The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.

The American Theosophist (First Series)

Press Comments Upon the OSEAdelia H Taffindery1913v14i4Januaryp321
photo - Marie Russakanony1913v14i5Februaryp325
By the Editoredy1913v14i5Februaryp325
Travel Cards, and Travel Talks: The South SeaL E Girardy1913v14i5Februaryp329
Sorcery and ScienceVance Thompsony1913v14i5Februaryp333
Editor's Note on Sorcery and Scienceedy1913v14i5Februaryp346
Symbolism of the Triangle (2)Elliot Holbrooky1913v14i5Februaryp347
A Night in the MountainsBertha Korb-Kimmerley1913v14i5Februaryp353
Chinese Buddhist Picture of the 12th CenturyAngelica S Pattersony1913v14i5Februaryp356
Sings of the TimesJacob Bonggreny1913v14i5Februaryp358
The Search for the SoulThorington Chasey1913v14i5Februaryp361
The Book of Enoch [continued]Isabel B Holbrooky1913v14i5Februaryp365
Portraits of the Mahatmas [extract Word 1912]anony1913v14i5Februaryp367
The Power of Thought As Used in Christian ScienceNellie H Baldwiny1913v14i5Februaryp370
A Tribute to Charles Bradlaugh, with photosA J Kendally1913v14i5Februaryp377
Have We Ever Lived on Earth Before? (9)F E Titusy1913v14i5Februaryp380
review: 'Sunday School Lessons, International Sunday School Lessons Mystically Interpreted' ed by David S M UngarAPWy1913v14i5Februaryp386
review: 'Light on Life's Difficulties' by James Allenanony1913v14i5Februaryp386
review: 'Ce La Piedoj De La Majstro (At the Feet of the Master)' by AlcyoneIKRy1913v14i5Februaryp387
review: 'The Occult Significance of Blood' by Rudolph SteinerAKy1913v14i5Februaryp387
review: 'Mechanistic Conception of Life' by Jacques Loebanony1913v14i5Februaryp388
review: 'Mackey's EncyclopediaLTLy1913v14i5Februaryp388
review: 'The Squirrel-Cage' by Dorothy CanfieldCSHy1913v14i5Februaryp389
review: 'Within the Mind Maze' by Edgar Lucian LarkinOMy1913v14i5Februaryp389
Magazine Reviewanony1913v14i5Februaryp390
review: 'The Sanctuary' by Maud Howard PetersonAHTy1913v14i5Februaryp390
review: 'International Vegetarian Cook Book' by Clara Jerome KocherspergerEDWy1913v14i5Februaryp390
The Mystery of the BananaMargaret V Sherlocky1913v14i5Februaryp392
The Service of the KingJosephine E Wardally1913v14i5Februaryp395
Round TablesJosephine E Wardally1913v14i5Februaryp397
The Soul's Weapons (Sword) (vf) [reprint Lotus Journal 1912]C Jinarajadasay1913v14i5Februaryp398
China: Little Brothers in Many LandsBettyy1913v14i5Februaryp400
The Lotusanony1913v14i5Februaryp403
Compassionate Ching and the Homeless DogLotusy1913v14i5Februaryp404
Supplement to the American Theosophist and the Theosophic MessengerThe General Secretaryy1913v14i5Februaryp405
The Fieldvariousy1913v14i5Februaryp409
Mrs Russak's Tours; photovariousy1913v14i5Februaryp412
Order of the Star in the East: Preparing the Master's WayMarjorie Tuttley1913v14i5Februaryp415
Krotona: A New Center of the Work of the White Lodgeanony1913v14i5Februaryp417
obituary - Henry A Coffeenanony1913v14i5Februaryp421
obituary - Laura A Cornwellanony1913v14i5Februaryp421
The Students' AttitudeG H Hally1913v14i5Februaryp422
Illustration - Jai Singhi Observatory near Delhianony1913v14i6Marchp423
Occult InvestigationEditory1913v14i6Marchp423
Travel Cards and Travel TalksL E Girardy1913v14i6Marchp427
The Force of the Master [extract Theosophist]CW Leadbeatery1913v14i6Marchp431
The Masters of Wisdom [extract Message of Theosophy]anony1913v14i6Marchp439
Modern Science and the MysticsClaude Bragdony1913v14i6Marchp442
Showing 51 to 100 of 702 entries