Reply to Dobyns [re: Subatomic Particles] | SM Phillips | y1995 | v9 | i4 | - | p539 |
North American Indian Effigy Mounds: An Enigma at the Frontier of Archaeology and Geology | Andrei Apostol | y1995 | v9 | i4 | - | p549 |
A Holistic Aesthetic for Science | Bruce K Kirchoff | y1995 | v9 | i4 | - | p565 |
Anomaly Notes column | T Cooper | y1995 | v9 | i4 | - | p579 |
Cold Fusion - A Challenge to Modern Science | E Storms | y1995 | v9 | i4 | - | p585 |
Further Comments on P-Values and Chance | WH Jefferys | y1995 | v9 | i4 | - | p595 |
Response to Jefferys [re: P-values] | York H Dobyns | y1995 | v9 | i4 | - | p597 |
Comments on "Could ETs be Expected to Breathe Our Air?" | H Lammer | y1995 | v9 | i4 | - | p599 |
review - The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life by RJ Hernstein & C Murray | P Alper | y1995 | v9 | i4 | - | p601 |
review - Guidelines for Testing Psychic Claimants by R Wiseman & R Morris | J Rebman | y1995 | v9 | i4 | - | p603 |
review - The Astonishing Hypothesis: The Scientific Search for the Soul by F Crick | J Beloff | y1995 | v9 | i4 | - | p604 |
review - Consciousness Explained by DC Dennett | J Beloff | y1995 | v9 | i4 | - | p607 |
Anomaly Notes column | T Cooper | y1995 | v9 | - | - | p113 |
Response to Cooper on "P-values and Chance" | WH Jefferys | y1995 | v9 | - | - | p121 |
Response to Jefferys [re: P-values and chance] | RG Jahn & York H Dobyns | y1995 | v9 | - | - | p122 |
A Psychic Can Cheat: So What? | S Savva | y1995 | v9 | - | - | p125 |
Response to Savva [re: psychics and cheating] | DI Radin | y1995 | v9 | - | - | p126 |
Comments on "Response to Volkamer" [re: conservation of mass] | K Volkamer | y1995 | v9 | - | - | p128 |
reply to Volkamer [re: law of conservation] | J Himes | y1995 | v9 | - | - | p133 |
reply to Volkamer [re: law of conservation] | M Epstein | y1995 | v9 | - | - | p133 |
review - Brain, Mind and Medicine: Charles Richet and the Origins of Physiological Psychology by S Wolf | A. Gauld | y1995 | v9 | - | - | p137 |
review - Cultivating Consciousness: Enhancing Human Potential, Wellness and Healing by KR Rao | A. Hastings | y1995 | v9 | - | - | p139 |
review - Shadow Matter and Psychic Phenomena by GD Wasserman | Ian Stevenson | y1995 | v9 | - | - | p142 |
review - Understanding the Present: Science and the Soul of Modern Man B Appleyard | C Hester | y1995 | v9 | - | - | p144 |
review - Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens by JE Mack | J Wilson | y1995 | v9 | - | - | p149 |
review - Prometheus Bound: Science in a Dynamic Steady State by J Ziman | HH Bauer | y1995 | v9 | - | - | p151 |
Anomaly Notes column | T Cooper | y1995 | v9 | - | - | p277 |
Comment on "McMinnville, Oregon UFO Photos" | B Maccabee | y1995 | v9 | - | - | p281 |
A Scientific Analysis of a Flying Disk Near Lac Chauvet, France | P Guerin | y1995 | v9 | - | - | p281 |
Response to Maccabee | P Guerin | y1995 | v9 | - | - | p284 |
Further Comments on Psychic Cheating | S Savva | y1995 | v9 | - | - | p284 |
Reply to Savva [re: psychics and cheating] | DI Radin | y1995 | v9 | - | - | p285 |
Comments on Magnetic Field Detection Associated With a UFO | W Smith | y1995 | v9 | - | - | p286 |
Response to Smith [re: magnetic fields and UFOs] | B Maccabee | y1995 | v9 | - | - | p288 |
Further Comments on "Digital Analysis" | I Wieder | y1995 | v9 | - | - | p289 |
Responses to Wieder | M Carlotto | y1995 | v9 | - | - | p291 |
review - Tainted Truth: the Manipulation of Fact in America by C Crossen | P Alper | y1995 | v9 | - | - | p293 |
review - Death and Personal Survival: The Evidence for Life After Death by R Almeder | J Wheatley | y1995 | v9 | - | - | p294 |
review - Galileo's Revenge: Junk Science in the Courtroom by P Huber | P Alper | y1995 | v9 | - | - | p301 |
review - Bad Science: The Short Life and Weird Times of Cold Fusion by G Taubes | HH Bauer | y1995 | v9 | - | - | p301 |
review - Galileo's Revenge: Junk Science in the Courtroom by P Huber | P Alper | y1995 | v9 | - | - | p307 |
review - Natural and Supernatural: A History of the Paranormal from Earliest Times to 1914 by B Inglis | M Epstein | y1995 | v9 | - | - | p309 |
review - Beyond the Body: An Investigation of Out-of-the-Body Experiences by SJ Blackmore | B Kellehear | y1995 | v9 | - | - | p312 |
review - Dying to Live: Science and the Near-Death Experiences by SJ Blackmore | ?? | y1995 | v9 | - | - | p312 |
Report on the Academy of Consciousness Studies | BJ Dunne | y1995 | v9 | - | - | p393 |
Appendix: Report on the Academy of Consciousness Studies | RG Jahn | y1995 | v9 | - | - | p397 |
A Brief Comment on Betz [re: dowsing] | York H Dobyns | y1995 | v9 | - | - | p405 |
Comments on "Semi-Molten Meteoric Iron Associated with a Crop Formation" | M Keen | y1995 | v9 | - | - | p407 |
reply to Keen [re: semi-molten meteoric iron], | WC Levengood | y1995 | v9 | - | - | p409 |
reply to Keen [re: semi-molten meteoric iron] | JA Burke | y1995 | v9 | - | - | p409 |