The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.

The New Californian

A Scientific Analysis of the Units of MatterWH Massery1892v2i3Septemberp102
Astrologia SanaGE Wrighty1892v2i4Octoberp108
The Message of the King (vf)Stanley Fitzpatricky1892v2i4Octoberp114
Hells and DevilsJerome A Andersony1892v2i4Octoberp115
The Astral Plane - MagnetismHT Pattersony1892v2i4Octoberp121
The CurseLAOy1892v2i4Octoberp124
A Scientific Analysis of the Units of MatterWH Massery1892v2i4Octoberp126
Cosmopolitan CorrespondenceRHy1892v2i4Octoberp132
Editorial Notesanony1892v2i4Octoberp135
InvolutionLouise A Offy1892v2i5Novemberp140
Why I am a TheosophistAnnie Besanty1892v2i5Novemberp141
The Power Behind the ThroneGeorge C Williamsy1892v2i5Novemberp146
Genius or Insanity?WA Cheneyy1892v2i5Novemberp154
Sex - The Pairs of OppositesJD Bucky1892v2i5Novemberp157
CrystalsLillian Bothwelly1892v2i5Novemberp159
A Scientific Analysis of the Units of MatterWH Massery1892v2i5Novemberp160
"The stars that sail yon azure sky" (vf) [filler]Lillian Bothwelly1892v2i5Novemberp163
Cosmopolitan CorrespondenceSA Knopfy1892v2i5Novemberp164
My Point of View, to a Co-studentGA Marshally1892v2i5Novemberp166
Venus AnadyomeneMary Negrepontey1892v2i6Decemberp171
Planetary Men and Women [translated from 'Astronomie' by Baroness K]Camille Flammariony1892v2i6Decemberp172
Urania (vf)Louise A Offy1892v2i6Decemberp177
Mrs Annie Besant on Occultism [letter to Editor: The Daily Chronicle London]Annie Besanty1892v2i6Decemberp178
The Wonderful Flower (vf)Alice Davis Moodyy1892v2i6Decemberp186
Sex - The Pairs of OppositesJD Bucky1892v2i6Decemberp188
"The spiral of life!" [filler]LAOy1892v2i6Decemberp191
My Occult WorldTheo GE Wolleby1892v2i6Decemberp192
"Spirit is the rider" [filler]Katha Upanishadsy1892v2i6Decemberp196
Can the Perfect Man Suffer?Philangi Dasay1892v2i6Decemberp197
Fate (vf)WA Cheneyy1892v2i6Decemberp198
A Scientific Analysis of the Units of MatterWH Massery1892v2i6Decemberp199
Cosmopolitan CorrespondenceCount AWy1892v2i6Decemberp201
Notes and ReviewsLAOy1892v2i6Decemberp203
The Nirvana of Hinayana and Mahayana BuddhismAnnie E Cheneyy1893v2i7Januaryp211
Hercule Mazenod's Opinions - A Sketch from Life in French CanadaPascal Germainy1893v2i7Januaryp215
To Annie Besant (vf)Louise A Offy1893v2i7Januaryp219
Astral Light - Steps Towards its Scientific BasisAlphay1893v2i7Januaryp220
Notes from LadakhCount Axel Wachtmeistery1893v2i7Januaryp225
The Land of DreamsHT Pattersony1893v2i7Januaryp232
Invisible Potencies (vf)Ella Wheeler Wilcoxy1893v2i7Januaryp234
A Scientific Analysis of the Units of MatterWH Massery1893v2i7Januaryp235
Cosmopolitan Correspondence - ConcentrationElizabeth A Kingsburyy1893v2i7Januaryp239
The Neophyte (vf)Louise A Offy1893v2i8Februaryp243
Showing 201 to 250 of 424 entries