movie review - The Little Buddha by Bernardo Bertolucci | anon | y1994 | v9 | - | August | p14 |
Danish high court rejects Adyar claim to Denmark TS assets | Stan Treloar | y1994 | v9 | - | August | p17 |
Letter to Stan Treloar from Denmark | Hardy Bennis | y1994 | v9 | - | August | p18 |
A Tribute to Liesel Deutsch (with excerpts from her letters) | anon | y1994 | v9 | - | August | p19 |
Kiva Co-operative | anon | y1994 | v9 | - | September | p1 |
Prisoners get some respect (AVP workshop with Edelle Corrine) (rprnt The Boulder Weekly Sept 1 1994) | Mark Fearer | y1994 | v9 | - | September | p2 |
When Peg Hilliard joined Kiva | anon | y1994 | v9 | - | September | p4 |
illustration - (carved wooden totem pole, short) | (Peg Hilliard) | y1994 | v9 | - | September | p5 |
A Visit to "Tihar Jail Ashram" (rprnt Human Kindness Foundation Newsletter, Summer, 1994) | Bo Lozoff | y1994 | v9 | - | September | p6 |
Speaking out - The hidden voice (rprnt Eclectic May 1972) | W Emmett Small | y1994 | v9 | - | September | p7 |
Ltte - my film review "The Little Buddha" has been published in the HCT Aug 1994 | Abhinyano, San Diego, CA | y1994 | v9 | - | September | p13 |
Ltte - Mother, who was a theosophist, had no fear of death | Olivia Hansen | y1994 | v9 | - | September | p14 |
concerning the dying process of my Dad | Marty Lyman | y1994 | v9 | - | September | p14 |
Death: A New Beginning (vf) | Olivia Hansen | y1994 | v9 | - | September | p15 |
review - The Sermon on the Mount ... tr James M Pryse | anon | y1994 | v9 | - | September | p16 |
Pilgrimage to India (18) | (Dick Slusser) | y1994 | v9 | - | September | p17 |
(Recap: Theosophical teachings - Shearman (Theosophist Oct 1971) vs Small (Eclectic May 15 1972)) | anon | y1994 | v9 | - | October | p1 |
a brief biography of AP Sinnett (1840-1921) | Sven Eek | y1994 | v9 | - | October | p2 |
photo - AP Sinnett | anon | y1994 | v9 | - | October | p2 |
Dukkha - Suffering (rprntd The Koekister of Watersedge South Africa, ed Rosemary Vosse) | anon | y1994 | v9 | - | October | p12 |
An Inner City Workshop | Marty Lyman | y1994 | v9 | - | October | p15 |
Pilgrimage to India (19) | (Dick Slusser) | y1994 | v9 | - | October | p16 |
Windrock Springs Foundation | Carmen H Small & others | y1994 | v9 | - | October | p18 |
Statement of Ownership, Management and Circulation | Richard A. Slusser | y1994 | v9 | - | October | p20 |
The Misadventures of Djual Khul (Khool) | anon (from ML-APS) | y1994 | v9 | - | November | p1 |
Update: Fractured comet (Shoemaker-Levy 9) collides with Jupiter | anon | y1994 | v9 | - | November | p4 |
Ltte - 133 acre farm life & theosophical library, south of Sydney | John Cooper | y1994 | v9 | - | November | p9 |
Ltte - (Madre Grande Monastery) | John Drais | y1994 | v9 | - | November | p10 |
Canadian Theosophist; some back issues available | anon | y1994 | v9 | - | November | p11 |
Reprint plans of G. de P's Questions We All Ask | anon | y1994 | v9 | - | November | p11 |
Pilgrimage to India (20) Letter #8 | (Dick Slusser) | y1994 | v9 | - | November | p12 |
A Miraculous Escape (rprntd The Koekister Nov 6 1980 Watersedge, South Africa) | Rosemary Vosse | y1994 | v9 | - | November | p15 |
Borobudur (The worlds largest Mahayana Buddhist monument ...) | Abhinyano | y1994 | v9 | - | December | p1 |
Thanksgiving in the High Country - pain in the Sciatic nerve | DS | y1994 | v9 | - | December | p5 |
Christmas; a Theosophical view (rprnt Questions We All Ask - First Series, pp. 410-12) | G de Purucker | y1994 | v9 | - | December | p6 |
Plenty returns to the Farm (rprnt) | Peter Schweitzer | y1994 | v9 | - | December | p8 |
Cuba/America Friendship Park | Linda Steel | y1994 | v9 | - | December | p9 |
Hey man, I Think he's a Yogurt! (rprnt Just Another Spiritual Book pp. 122-124) | Bo Lozoff | y1994 | v9 | - | December | p10 |
The Buddhist "Middle Way" A Lecture by Mary Anderson | Marty Lyman | y1994 | v9 | - | December | p12 |
review (of an audio tape) - Work as a Spiritual Path by Marsha Sinetar | Marty Lyman | y1994 | v9 | - | December | p12 |
John Cooper in India | John Cooper | y1994 | v9 | - | December | p14 |
Pilgrimage to India (21) | (Dick Slusser) | y1994 | v9 | - | December | p15 |
The Mission, the Messenger and the Message (1) (1881-1884) | anon | y1995 | v10 | - | January | p1 |
Science: A Banner year | Marty Lyman | y1995 | v10 | - | January | p4 |
His Eminence the Ninth Khalkha Jetsun Dampa | anon | y1995 | v10 | - | January | p10 |
Kalachakra Initiation (near Gardiner, Colorado) | anon | y1995 | v10 | - | January | p10 |
Gaden jangtse dratsang monastery | anon | y1995 | v10 | - | January | p11 |
Time Off (rprnt Human Kindness Foundation Newsletter, Christmas - 1994) | Bo Lozoff | y1995 | v10 | - | January | p12 |
Shenpen Choeling, a Buddhist meditation center | anon | y1995 | v10 | - | January | p12 |
Plenty Report December 1, 1994 | anon | y1995 | v10 | - | January | p13 |