The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.


The Rev JG Wood (1827-1889)Dr Robert A Gilberty2011v7i3Marp67
Hydesville 106 Years AgoPaul J Gaunty2011v7i3Marp68
Miss Fox's Seances Twenty Years AgoDavid Richmondy2011v7i3Marp69
More Things about Robert Blatchford [1851-1943]Leslie Pricey2011v7i3Marp72
Upholding Psychical Research in Front of Psychologists: An Excerpt from a Paper by Charles Richet at the Fifth International Congress of Psychology (Rome 1905)Carlos S Alvaradoy2011v7i3Marp79
The Beginnings of Full Form Materialisations in England - Herne's and Williams ContinuedPaul J Gaunty2011v7i3Marp89
Stainton Moses on Hearne [Herne] and Williamsanony2011v7i3Marp95
Books for saleanony2011v7i3Marp101
How to obtain this free JournalPaul J Gaunty2011v7i3Marp102
New Grant to PsypioneerLP [Leslie Price]y2011v7i4Aprp104
Emma Hardinge Britten and Anna KingsfordMarc Demarest, LPy2011v7i4Aprp105
Forgotten Pioneers of the SNU: Emblems of the Seven PrinciplesPaul J Gaunty2011v7i4Aprp109
Mrs Leonard Speaks [Mediumship and Health Mrs Osborne Leonard 1882-1968] [includes extract 'Light' 24 November 1933]anony2011v7i4Aprp119
The Beginnings of Full Form Materialisations in England [Portrait of the Spirit "John King"] [includes reprint 'The Medium and Daybreak' 8 August 1873 pp346-347]anon, Paul J Gaunty2011v7i4Aprp123
Books for saleanony2011v7i4Aprp130
How to obtain this free JournalPaul J Gaunty2011v7i4Aprp131
Fraudulent Medium of the Century?LP [Leslie Price]y2011v7i5Mayp133
The first account by Egon Larsen: Business with the BeyondEgon Larseny2011v7i5Mayp135
The second account by Simeon EdmundsSimeon Edmundsy2011v7i5Mayp142
The Strange Case of Katherine Hayward [The Strange Case of Katherine Hayward Liebie Pugh and Frank Turner] ['The Two Worlds' 1 March 1958 p6]-y2011v7i5Mayp146
Is William Roy Overdoing It? ['The Two Worlds' 29 March 1958 p3]The Editor [of 'The Two Worlds']y2011v7i5Mayp150
Did William Roy Fool Canada’s Premier? ['The Two Worlds' 19 April 1958 front p and p3]The Editor [of 'The Two Worlds']y2011v7i5Mayp152
William Roy Lies About "Test" Seance ['The Two Worlds' 26 April 1958 front p5]anony2011v7i5Mayp156
Sequel to William Roy's Confessed Frauds ['The Two Worlds' 23 August 1958 p3]The Editor [of 'The Two Worlds']y2011v7i5Mayp158
Fake Medium Cheated her of £15,000 ['The Two Worlds' 23 January 1960 p3]'Two Worlds' Reporter [Phillip Paul?]y2011v7i5Mayp159
Self-Confessed Fake Medium William Roy Works as Bill Silver ['Psychic News' 24 May 1969 front p]The Editor [of 'Psychic News'] [Maurice Barbanell]y2011v7i5Mayp163
'I Lied About Fake Seances' William Roy Tells Newspaper ['Psychic News' 31 May 1969][Maurice Barbanell 'Psychic News']y2011v7i5Mayp166
Books for saleanony2011v7i5Mayp168
How to obtain this free JournalPaul J Gaunty2011v7i5Mayp169
Forgotten Pioneers of the SNU [includes Presidential Address on July 5th 1919 by Ernest Walter Oaten (1875-1952) 'The Two Worlds' 25 July 1919, pp298, 299]Ernest W Oaten, Paul J Gaunty2011v7i6Junp171
Dion Fortune: Magical MediumLP [Leslie Price]y2011v7i6Junp177
The Beginnings of Full Form Materialisations in England; Herne and Williams ConclusionPaul J Gaunty2011v7i6Junp182
[This includes:] Alleged Exposure of Public Mediums ['Spiritual Notes' October 1878 pp45-46]Krabbe, AJ Rikoy2011v7i6Junp189
The Williams-Rita Case ['The Spiritualist' 15 November 1878 front p]'The Spiritualist'y2011v7i6Junp196
"John King" Felt Seen and Heard [? 'The Medium and Daybreak' 6 June 1873]One Who Knows, Ed My2011v7i6Junp198
Books for saleanony2011v7i6Junp200
How to obtain this free JournalPaul J Gaunty2011v7i6Junp201
Sir William Fletcher Barrett FRS [1844-1925]Paul J Gaunty2011v7i7Julp203
The Early Years of Psychical Research ['Light' 21 June 1924 p395]Sir William Barrett FRSy2011v7i7Julp203
AfterwordTrevor Hamiltony2011v7i7Julp208
New Annotated Edition of Art Magic ReleasedMarc Demaresty2011v7i7Julp209
LIGHT Still ShinesLP [Leslie Price]y2011v7i7Julp210
Emma’s Finest Hour?Leslie Pricey2011v7i7Julp211
AfterwordMarc Demaresty2011v7i7Julp215
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and the Welsh Physical Medium Evan Powell - 1881-1958Paul J Gaunty2011v7i7Julp219
Evan Powell's Mediumship ['Light' 21 April 1923 p247]Leslie Curnowy2011v7i7Julp226
Psychic Warnings ['Light' 10 July 1931 p334]-y2011v7i7Julp228
The Beginnings of Full Form Materialisations in England: Catherine (Kate) Elizabeth Wood 1854-1884 [includes Miss Wood's Mediumship 'The Medium and Daybreak' 4 May 1877 p274]TP Barkas, Paul J Gaunty2011v7i7Julp229
Books for saleanony2011v7i7Julp232
How to obtain this free JournalPaul J Gaunty2011v7i7Julp233
Showing 701 to 750 of 1280 entries