The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.

Adyar Newsletter

Distance and no less the lattice lend enchantment to the view of the Banyan tree eagerly peeping inside [illustration]anony1998--Novemberp1
Foundaton Day [123rd] - Mr Shroder's addressanony1998--Novemberp2
Meet Mr Syamala Raoanony1998--Novemberp5
The School of the Wisdomanony1998--Novemberp6
Headquarters Liftanony1998--Novemberp7
Donations to the Theosophical Society (1 July 98 to 30 September 1998)anony1998--Novemberp8
[?water lilies with tortoise] [illustration]anony1999--Februaryp1
What Adyar Means to MeC R N Swamyy1999--Februaryp2
The School of the Wisdomanony1999--Februaryp2
Wildlife in the TS Campusanony1999--Februaryp4
Mr C Seshadri [obituary]anony1999--Februaryp7
Republic Dayanony1999--Februaryp7
Righting a Wronganony1999--Februaryp7
Donations to the Theosophical Society (1 October 98 to 31 December 1998)anony1999--Februaryp8
Adyar Library [illustration]anony1999--Mayp1
The Adyar Library - News Update (Vaisnava Literature and Conservation Programme)anony1999--Mayp2
New International Secretary [Mrs Dolores Gago]anony1999--Mayp4
New Publication: 'Right Living in Modern Society' [by Prof P Krishna]anony1999--Mayp4
Spiritual Retreatanony1999--Mayp5
The School of the Wisdomanony1999--Mayp5
Garden Developmentanony1999--Mayp6
Medical Camp and Jumble Saleanony1999--Mayp6
Donations to the Theosophical Society (From 1 January 1999 to 31 March 1999)anony1999--Mayp7
Recent Publications - 'Adyar: International Headquarters of the Theosophical Society'; Adyar: Historical Notes and Features up to 1934' [by Mary K Neff]anony1999--Mayp8
[Trees and signs] [illustration]anony1999--Augustp1
Then and Now: Arundale House, Headquarters Roof, The Third Trilithonanony1999--Augustp2
The School of the Wisdom - 1 November to 11 December 1999 - Theme: Awakening to Truthanony1999--Augustp6
Donations to the Theosophical Society (From 1 April 1999 to 30 June 1999)anony1999--Augustp8
Recent Reprintsanony1999--Augustp8
Nandi Lord Siva's vehicle is a bull ... Our nandi near the Headquarters lawn sees Siva everywhere! [illustration]anony1999--Novemberp1
Spiritual Retreat [report of retreat 4 to 9 September 1999 under Venerable Professor Samdhong Rinpoche]anony1999--Novemberp2
Computer Slidesanony1999--Novemberp4
Then and Now (Continued) [Quadrangle, Bhojanasala, Banyan Tree]anony1999--Novemberp5
Donations to the Theosophical Society (From 1 July 1999 to 30 September 1999)anony1999--Novemberp8
Snatching a few light interludes from serious discussions [illustration]anony2000--Februaryp1
The 124th International Conventionanony2000--Februaryp2
New Vocational Training Centre for Womenanony2000--Februaryp3
Then and Now (Cont) [Vasanta Press, Fuller Bungalow]anony2000--Februaryp5
Donations to the Theosophical Society (From 1 October 1999 to 31 December 1999)anony2000--Februaryp8
... the palm grove gives a depth of shade that silences the whole ... [illustration]anony2000--Mayp1
South Indian Theosophical ConferenceAn Experienced Theosophist; A Recent Membery2000--Mayp2
Animal Welfare Centreanony2000--Mayp3
Vaisakh Purnima at the Buddhist Templeanony2000--Mayp4
The School of the Wisdom - 31 October to 14 December 2000 - Theme: The Life Worth Living - Director: Miss Joy Millsanony2000--Mayp6
Donations to the Theosophical Society (From 1 January to 31 March 2000)anony2000--Mayp7
[Trees plants and leaves] [illustration]anony2000--Augustp1
Oriental Conference Honours Scholarsanony2000--Augustp2
Besant Gardens Humming with Acitvity - Olcott Memorial School; Vocational Training Centre for Women; HPB Hostel; Social Welfare Centre; Annie Besant Memorial Dispensaryanony2000--Augustp2
The School of the Wisdom - 29 January to 28 February 2001 - Theme: The Theosophy of the Mystics - Director: Pedro Oliveiraanony2000--Augustp5
New Releasesanony2000--Augustp6
Showing 1851 to 1900 of 2642 entries