Orpheus (9) | GRS Mead | y1896 | v17 | - | February | p449 |
Devachan (2) | CW Leadbeater | y1896 | v17 | - | February | p461 |
The Sevenfold Universe | Thomas Williams | y1896 | v17 | - | February | p471 |
Recurrent Questions | CWL, AB | y1896 | v17 | - | February | p476 |
Letters to a Catholic Priest (I) | Arthur A. Wells | y1896 | v17 | - | February | p480 |
The Baron's Room | Mrs Ivy Hooper | y1896 | v17 | - | February | p490 |
Man & His Bodies (2) | Annie Besant | y1896 | v17 | - | February | p498 |
On the Bhagavad Gita | JC Chattopadhyaya | y1896 | v17 | - | February | p508 |
Theosophical Activities | various | y1896 | v17 | - | February | p516 |
review - Stella; & An Unfinished Communication: or Studies of the Unseen by Charles Howard Hinton | CWL | y1896 | v17 | - | February | p520 |
review - Oriental Department Papers, European Section, TS 1893-1894 ed by GRS Mead | anon | y1896 | v17 | - | February | p522 |
review - Divinity & Man by WK Roberts | WB | y1896 | v17 | - | February | p523 |
review - The Great Problem of Substance & its Attributes - anon | OF | y1896 | v17 | - | February | p523 |
Theosophical & Mystic Publications - various | anon | y1896 | v17 | - | February | p525 |
review - Premature Burial by Franz Hartmann | A. | y1896 | v17 | - | February | p528 |
On the Watch-Tower | GRSM | y1896 | v18 | - | March | p1 |
review - Anna Kingsford, Her Life, Letters, Diary & Work by Edward Maitland | GRSM | y1896 | v18 | - | March | p1 |
Man & His Bodies (3) | Annie Besant | y1896 | v18 | - | March | p9 |
Orpheus (10) | GRS Mead | y1896 | v18 | - | March | p21 |
Early Christianity & its Teachings (10) | AM Glass | y1896 | v18 | - | March | p37 |
Folk-Lore | WF Kirby | y1896 | v18 | - | March | p45 |
The Desire Body | Bertram Keightley | y1896 | v18 | - | March | p53 |
Devachan (3) | CW Leadbeater | y1896 | v18 | - | March | p59 |
Madame de Guyon & the Quietists (2) | Otway Cuffe | y1896 | v18 | - | March | p69 |
Theosophical Activities | various | y1896 | v18 | - | March | p72 |
correspondence - Apologia Fidei Christianorum | A Christian Student of Theosophy | y1896 | v18 | - | March | p74 |
reply to A Christian student of theosophy | Ed. | y1896 | v18 | - | March | p76 |
review - Porphyry to Marcella tr Alice Zimmern | GRSM | y1896 | v18 | - | March | p77 |
review - The Theosophy of the Upanishads [Charles Johnston] | JCC (? Jagadisha Chandra Chattopadhyaya) | y1896 | v18 | - | March | p79 |
review - Euphrates, or the Waters of the East by Eugenius Philalethes (Thomas Vaughan) ed by W Wynn Westcott | AMG | y1896 | v18 | - | March | p81 |
review - The Ashtâdhyâyi of Panini books II & III tr Shrisha Chândra Vasu | JCC | y1896 | v18 | - | March | p81 |
review - The Mystical Hymns of Orpheus tr Thomas Taylor | GRSM | y1896 | v18 | - | March | p82 |
review - The Imitation of Shankara by Manilal N Dvivedi | GRSM | y1896 | v18 | - | March | p83 |
review - The Sword of Moses by M Gaster | GRSM | y1896 | v18 | - | March | p84 |
Theosophical & Mystic Publications - various | anon | y1896 | v18 | - | March | p85 |
review - Plotinus by GRS Mead | A. | y1896 | v18 | - | March | p88 |
On the Watch-Tower - Is a Consistent Nomenclature Possible? | GRSM | y1896 | v18 | - | April | p89 |
The Borderland of Physics (J von Reichenbach 1788-1869 & Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen 1845-1923 mentioned) | GRS Mead | y1896 | v18 | - | April | p92 |
Orpheus (11) | GRS Mead | y1896 | v18 | - | April | p97 |
Berkeley & the Occult Philosophy | Ernest Scott | y1896 | v18 | - | April | p111 |
Man & His Bodies (4) | Annie Besant | y1896 | v18 | - | April | p122 |
A House of Dreams | Maryon Urquhart | y1896 | v18 | - | April | p131 |
The Education of the Sexes | Susan E Gay | y1896 | v18 | - | April | p139 |
The Aissaoui | MCB | y1896 | v18 | - | April | p143 |
The System of Chaitanya | Rajendra Lala Mukhopadhaya | y1896 | v18 | - | April | p146 |
Devachan (4) | CW Leadbeater | y1896 | v18 | - | April | p155 |
Theosophical Activities | various | y1896 | v18 | - | April | p167 |
obituary - Death of Mr Judge | anon | y1896 | v18 | - | April | p168 |
review - The Upanishads tr GRS Mead & JC Chattopâdhyâya (volume 1) | CWL | y1896 | v18 | - | April | p168 |
review - The Story of Atlantis by W Scott-Elliot | GRSM | y1896 | v18 | - | April | p170 |