The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.

The Malayan Theosophist

The Unity of Religions (rprnt The Essential Unity of All Religions by Bhagavan Das)Bhagavan Dasy1940v2-Julyp41
Dedication (vf)C Jinarajadasay1940v2-Julyp41
Karma, the Law of ReadjustmentElwin Hughesy1940v2-Julyp42
(A crust of bread & a corner to sleep in) (vf)Paul Lawrence Dunbary1940v2-Julyp43
TalksPresident Singapore Lodgey1940v2-Julyp44
Why we accept Basic Theosophical PrinciplesJane Clumecky1940v2-Julyp45
Is there a Brotherhood of Men and Angels?Tan Ah Pengy1940v2-Julyp47
(Does the road wind uphill all the way?) (vf)CG Rossettiy1940v2-Julyp49
A Guide to the Study of Theosophy (2)Two Workersy1940v2-Julyp50
Invocation (vf)Annie Besant (modified by C Jinarajadasa)y1940v2-Julyp54
review - The War and After: A Theosophist's Viewpoint by C Jinarajadasaa Studenty1940v2-Julyp55
(List of Books & Pamphlets from the Singapore Lodge Library)anony1940v2-Julyp56a+
(Six short book reviews)Maye Woody1940v2-Julyp56
EditorialJane Clumecky1940v2-Octoberp58
To a Flying Fish (vf)Elwin Hughesy1940v2-Octoberp59
Is and Is-to-beC Jinarajadasay1940v2-Octoberp59
The Rising LifeVL Priory1940v2-Octoberp60
Wrong and RightOSy1940v2-Octoberp64
Lip Wisdom (vf)Jane Sayrey1940v2-Octoberp64
ReligionPeter Sengy1940v2-Octoberp64
What Reincarnation Really MeansGH Waltersy1940v2-Octoberp65
Harvest (vf)C Jinarajadasay1940v2-Octoberp67
What Theosophy GivesGeoffrey Hodsony1940v2-Octoberp67
A Guide to the Study of Theosophy (3)Two Workersy1940v2-Octoberp68
Thoughts on the War - A Compilation (3)A Student (PW van der Broek)y1940v2-Octoberp86
reviews: Some New BooksMaye Woody1940v2-Octoberp94
(vf) (Divine Love's measure is but sacrifice)Jane Clumecky1941v2-Januaryp96
Is and Is-to-be (2)C Jinarajadasay1941v2-Januaryp97
The Christian Conception of GodA Studenty1941v2-Januaryp98
filler - The Federation of the World (vf)Tennyson (1842)y1941v2-Januaryp99
Ramakrishna and Unity of ReligionsV Raja Gopaly1941v2-Januaryp100
This Thing Called HappinessIcebergy1941v2-Januaryp107
The Genesis of the Anthropoid Ape (a compilation)Jane Clumecky1941v2-Januaryp109
filler - A Parable - (rprnt The Century Magazine May 1894)Berry Bensony1941v2-Januaryp115
World Peace and TheosophyElwin Hughesy1941v2-Januaryp116
Poema (vf)W Grzymala-Siedleckay1941v2-Januaryp119
A Guide to the Study of Theosophy (4)Two Workersy1941v2-Januaryp120
To Field of Flax Blue in the Sun (vf)Felicity M Grazebrooky1941v2-Januaryp122
Light in Our Darkness - Thoughts on the Capitulation of FranceGeoffrey Hodsony1941v2-Januaryp123
Thoughts on the War (4) a compilationA Studenty1941v2-Januaryp127
List of Books & Pamphlets (from the Singapore Lodge Library)anony1941v2-Januaryp132a+
Boomerang (vf)Icebergy1941v2-Januaryp132
EditorialJane Clumecky1941v2-Januaryp133
A Christmas Lullaby (vf)Ada Negri, trans C Jinarajadasay1941v2-Januaryp134
Christmas for the Christian-TheosophistA Student (PW van der Broek)y1941v2-Januaryp135
Gift Service (vf)Elwin Hughesy1941v2-Januaryp135
Christmas and the Soul of ManGeoffrey Hodsony1941v2-Januaryp136
How to Spend the Christmas Day (vf)KP Nairy1941v2-Januaryp138
The Christmas MessageVL Priory1941v2-Januaryp139
Showing 51 to 100 of 182 entries