The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.


Aryan Precepts [reprint from 'The Theosophist' May 1895]anony1989v15i3Marp124
The Sacred Flame: Message of Tsong-Kha-PaKS Lakshminarayany1989v15i3Marp130
Universal BrotherhoodMahatma KHy1989v15i3Marp132
Mo Tzuanony1989v15i3Marp135
MetachemistryGaston Bachelardy1989v15i4Aprp145
The Yoga Sutras: Vibhuti Pada (6)anony1989v15i4Aprp146
Symbols: Jupiteranony1989v15i4Aprp159
Ideas Rule the World [reprint from 'Circa' 30 January 1881Mahatma KHy1989v15i4Aprp174
Aphorisms of the Sages [reprint from 'The Theosophist' January 1885]anony1989v15i4Aprp177
TranquilityGuatama Buddhay1989v15i5Mayp193
The Yoga Sutras: Kaivalya Pada (7)anony1989v15i5Mayp194
Symbols: Saturnanony1989v15i5Mayp204
Man the Microcosm [reprint from 'Circa' 20 February 1881]Mahatma KHy1989v15i5Mayp218
Chuang Tzuanony1989v15i5Mayp225
Great Souls [reprint from 'The Aryan Path' May 1930]John Middleton Murryy1989v15i5Mayp235
The Seof-Luminous [reprint from 'Kena Upanishad']anony1989v15i6Junp241
Kalahansa and Kalachakraanony1989v15i6Junp242
Symbols: Uranusanony1989v15i6Junp259
The Planetary Spirit [reprint from 'Circa' Bombay 8 July 1881]Mahatma KHy1989v15i6Junp273
Hsun Tzuanony1989v15i6Junp281
The Soul of All SoulsSolomon Ben Gabiroly1989v15i7Julp289
The Eye of Self-Existenceanony1989v15i7Julp290
Symbols: Neptuneanony1989v15i7Julp307
Gnosis, Good and Evil [reprint from 'Circa' Simla 28 September 1882]Mahatma KHy1989v15i7Julp323
Tung Chung-Shuanony1989v15i7Julp327
The Fire SermonGautama Buddhay1989v15i8Augp337
AUM: Hymn to Dakshinamurti the Initiator of Initiates [reprint from 'Dakshnamurti Stotram']Adi Shankaracharyay1989v15i8Augp338
Gnosis ]vf] [reprint from 'The Odes of Solomon XIIanony1989v15i8Augp340
The Seed of Salvationvariousy1989v15i8Augp341
Symbols: Pluto and Charonanony1989v15i8Augp342
The Universal Proteus [reprint from 'Circa' Simla 30 June 1882]Mahatma KHy1989v15i8Augp356
Indian Temples [reprint from 'The Aryan Path' December 1930]SV Venkateswaray1989v15i8Augp362
Imperishable Stone [reprint from 'The Path' June 1886]WQ Judgey1989v15i8Augp366
Adepts and Chelas [reprint from 'Five Years of Theosophy']Lay Chelay1989v15i8Augp369
Precepts and Aphorisms [compiled by HP Blavatsky]anony1989v15i8Augp373
Wang Manganony1989v15i8Augp376
Showing 2001 to 2043 of 2043 entries