review: 'Strength in the Storm: Creating Calm in Difficult Times' by Eknath Easwaran | John Plummer | y2006 | v94 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p156 |
The Santa Fe Story | Sev Savinch | y2006 | v94 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p157 |
News and Notes | anon | y2006 | v94 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p158 |
From the Editor's Desk: Shhhh! | Betty Bland | y2006 | v94 | i5 | Sep-Oct | p162 |
Viewpoint: Watch It | Betty Bland | y2006 | v94 | i5 | Sep-Oct | p164 |
Silence Is the Garden of Meditation | Kay Mouradian | y2006 | v94 | i5 | Sep-Oct | p167 |
Everyday Enlightenment | Margaret McKenzie | y2006 | v94 | i5 | Sep-Oct | p171 |
The Art of Simply Being | Sue Prescott | y2006 | v94 | i5 | Sep-Oct | p175 |
Soundings of the Presence of God: My Contemplative Path | Robert Trabold | y2006 | v94 | i5 | Sep-Oct | p180 |
The View from Adyar: Silence | Mary Anderson | y2006 | v94 | i5 | Sep-Oct | p186 |
President's Diary | Betty Bland | y2006 | v94 | i5 | Sep-Oct | p188 |
From the Archives: Something About Mrs Annie Besant | Fritz Kunz | y2006 | v94 | i5 | Sep-Oct | p190 |
Thinking Aloud: Silence Is Golden | David Trice | y2006 | v94 | i5 | Sep-Oct | p192 |
Explorations: Solitary Retreat Musings of Ani Kunzang | Lilia Molina | y2006 | v94 | i5 | Sep-Oct | p194 |
News and Notes | anon | y2006 | v94 | i5 | Sep-Oct | p197 |
On the Web | anon | y2006 | v94 | i5 | Sep-Oct | p197 |
From the Editor's Desk: The Many Faces of the Feminine Principle | Betty Bland | y2006 | v94 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p202 |
Viewpoint: Too Much of a Good Thing | Betty Bland | y2006 | v94 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p204 |
The Feminine Principle: An Evolving Idea [excerpt Who Said, God Said? Truth behind the Myth of Female Inferiority] | Carol Winters | y2006 | v94 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p206 |
Mary Magdalene and The Voice of the Silence | Carol N Ward | y2006 | v94 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p211 |
The Women of the Revelation | Zachary F Landsdowne | y2006 | v94 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p217 |
Embracing the Feminine: A Search for Meaning and Healing | Annie Kaufman | y2006 | v94 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p220 |
Thinking Aloud: The Divine Mother in Sri Aurobindo's Yoga | Joan Price | y2006 | v94 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p226 |
Explorations: Speaking of Sophia and the Magdalene: An Interview with Tau Malachi | John Plummer | y2006 | v94 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p230 |
The View from Adyar: The World Mother [adapted Theosophist 1997] | Radha Burnier | y2006 | v94 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p232 |
President's Diary | Betty Bland | y2006 | v94 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p234 |
obituary: Virginia Moyer (1917-2006) | Shirley Nicholson | y2006 | v94 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p235 |
review: 'DM Bennett: The Truth Seeker' by Roderick Bradford | John Algeo | y2006 | v94 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p236 |
review: 'War and the Soul' by Edward Tick | Ananya S Rajan | y2006 | v94 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p237 |
From the Editor's Desk: Theosophical Treasures | Betty Bland | y2007 | v95 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p2 |
Viewpoint: Open Wide the Gates | Betty Bland | y2007 | v95 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p4 |
Falling Awake: The Life and Message of Joe Miller | Richard Power and David Thompson | y2007 | v95 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p7 |
Beatrice Lane Suzuki: An American Theosophist in Japan | Adele S Algeo | y2007 | v95 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p13 |
The Powers of Truth and Discontent: Lessons from the Life and Work of HS Olcott | Anton Lysy | y2007 | v95 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p18 |
Science and Theosophy: The Challenge of Unification - Part One | Michael Levin | y2007 | v95 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p25 |
Explorations: The Theosophy of Immanuel Kant | Robert Bonnell | y2007 | v95 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p30 |
The View From Adyar: Perennial Philosophy | Radha Burnier and John Algeo | y2007 | v95 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p32 |
obituary: John Abbenhouse (1912-2006) | Minor Lile and Leonie Van Gelder | y2007 | v95 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p33 |
obituary: Dimpna Clarin-Smith (1933-2006) | Barbara Smith | y2007 | v95 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p33 |
President's Diary | Betty Bland | y2007 | v95 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p34 |
review: 'Invoking Mary Magdalene: Accessing the Wisdom of the Divine Feminine' by Siobhan Houston | John Plummer | y2007 | v95 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p36 |
review: 'Blink: The Power of Thinking without Thinking' by Malcolm Gladwell | David Bishop | y2007 | v95 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p36 |
review: 'The Year of Magical Thinking' by Joan Didion | Ananya S Rajan | y2007 | v95 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p37 |
obituary: Orquidea Paulina Perez (1936-2006) | Vivian Perez | y2007 | v95 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p38 |
From the Editor's Desk: Theosophy in Our World | Betty Bland | y2007 | v95 | i2 | Mar-Apr | p42 |
Viewpoint: Living Waters | Betty Bland | y2007 | v95 | i2 | Mar-Apr | p44 |
The Self, Science, and Religion | Anna F Lemkow | y2007 | v95 | i2 | Mar-Apr | p47 |
Religion in the World Today | Robert Ellwood | y2007 | v95 | i2 | Mar-Apr | p53 |
Science and Theosophy: The Challenge of Unification - Part Two | Michael Levin | y2007 | v95 | i2 | Mar-Apr | p59 |
Guilt, Anger, and the Human Condition | Sam Menahem | y2007 | v95 | i2 | Mar-Apr | p65 |