Marchp149
The TheosophistA New Theosophical Skirmish (rprnt Pioneer)anony1883v4-Marchp149
The Theosophist"Can the Double murder?" or produce results on the material body?John Yarkery1883v4-Marchp149
The TheosophistColour & SoundKarl Pearsony1883v4-Marchp150
The TheosophistColonel Olcott's Lecture at the Town Hall, Calcutta, on "Theosophy & Brotherhood"HS Olcotty1883v4-April+p1
The TheosophistColonel Olcott's Second Lecture at the Town Hallanony1883v4-April+p4
The Theosophistcorrespondence of the Indian Mirror - Cures Effected by HSO in Calcutta by Mesmeric PassesSurji Kumar Bysacky1883v4-April+p4
The TheosophistThe SameSrinauth Tagore, SM, & NCMy1883v4-April+p5
Showing 1951 to 2000 of 211352 entries