The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.

Supplement to Brahmavidyā – The Adyar Library Bulletin 2013

Cost: $20.00

Cost to TS Members: $10.00

commemorating the 125th Year of the Publication of The Secret Doctrine

This special edition of Brahmavidyā carries contributions from prominent Theosophists covering the gamut of research into the magnum opus of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, a tome of some 1500 pages which sold out prior to its first publication in 1888 and has remained in print ever since.

A Peak Inside

  • Why Study The Secret Doctrine? Radha Burnier
  • The Book of Dzyan: The Current State of the Evidence David Reigle
  • Cosmogony in the Stanzas of Dzyan Pablo Sender
  • Reading The Book of Knowledge William Doss McDavid
  • The Secret Doctrine: A Book To Be Read Wholly John Algeo
  • The Secret Doctrine in the 21st Century Shirley Nicholson

And much more ...

You might like to pair this with The Secret Doctrine: An Introduction to Its Study

If intending to purchase more than one item please email us before making the purchase, to save on postage and packing.


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