The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.


Esoteric Teaching - Authority in TheosophyWilliam Kingslandy1893v13-Septemberp55
The Law of AnalogySarah Corbetty1893v13-Septemberp59
Notes from a Diary of VisionsMSy1893v13-Septemberp65
Notes & QueriesWFK (? WF Kirby)y1893v13-Septemberp66
correspondence - Reincarnation in "Isis Unveiled"RCy1893v13-Septemberp67
(The teaching or otherwise of Reincarnation in Isis Unveiled)RC; Antevasiy1893v13-Septemberp67
"Gurus & Chelas"A Studenty1893v13-Septemberp68
Theosophical Activities - Indian LetterSVEy1893v13-Septemberp69
Ceylon LetterSinhala Putray1893v13-Septemberp70
European Section, Blavatsky LodgeLaura Mary Cooper (? - 1924)y1893v13-Septemberp71
Bow LodgeGordon Rowey1893v13-Septemberp71
Liverpool LodgeJohn Hilly1893v13-Septemberp71
Manchester City LodgeSarah Corbett ( - 1908)y1893v13-Septemberp72
Bournemouth LodgeHS Greeny1893v13-Septemberp72
Exeter CentreAA Passinghamy1893v13-Septemberp72
North of England FederationO Firthy1893v13-Septemberp72
GlasgowJames Wilsony1893v13-Septemberp73
The Adventures of the "Van"RH, HTE, JTC (? JT Campbell)y1893v13-Septemberp73
American SectionShaktiy1893v13-Septemberp80
Australasia - Mrs Cooper-Oakley's TourIsabel Cooper-Oakleyy1893v13-Septemberp80
Dunedin LodgeAW Mauraisy1893v13-Septemberp81
MelbourneMabel Besant-Scott (1870 - ?)y1893v13-Septemberp81
SydneyTW Willansy1893v13-Septemberp83
Theosophical & Mystic Publications - variousanony1893v13-Septemberp85
Our Budgetanony1893v13-Septemberp88
On the Watch-Tower(Annie Besant)y1893v13-Octoberp89
Some Modern Failings (1)Che-Yew-Tsang = Ernest T Hargrove (- 1939)y1893v13-Octoberp97
The Fundamental Problem of the Theory of KnowledgeBertram Keightleyy1893v13-Octoberp101
Fierce ImpetuosityGRS Meady1893v13-Octoberp106
Elementals (3)HP Blavatskyy1893v13-Octoberp111
The Esotericism of Buddha's TeachingH Dhammapalay1893v13-Octoberp121
Science & the Esoteric Philosophy (7)HTEy1893v13-Octoberp123
Here & There among the Buddhist Temples of CeylonMarie Musaeus Higginsy1893v13-Octoberp128
Fakirs I Have MetHH Ozzardy1893v13-Octoberp132
A Rosicrucian Adept (an extract from Aurifontina Chymica, 1680)John Frederick Houpreghty1893v13-Octoberp137
Karma & Astrology (2) Chandi Prasada ShastriRai BK Laheriy1893v13-Octoberp141
Gurus & ChelasAnnie Besanty1893v13-Octoberp147
The Religion of the HindusKP Mukherjiy1893v13-Octoberp150
The Sevenfold Nature of ManSarah Corbetty1893v13-Octoberp152
Notes & QueriesGRSMy1893v13-Octoberp154
correspondence - A Criticism & an AnswerFrederika (Richardson) MacDonaldy1893v13-Octoberp155
reply to Frederika (Richardson) MacdonaldGRSMy1893v13-Octoberp155
review - The Esoteric Basis of Christianity (2) by Wm KingslandHTEy1893v13-Octoberp157
review - Death a Delusion by John Page HoppsMUM (? MU Moore)y1893v13-Octoberp158
review - The Hymns of the Sâmaveda by RTH Griffithanony1893v13-Octoberp158
review - The Night of the Gods, An Inquiry into Cosmic & Cosmogenic Mythology & Symbolism (1) by John O'NeilGRS Meady1893v13-Octoberp159
Theosophical Activities - The Parliament of ReligionsGeo E Wrighty1893v13-Octoberp160
European Section - Blavatsky Lodge (Gyanendra Nath Chakravarti 1861-1936 mentioned)anony1893v13-Octoberp164
European Section - Bow Lodge (Allan Bennett 1872-1923 mentioned)anony1893v13-Octoberp164
Showing 1901 to 1950 of 2866 entries