Secret Doctrine Question and Answer Section (12) | Geoffrey A Barborka | y1966 | v47 | i3 | Jul-Aug | p65 |
review: 'The Meaning of Life in Five Great Religions' edited by John A Irving and RC Chalmers | TGD | y1966 | v47 | i3 | Jul-Aug | p69 |
review: 'Seven Great Religions' by Annie Besant | TGD | y1966 | v47 | i3 | Jul-Aug | p69 |
review: 'HP Blavatsky Collected Writings' Vol I 1874-1878 compiled by Boris de Zirkoff | TGD | y1966 | v47 | i3 | Jul-Aug | p70 |
The Fifth Theosophical World Congress | Dudley W Barr | y1966 | v47 | i4 | Sep-Oct | p73 |
Notes and Comments by the General Secretary | DWB | y1966 | v47 | i4 | Sep-Oct | p83 |
Letter | Elouise R Harrison | y1966 | v47 | i4 | Sep-Oct | p84 |
Letter | S Tratnik | y1966 | v47 | i4 | Sep-Oct | p85 |
Letter | Frederick E Tyler | y1966 | v47 | i4 | Sep-Oct | p85 |
Young Theosophists at Congress | Dara Mirza | y1966 | v47 | i4 | Sep-Oct | p86 |
Perennial Theosophy and the Modern World [translated by RM Vosse] | Roberto Hack | y1966 | v47 | i4 | Sep-Oct | p87 |
The TS and The ES | DWB | y1966 | v47 | i4 | Sep-Oct | p92 |
Miss Helen Zahara Visits Hamilton and Toronto Lodges | anon | y1966 | v47 | i4 | Sep-Oct | p93 |
Socrates is Alive in Los Angeles [reprint Globe and Mail 1966] | Richard J Needham | y1966 | v47 | i4 | Sep-Oct | p93 |
review: 'An Abridgement of The Secret Doctrine' HP Blavatsky edited by Elizabeth Preston and Christmas Humphreys | TGD | y1966 | v47 | i4 | Sep-Oct | p94 |
The Esoteric School | DWB | y1966 | v47 | i5 | Nov-Dec | p97 |
Some Comments on "The TS and the ES" | N Sri Ram | y1966 | v47 | i5 | Nov-Dec | p98 |
Dreaming and Waking | Montague A Machell | y1966 | v47 | i5 | Nov-Dec | p99 |
The Skandhas | Charles R Carter | y1966 | v47 | i5 | Nov-Dec | p102 |
Notes and Comments by the General Secretary | DWB | y1966 | v47 | i5 | Nov-Dec | p107 |
Presidential Election | DWB | y1966 | v47 | i5 | Nov-Dec | p108 |
Letter | James G Forsyth | y1966 | v47 | i5 | Nov-Dec | p108 |
Letter | Esme Wynne-Tyson | y1966 | v47 | i5 | Nov-Dec | p109 |
The Einsteinian Halo | Grande Stirling | y1966 | v47 | i5 | Nov-Dec | p110 |
Secret Doctrine Question and Answer Section (13) | Geoffrey A Barborka | y1966 | v47 | i5 | Nov-Dec | p114 |
General Secretary Visits Western Lodges | WEW | y1966 | v47 | i5 | Nov-Dec | p116 |
Geoffrey Barborka in Canada | anon | y1966 | v47 | i5 | Nov-Dec | p116 |
review: 'HP Blavatsky, Tibet and Tulku' by Geoffrey A Barborka | TGD | y1966 | v47 | i5 | Nov-Dec | p117 |
The Scroll Press | anon | y1966 | v47 | i5 | Nov-Dec | p117 |
review: 'Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation' by Ian Stevenson | TGD | y1966 | v47 | i5 | Nov-Dec | p118 |
The Door is Open | TGD | y1967 | v47 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p121 |
Strong Words | HP Blavatsky | y1967 | v47 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p122 |
And The TS will be Free... | WE Wilks | y1967 | v47 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p123 |
Life Atoms | Mollie Griffith | y1967 | v47 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p126 |
Secret Doctrine Question and Answer Section (14) | Geoffrey A Barborka | y1967 | v47 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p128 |
Notes and Comments by the General Secretary | DWB | y1967 | v47 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p131 |
Letter | Ed Stephenson | y1967 | v47 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p133 |
The Annual Election | DW Barr | y1967 | v47 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p133 |
Letter | N Yagnesvara Sastry | y1967 | v47 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p133 |
Hamilton Lodge Celebrates 50th Anniversary | DD | y1967 | v47 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p134 |
This Is Heaven! What Are You Doing About It? | Montague A Machell | y1967 | v47 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p135 |
1975, Has It a Theosophical Importance? | Frederick E Tyler | y1967 | v47 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p138 |
review: 'Magic and the Qabalah' by WE Butler | Jessie M Webb | y1967 | v47 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p139 |
On Karma [extracted from 'Aphorisms on Karma'] | William Q Judge | y1967 | v47 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p139 |
review: 'The Mathematics of the Cosmic Mind' by L Gordon Plummer | TGD | y1967 | v47 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p140 |
To Touch the Soul of Our Brother (vf) | A Tyro | y1967 | v47 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p142 |
Index - The Canadian Theosophist Vol 47 | anon | y1967 | v47 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p142 |
From the Presidential Address: To The 98th Annual Convention of the Theosophical Society | John BS Coats | y1974 | v55 | i1 | Mar-Apr | p1 |
William Quan Judge, a Reminiscence [reprint 'The Word' November 1915] | Laura C Holloway-Langford | y1974 | v55 | i1 | Mar-Apr | p4 |
Great Pan Returns (2) | Alvin Boyd Kuhn | y1974 | v55 | i1 | Mar-Apr | p8 |