The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.


New DNB says Stainton Moses was married [Stainton Moses accused of matrimony]anony2004v1i7Novp53
A Copy of Light changed a young woman's life [Light on Stella C]anony2004v1i7Novp54
German University Hosts Spiritualist History SeminarAndreas Sommery2004v1i7Novp55
The Names of Emma Hardinge Brittenanony2004v1i7Novp57
The SNU and the Christ PrincipleWE Harrisony2004v1i7Novp58
A Spiritualist Archdeaconanony2004v1i7Novp61
Periods of Historical Development of Parapsychology in Germany: An Overview [Parapsychology in Germany]Eberhard Bauery2004v1i7Novp61
Mediumship in Australia may be ancientanony2004v1i7Novp64
New Spiritualist Newspaper LaunchedLPy2004v1i7Novp65
[note re pagination]anony2004v1i8Decp66
New Light on Arthur Conan DoyleRoger Straughany2004v1i8Decp66
Birth Day of Rev Arthur FordLPy2004v1i8Decp67
Knowing Arthur FordWV Rauschery2004v1i8Decp68
Notes by the Way: Approaching InfancyLPy2004v1i8Decp73
The first Two WorldsJames Gregoryy2004v1i8Decp74
Was Queen Victoria amused by the paranormalanony2004v1i8Decp74
The City Temple Pastorateanony2004v1i8Decp76
Bela Marsh Slavery and Spiritualismanony2004v1i8Decp77
A lost leaderanony2004v1i8Decp77
Australia's most influential psychical researcheranony2004v1i8Decp79
Manoah's wife and the angelLPy2004v1i8Decp80
What is known of the Hydesville peddler?Paul J Gaunty2005v1i9Janp82
Did the peddler exist?anony2005v1i9Janp92
SPR declined to investigate voice medium [includes extracts article by David Fontana in JSPR October 2004 and extra research by Paul Gaunt]anony2005v1i9Janp94
Psychic News in perspective [includes additional research by Paul Gaunt]anony2005v1i9Janp96
Notes by the Way - Terminological InexactitudesLeslie Pricey2005v1i9Janp97
The secret report on Spiritualismanony2005v1i9Janp98
Evelyn Underhill had previous convictionsanony2005v1i9Janp101
Emma's musical life [includes extracts occasional paper "The Unseen Worlds" by Robert Mathieson]anony2005v1i9Janp104
Emma Hardinge Britten: grave news [includes extracts Two Worlds April 15 1950 Ernest Thompson]anony2005v1i9Janp105
New book by Australian historian [re: "The Covert Enlightenment" by Al Gabay]anony2005v1i9Janp106
Did Lodge believe in reincarnation?anony2005v1i9Janp107
Remembering Eileen J GarrettWilliam V Rauschery2005v1i10Febp109
Peddler Newsanony2005v1i10Febp113
History of the introduction of the Harmonial Philosophy into Germany (1)Mary F Davisy2005v1i10Febp114
The Hakim ['revised from defunct']anony2005v1i10Febp121
Bessie Dunlop is computerisedanony2005v1i10Febp122
Alfred Kitson and progressive Lyceumsanony2005v1i10Febp123
Maurice Elliott and the search for faithanony2005v1i10Febp125
The exclusion of mediums from the Churchanony2005v1i10Febp127
Melbourne spirit art mysteryanony2005v1i10Febp129
Thoughts of Muriel HankeyWilliam V Rauschery2005v1i11Marp109
[indexer note: pagination of v1 i11 repeats that of v1 i10 - see note v1 i13 p153][indexer]y2005v1i11Marp109
History of the introduction of the Harmonial Philosophy into Germany (2)Mary F Davisy2005v1i11Marp116
Origin of the Churches Fellowship for Psychical Studyanony2005v1i11Marp124
Spiritualism reaches London [includes reprint introduction by the editor of "Spirit Manifestations"anon, GW Stoney2005v1i11Marp127
Australia's lost researcheranony2005v1i11Marp130
Forward to Lewis ReportLeslie Pricey2005v1i12Aprp132
A Report of the Mysterious Noises Heard in the House of Mr John D Fox in Hydesville Arcadia Wayne County Authenticated by the Certificates and Confirmed by the Statements of the Citizens of that Place and Vicinity [reprint with different pagination from original]EE Lewisy2005v1i12Aprp133+
The Crisis and After: Spirit Prophecies [includes reprint: front page article Psychic News week ending 2 September 1939]anony2005v1i13Mayp134
Showing 51 to 100 of 1280 entries