The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.

All entries

The Theosophist[Kavasji M Shroff - Bombay branch has found a location to hold its meetings]anony1883v4-Feb+p3
The Theosophist[Jehangir Cursetji Tarachand - recommended to see Tookaram Tatya for a mesmeric healing]anony1883v4-Feb+p4
The TheosophistSinhalese National Buddhistic Fund [Correction to 1882, Dec+, page 7, Consolidated Memorandum ...]anony1883v4-Feb+p4
The Theosophist[Description of first attempt at mesmerism]anony1883v4-Feb+p4
The Theosophist[A. Govinda Charlu - delivered a lecture at Tumkur on Theosophy]anony1883v4-Feb+p4
The Theosophist[Rohilkhund TS (Bareilly) - members working hard to increase membership]anony1883v4-Feb+p4
The Theosophistobituary - DM Bennettanony1883v4-Feb+p4
The Theosophistobituary - MRRy K Venkatanarasayya Garuanony1883v4-Feb+p4
The Theosophist[Barada Kanta Majumdar - trying to form a branch at Jessore; eldest son died]anony1883v4-Feb+p4
The Theosophist[Tookaram Tatya - successfully healing with mesmerism]anony1883v4-Feb+p4
The TheosophistMistaken Notions (of the Psychological Review)anon (HPB)y1883v4-Februaryp103
The TheosophistThe Theosophist, Madras, February, 1883 v4 #5, #41Editory1883v4-Februaryp103
The Theosophist"A Personal & Impersonal God"T Subba Rowy1883v4-Februaryp104
The TheosophistThe Bugbears of Modern Science (1)anon (HPB)y1883v4-Februaryp105
The TheosophistMatter & its Forces or Modes of MotionHenry G Atkinson (1812-1884)y1883v4-Februaryp108
The TheosophistFrom Keshub Babu to Maestro Wagner via the Salvation Campanon (HPB)y1883v4-Februaryp109
The TheosophistThe Brahminical ThreadA. Sarman (FTS)y1883v4-Februaryp109
The TheosophistThe Primeval Human Race Double-sexedAlexander Wildery1883v4-Februaryp112
The TheosophistThe Reminiscences of a Chela (1)Bhola Deva Sarmay1883v4-Februaryp114
The TheosophistCis-Tibetan Rambles (2)A. Banony1883v4-Februaryp115
The TheosophistAnima Mundi (The Universal Luminiferous Ether & its workings) (rprnt Cincinnati Daily Gazette)JD Bucky1883v4-Februaryp116
The TheosophistMesmerism as an anaestheticanony1883v4-Februaryp116
The TheosophistIs Brahmoism True Hinduism? (Reply to criticism of A. Sankariah)a member of the Adi B Samajy1883v4-Februaryp117
The Theosophistfootnote to "Is Brahmoism True Hinduism?"(HPB)y1883v4-Februaryp117
The TheosophistAdwaita Philosophy (of the Swami of Almora)Paramahamsa Swami (ftnts: T Subba Row)y1883v4-Februaryp118
The TheosophistMiscellaneous Notes(HPB)y1883v4-Februaryp118
The TheosophistMiscellaneous Notes(HPB)y1883v4-Februaryp119
The TheosophistA Wise Padri-Mystic (Rev Lacroix)A Bengaliy1883v4-Februaryp119
The TheosophistThe Nobler Idea of LifeASy1883v4-Februaryp119
The Theosophist"HX" & God Personal & ImpersonalBJPy1883v4-Februaryp119
The Theosophistfootnote to "Self-Contradictions of the Bible"(HPB)y1883v4-Februaryp120
The TheosophistGreetings to Tsong-Ka Un-GhienA. Sankariahy1883v4-Februaryp120
The TheosophistSelf-contradictions of the BibleLakshman Singhy1883v4-Februaryp120
The TheosophistParacelsusENTy1883v4-Februaryp121
The Theosophistreview - The Philosophy of Spirit by William Oxley (3) (II)T Subba Rowy1883v4-Februaryp121
The Theosophistfootnote to "Paracelsus"(HPB)y1883v4-Februaryp121
The TheosophistPost-mortem life - review of On Life After Death by Gustav Theodor Fechneranony1883v4-Februaryp123
The Theosophistreview - Mr Isaacs by F Marion Crawford (see ref to p199 ML-APS; Letter #25)anon (HPB acc BdZ) (APS acc G)y1883v4-Februaryp124
The TheosophistThe Theosophist in Marathianony1883v4-Februaryp126
The Theosophist[portion of a letter discussing the success of the Theosophical Society]anony1883v4-Februaryp126
The TheosophistAnother New Contemporary (Sattya Prakash ed by Bishen Lall)anony1883v4-Februaryp126
The Theosophistreview - Pundit Heera Nund's Almanac for 1883anony1883v4-Februaryp126
The Theosophistreview - The Violin by Peter Davidsonanony1883v4-Februaryp126
The Theosophistreview - Dr Callcott's Musical Grammaranony1883v4-Februaryp126
The TheosophistOur Branches - The Anniversary of the Krishna Theosophical SocietyJ Purnayyay1883v4-March+p1
The TheosophistThe President-Founder on his Annual Touranony1883v4-March+p1
The TheosophistThe Brotherhood of ManRam Das Seny1883v4-March+p2
The TheosophistBombay Branch of the Theosophical SocietyBal Nilaji Pitaley1883v4-March+p3
The TheosophistAdhi Bhoutic Bhratru TS (Berhampore, Bengal) [annual executive meeting held Dec. 31, 1882]Kali Prasanna Mukerjiy1883v4-March+p3
The TheosophistMadura Theosophical Society (Bye-Laws)V Cooppooswamyy1883v4-March+p4
Showing 1901 to 1950 of 211352 entries