The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.


Unpublished Letters of Eliphas Levi (11)Eliphas Leviy1895v16-Marchp55
The Clash of Opinion - A Common-sense view of Mr Judge's Circular of Nov 3rd, 1894Bertram Keightleyy1895v16-Marchp58
The Westminster GazetteWilliam Quan Judgey1895v16-Marchp65
William Quan JudgeWalter R Oldy1895v16-Marchp66
William Quan JudgeE Aug Neresheimery1895v16-Marchp68
William Quan JudgeGeo W Russelly1895v16-Marchp68
William Quan JudgeIsabel Cooper-Oakleyy1895v16-Marchp70
Mr Fullerton's CircularET Sturdyy1895v16-Marchp73
Theosophical Activitiesvariousy1895v16-Marchp78
Indian Section (Upendranath Basu (1862 - ...) mentioned)anony1895v16-Marchp79
obituary - Louisa A. OffA.y1895v16-Marchp81
review - The Gospel of Buddha by Paul CarusGRSMy1895v16-Marchp83
review - The Dream of Ravan, anonGRSMy1895v16-Marchp84
Theosophic & Mystic Publications - variousanony1895v16-Marchp85
Plotinus (1)GRS Meady1895v16-Aprilp89
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (6)Vera Petrovna Jelihovskyy1895v16-Aprilp99
Myths of Observation (2)Edward Tregeary1895v16-Aprilp109
Two Houses (1)Ivy Hoopery1895v16-Aprilp118
The New Ulysses (2)LLDy1895v16-Aprilp128
A Samoyed Seeress (1)K Nosiloffy1895v16-Aprilp138
Early Christianity & its Teachings (1)AM Glassy1895v16-Aprilp146
Unpublished Letters of Eliphas Levi (12)Eliphas Leviy1895v16-Aprilp155
The Clash of Opinion - William Quan Judge & Annie BesantJW Bucky1895v16-Aprilp159
(Che-Yew-Tsang)Archibald Keightleyy1895v16-Aprilp160
(Dr Archibald Keightley's letter to the Irish Theosophist)Bertram Keightleyy1895v16-Aprilp161
William Quan JudgeAnnie Besanty1895v16-Aprilp163
Mrs Annie BesantHS Olcotty1895v16-Aprilp163
to GRS MeadConstance Wachtmeistery1895v16-Aprilp164
(Constance Wachtmeister) (1)Isabel Cooper-Oakley & Laura Mary Coopery1895v16-Aprilp165
(Constance Wachtmeister) (2)Bertram Keightleyy1895v16-Aprilp165
Theosophical Activitiesvariousy1895v16-Aprilp166
review - Homeward, Songs by the Way by AE (= George W Russell)AMGy1895v16-Aprilp170
review - Christian Missions & Hinduism by JH WilsonF.y1895v16-Aprilp171
review - Astrologer's Ready Reckoner by HalifaxS.y1895v16-Aprilp172
Theosophic & Mystic Publications - variousanony1895v16-Aprilp173
On the Watch-Tower (VS Solovioff's attack on HPB)Annie Besanty1895v16-Mayp177
East & WestAnnie Besanty1895v16-Mayp185
Plotinus (2)GRS Meady1895v16-Mayp195
Early Christianity & its Teachings (2)AM Glassy1895v16-Mayp208
Two Houses (2)Ivy Hoopery1895v16-Mayp217
The Doctrine of the Heart (1)Annie Besanty1895v16-Mayp225
An Article for the Time (rprnt, Sept 1889, The Path)Jasper Niemand = Mrs Keightleyy1895v16-Mayp232
A Samoyed Seeress (2)K Nosiloffy1895v16-Mayp235
The Necessity of Spiritual Culture (1)Manilal N Dvivediy1895v16-Mayp238
Unpublished Letters of Eliphas Levi (13)Eliphas Leviy1895v16-Mayp245
Theosophical Activitiesvariousy1895v16-Mayp249
review - Modern Spiritualism by AP SinnettBKy1895v16-Mayp255
review - The Astral Plane by CW LeadbeaterBKy1895v16-Mayp255
review - The Self & its Sheaths by Annie BesantGRSMy1895v16-Mayp257
review - The Journal of the Royal Asiatic SocietyGRSMy1895v16-Mayp258
Showing 2351 to 2400 of 2866 entries