The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.

Journal of Scientific Exploration

case suggestive of possessionSumitra Singhy1989v3--p83
case of secondary personalityPearl Currany1989v3--p99
Evidence for Plant Metabolic Disorders in Correlation With a UFO LandingMichel CL Bouniasy1990v4i1-p1
Biochemical Traumatology as a Potent Tool for Identifying Actual Stresses Elicited by Unidentified Sources:Michel CL Bouniasy1990v4i1-p1
UFO witnessRenato Nicolaiy1990v4i1-p19
Return to Trans-en-ProvenceJacques F Valleey1990v4i1-p19
Report on the Analysis of Anomalous Physical Traces: The 1981 Trans-en-Provence UFO CaseJean-Jacques Velascoy1990v4i1-p27
Physical Interpretation of Very Small Concentrations (J Benveniste)Henry H Bauery1990v4i1-p49
Luminous Phenomena and Seismic Energy in the Central United StatesJohn S Derr, Michael A Persingery1990v4i1-p55
Photo Analysis of an Aerial Disc Over Costa Rica: New EvidenceJacques F Vallee, Richard F Hainesy1990v4i1-p71
A Scientific Inquiry Into the Validity of AstrologyJohn H McGrew & Richard McFally1990v4i1-p75
Planetary Influences on Human Behavior ("Gauquelin Effect"): Too Absurd for a Scientific Explanation?Arno Müller (Mueller)y1990v4i1-p85
Five Arguments Against the Extraterrestrial Origin of Unidentified Flying ObjectsJacques F Valleey1990v4i1-p105
Using the Study of Anomalies to Enhance Critical Thinking in the ClassroomMichael D Swordsy1990v4i2-p123
Some Observations of Electromagnetic Signals Prior to California EarthquakesMarsha Hancock Adamsy1990v4i2-p137
Bayesian Analysis of Random Event Generator DataWilliam H Jefferysy1990v4i2-p153
Moslem Cases (Reincarnation) in Northern India: the Hypothesis of Imposed Identification (1) (26 cases)Antonia Millsy1990v4i2-p171
case suggestive of reincarnationAli Kathaty1990v4i2-p179
case suggestive of reincarnationNaresh Kumary1990v4i2-p179
case suggestive of reincarnationMukul Bhausery1990v4i2-p179
case suggestive of reincarnationNeera Kathaty1990v4i2-p179
case suggestive of reincarnationMohammed Hanif Khany1990v4i2-p180
Moslem Cases (Reincarnation) in Northern India: the Hypothesis of Imposed Identification (2) (3 cases)Antonia Millsy1990v4i2-p189
case suggestive of reincarnationChinga Khany1990v4i2-p190
case suggestive of reincarnationDoohi Khany1990v4i2-p190
Electromagnetic Disturbances Associated with Earthquakes: An Analysis of Ground-Based and Satellite DataMichel Parroty1990v4i2-p203
Conditions That Appear to Favor Extrasensory Interactions Between Homo Sapiens and MicrobesN Dean Dey, CM Pleassy1990v4i2-p213
Correlation Between Mental Processes and External Random EventsHelmut Schmidty1990v4i2-p233
Phobias in Children Who Claim to Remember Previous LivesIan Stevensony1990v4i2-p243
A Gas Discharge Device for Investigating Focussed Human AttentionWilliam A Tillery1990v4i2-p255
Radio Emissions From an EarthquakeJames W Warwicky1990v4i2-p273
Comments on Remote Viewing and Computer Communications - An ExperimentJacques Valleey1990v4i2-p281
Comments on Vallee's Five Arguments Against the Extraterrestrial Origin of Unidentified Flying Objects,RF Creegany1990v4i2-p282
Reply to "Alterations in Recollection of Unusual and Unexpected Events"W Webby1990v4i2-p283
case of alleged alien abductionBetty Hilly1990v4i2-p283
Comments on "Expanding Ball of Light Phenomenon"MB Aymerichy1990v4--p119
Comments on Stevenson's "A Case of Severe Birth Defects Possibly Due to Cursing"D Stillingsy1990v4--p121
The Cydonian HypothesisG Molenaar, JE Brandenburg, V DiPietroy1991v5i1-p1
New Cases in Burma, Thailand, Turkey: A Field Study Replication of Some Aspects of Ian Stevenson's ResearchJuergen Keily1991v5i1-p27
case suggestive of reincarnationMa Tin Seny1991v5i1-p37
case suggestive of reincarnationOurarat Srineely1991v5i1-p40
case suggestive of reincarnationSrimon Manokhany1991v5i1-p41
case suggestive of reincarnationTodsac Gowanay1991v5i1-p41
case suggestive of reincarnationSripha Rukeny1991v5i1-p41
case suggestive of reincarnationTutkhorn Chitprichay1991v5i1-p42
case suggestive of reincarnationMehmet Arikdaly1991v5i1-p48
Effects of Consciousness on the Fall of Dice: A Meta-AnalysisDiane C Ferrari, Dean I Radiny1991v5i1-p61
The Wasgo or Sisiutl: A Cryptozoological Sea-Animal of the Pacific Northwest Coast of the AmericasMichael D Swordsy1991v5i1-p85
The Extraterrestrial Hypothesis Is Not That BadRobert M Woody1991v5i1-p103
Toward a Second-Degree Extraterrestrial Theory of UFOs: A Response to Dr. Wood and Prof. BozhichJacques Valleey1991v5i1-p113
Showing 51 to 100 of 561 entries