The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.

The Canadian Theosophist

Wheel of Fire (vf)Leonora Parkery1961v41i6Jan-Febp130
School Study Shows Belief in Reincarnation [reprint 'The Daily Telegraph' London England]anony1961v41i6Jan-Febp131
1975?A Studenty1961v41i6Jan-Febp132
The Annual ElectionDW Barry1961v41i6Jan-Febp132
Executive Meetinganony1961v41i6Jan-Febp132
A Doctor of Mysticism: Richard Maurice BuckeJohn Robert Colomboy1961v41i6Jan-Febp133
Why I Believe in that Mysterious Thing - Reincarnation [reprint 'The News Chronicle' London October 8 1960]Laurence Easterbrooky1961v41i6Jan-Febp139
Buddhism in Russia [reprint 'Cultural News From India' July 1960]anony1961v41i6Jan-Febp141
Religion and ReligionsGH Hally1961v41i6Jan-Febp141
Index - The Canadian Theosophist Vol 41anony1961v41i6Jan-Febp142
From the Presidential Address: To the 85th International Convention of the Theosophical SocietyN Sri Ramy1961v42i1Mar-Aprp1
The Mysteries of Sleep and Death (1)Iverson L Harrisy1961v42i1Mar-Aprp7
obituary: Alexander Watt died January 23 1961anony1961v42i1Mar-Aprp11
obituary: Mary Roebuckanony1961v42i1Mar-Aprp11
obituary: Edward Godfrey Barthelmes died February 10 1961anony1961v42i1Mar-Aprp11
obituary: Adelaide Gardener [England]anony1961v42i1Mar-Aprp11
obituary: Josephine Ransom [England]anony1961v42i1Mar-Aprp11
obituary: Alice Richardsonanony1961v42i1Mar-Aprp11
Temple of Understandinganony1961v42i1Mar-Aprp12
Future Theosophists?anony1961v42i1Mar-Aprp12
Montreal LodgeE Goossensy1961v42i1Mar-Aprp12
Practical Theosophyanony1961v42i1Mar-Aprp13
Dharma [reprint 'The Bombay Theosophical Bulletin']anony1961v42i1Mar-Aprp13
review: 'Oedipus and Akhnaton' by Immanuel VelikovskyTed Davyy1961v42i1Mar-Aprp14
review: 'HP Blavatsky, Collected Writings, Vol VIII' compiled by Boris de Zirkoffanony1961v42i1Mar-Aprp14
Should the Priestess Return?Esme Wynne-Tysony1961v42i1Mar-Aprp15
The White LieGH Hally1961v42i1Mar-Aprp23
The Fall of Non-Conformismanony1961v42i1Mar-Aprp23
White Lotus Day - Seventy Years Lateranony1961v42i2May-Junp25
The Voice of the SilenceCMHy1961v42i2May-Junp27
The Mysteries of Sleep and Death (2)Iverson L Harrisy1961v42i2May-Junp30
Did Buddhists Visit Early British Columbia?Elouise R Harrisony1961v42i2May-Junp34
Executive MeetingDWBy1961v42i2May-Junp35
obituary: Gertrude Daykin died April 2 1961anony1961v42i2May-Junp35
obituary: Mrs Watt died March 27 1961anony1961v42i2May-Junp35
The General ElectionDWBy1961v42i2May-Junp35
Hamilton Lodge LibraryCP Lakiny1961v42i2May-Junp36
LetterER Harrisony1961v42i2May-Junp37
review: 'The Sacred Mushroom: Key to the Door of Eternity' by Andrija PuharichTed Davyy1961v42i2May-Junp38
The Revenge of the GoddessEsme Wynne-Tysony1961v42i2May-Junp39
Anti-Gravity [reprint 'The Theosophist' February 1961]anony1961v42i2May-Junp43
The Signs (vf) [reprint 'The Song Celestial']anony1961v42i2May-Junp44
The Sceptical Approach to TheosophyTGDy1961v42i2May-Junp45
Our Cycle and the Next [reprint 'Lucifer' 1889]HP Blavatskyy1961v42i2May-Junp46
LoveGH Hally1961v42i2May-Junp47
The Divine Affirmative (vf)Montague A Machelly1961v42i2May-Junp47
The Body of the ResurrectionCMHy1961v42i3Jul-Augp49
Some Symbols in a GardenMollie Griffithy1961v42i3Jul-Augp54
Psychic ShowmanshipBoris de Zirkoffy1961v42i3Jul-Augp57
Notes and Comments by the General SecretaryDWBy1961v42i3Jul-Augp59
Showing 1701 to 1750 of 4442 entries