The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.

Australian Star News

Advent Song (vf)Annie Besanty1927v1i8Janp69
KrishnajiJJ van der Leeuwy1927v1i8Janp69
The Second Coming of Christ (2)RJ Campbelly1927v1i8Janp71
Self-Preparation GroupD Rajagopaly1927v1i8Janp73
American Appreciation of Krishnamurti [reprint 'World Herald']anony1927v1i8Janp74
Shall We Accept Him?George S Arundaley1927v1i8Janp75
A Cameo [reprint 'New York World']anony1927v1i8Janp75
State Reports: New South WalesMason Beattyy1927v1i8Janp76
State Reports: QueenslandAnnie I Rowetty1927v1i8Janp76
On Taking Christ Seriously [reprint 'The Christian Century']A Maude Roydeny1927v1i8Janp77
Self-Denial MonthGeorge S Arundaley1927v1i9Febp81
America Calls for Krishnaji [reprint 'The Server' December]Fritz Kunzy1927v1i9Febp82
The Daily RemembranceDoris Gowllandy1927v1i9Febp82
Now That He is Come JJ van der Leeuw-y1927v1i9Febp83
China Observantanony1927v1i9Febp88
The Star in Englandanony1927v1i9Febp88
Self-PreparationGeorge S Arundaley1927v1i9Febp89
Islam and the ChristAbdul Karimy1927v1i9Febp89
The Return of the Messiah in Fictionanony1927v1i9Febp90
The New Messiah's Appeal to the Pope [extract from 'The Master Christian']Marie Corelliy1927v1i9Febp90
Discipleship: The Art of Learninganony1927v1i9Febp92
Star Work in Norway Lilly Heber-y1927v1i9Febp93
A Modern Parable [reprint 'Manchester Guardian']anony1927v1i9Febp94
State Reports: New South WalesEdward Branscombey1927v1i9Febp94
State Reports: VictoriaJohn A Farquharsony1927v1i9Febp94
The Descent of the Avatar (vf) [reprint 'The Server']AEDy1927v1i9Febp95
Christ's Returning (vf)CK Ketteringhamy1927v1i9Febp95
Spiritual Evolutionanony1927v1i9Febp96
The Interests of Women [reprint 'The Server']Fritz Kunzy1927v1i9Febp96
His Coming (vf)anony1927v1i9Febp96
The Active Service Fund: Only 2/6 a Week!George S Arundaley1927v1i10Marp97
Ojai, January 11th 1927Mrs Rogersy1927v1i10Marp101
The World Teacher is Here [reprint 'Los Angeles Examiner' Jan, 1927]Annie Besanty1927v1i10Marp102
The Work of the Three Centres Emily Lutyens-y1927v1i10Marp103
Some Future Activities in the Ojai Valley [reprint 'The Ojai' 21 Jan 1927]anony1927v1i10Marp106
The New CivilizationAnnie Besanty1927v1i10Marp107
Organizing Committeeanony1927v1i10Marp111
Mrs Besant's New ChristMark Andrewy1927v1i10Marp111
The Real Christ [reprint 'Nirvana']George S Arundaley1927v1i10Marp112
Australians in Hollandanony1927v1i10Marp112
State Reports: New South WalesEdward Branscombey1927v1i10Marp112
Star Finances Marcella R Clarke; George S Arundale-y1927v1i11Aprp113
A Statement by the General Secretary-TreasurerD Rajogopaly1927v1i11Aprp114
A Star League of ParentsEmily Lutyensy1927v1i11Aprp115
The Coming of the World-Teacher (1) [lecture at Queen's Hall London]Annie Besanty1927v1i11Aprp117
The Face of the Lord [reprint 'The Herald of the Star']C Jinarajadasay1927v1i11Aprp122
The Coming of the World Teacher [reprint 'China Press']anony1927v1i11Aprp124
State Reports: New South WalesEdward Branscombey1927v1i11Aprp125
State Reports: QueenslandAnnie J Rowetty1927v1i11Aprp126
Showing 101 to 150 of 222 entries