The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.

Journal of Religion and Psychical Research

Examining some precognitive dreams: do they simply predict or is there something more?John R Crowleyy1986v9-Julyp175
review - A Dazzling Darkness: An Anthology of Western Mysticism ed by Patrick GrantJohn R Crowleyy1986v9-Julyp182
review - River's way: The Process Science of the Dream Body by Arnold MindellGeorge W Fisky1986v9-Julyp183
review - Spiritual Healing: Miracle or Mirage? by Alan YoungMargaret S Webbery1986v9-Julyp185
Statement of OwnershipBoyce Bateyy1986v9-Octoberp188
Reincarnation: can Christianity accommodate it?Rodger I. Andersony1986v9-Octoberp189
Remembrance of things present: a second Copernican revolution in consciousnessDavid F Haighty1986v9-Octoberp203
The child & the child archetype in the nuclear age (3) (in the 20th Century)Alice E Bucky1986v9-Octoberp218
Proposing experiential experimenters for parapsychologyFrank C Tribbey1986v9-Octoberp231
Call for papers for Academy's 1987 Conferenceanony1986v9-Octoberp233
Announcement of CompetitionBoyce Bateyy1986v9-Octoberp234
review - Foundations of Parapsychology: Exploring the Boundaries of Human Capability by HL Edge, RL Morris +John R Crowleyy1986v9-Octoberp235
review - Cinema, Drama, Schema: Eastern Metaphysics in Western Art by Hector CurrieJohn R Crowleyy1986v9-Octoberp236
review - Insearch: Psychology & Religion by James HillmanGeorge W Fisky1986v9-Octoberp237
review - The Crone (The Woman of Age, Wisdom, & Power) by Barbara G WalkerClaire G Walkery1986v9-Octoberp241
Ltte - The Seven-year Body Cycle?Edgar Wirty1986v9-Octoberp243
Index of Names (names of people)anony1986v9-Octoberp245
Index (titles & topics)anony1986v9-Octoberp247
Can prayer or meditation invoke benefits of psi?Ry Reddy1987v10-Januaryp1
The child & the child archetype in a nuclear age (3.2) 20th-C Philosophical issuesAlice E Bucky1987v10-Januaryp13
Commentary on C Alan Anderson's The problem is God (1)Lloyd R Applegatey1987v10-Januaryp25
Discussion - A further word on the resurrectionFrank C Tribbey1987v10-Januaryp35
Repeated guessing in a group test of clairvoyanceCarroll B Nashy1987v10-Januaryp38
Reincarnation: wishful thinking?Claire G Walkery1987v10-Januaryp40
Announcement (of) Deadline for $2000 prize in Thouless Life After Death Experimentanony1987v10-Januaryp45
M&PE (1) Animals & Children ... & PSIJohn R Crowley & Stephanie Gaines Colemany1987v10-Januaryp46
M&PE (2)Stephanie Gaines Colemany1987v10-Januaryp48
M&PE (3) Saint Michaelanony1987v10-Januaryp50
review - Spiritual Insights for Daily Living ed by Elizabeth W FenskeClaire G Walkery1987v10-Januaryp52
review - The Secret Gospel: The Discovery & Interpretation of the Secret Gospel according to Mark by Mortonanony1987v10-Januaryp53
review - Four Other Gospels: Shadows on the Contour of Canon by John Dominic CrossanEdgar Wirty1987v10-Januaryp56
review - The Nag Hammadi Library ed by James M RobinsonCharles C Wise Jry1987v10-Januaryp58
review - Parapsychology, the Science of Psiology by Carroll B NashJohn R Crowleyy1987v10-Januaryp61
Beliefs (vf)Barbara C Harrisy1987v10-Januaryp63
An open prayer (vf)Joe Geraciy1987v10-Januaryp64
Opening the door to higher consciousnessGeorge W Fisky1987v10-Aprilp65
Commentary on C Alan Anderson's The problem is God (2)Lloyd R Applegatey1987v10-Aprilp72
The child & the child archetype in a nuclear age (4) The child & the Old TestamentAlice E Bucky1987v10-Aprilp83
An ostensibly precognitive dream of the 1980 Sunshine Skyway bridge disasterKerry S Waltersy1987v10-Aprilp97
P&ME - Animals & children & psi (2)John R Crowleyy1987v10-Aprilp104
review - The Final Choice: Playing the Survival Game by Michael GrossoRhea A. Whitey1987v10-Aprilp108
review - On Having No Head: Zen & the Re-Discovery of the Obvious by Douglas Edison HardingGeorge W Fisky1987v10-Aprilp111
review - The Role of Consciousness in the Physical World ed by Robert G JahnRobert S Slatery1987v10-Aprilp114
review - Archetypes of Conversion (St Augustine, John Bunyan, Thomas Merton) by Anne Hunsaker HawkinsClaire G Walkery1987v10-Aprilp115
review - Let This Mind Be in You (The Quest for Identity through Oedipus to Christ) by Sebastian MooreMargaret S Webbery1987v10-Aprilp117
review - Meditation: Classic & Contemporary Perspectives ed by Deane H Shapiro Jr & Roger N WalshArthur Brooky1987v10-Aprilp118
Review - Consciousness & Psi (in Psi Research, 1986) by Jean BurnsEdgar Wirty1987v10-Aprilp119
Ltte - (Gnosticism, Gnostics & Gnostic Thought)Charles F Adamsy1987v10-Aprilp123
Mystical experience & the frontier of the everyday world (Mystery, Love, Work)Richard Byrney1987v10-Julyp127
The child & the child archetype in the nuclear age (5) The child in the New TestamentAlice E Bucky1987v10-Julyp135
Showing 401 to 450 of 1797 entries