The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.

Articles by HP Blavatsky

Tibetan Teachings [reprint Lucifer 1894]HP Blavatsky-v21--p14
The Sacred Tree of Kum Bum [reprint Theosophist 1883]HP Blavatsky-v21--p29
Reincarnations in Tibet [reprint Theosophist 1882]HP Blavatsky-v21--p33
Do the Rishis Exist? [reprint Theosophist 1883]HP Blavatsky-v21--p42
Foreword: Theosophical Objects, Program and Organisation--v22--p1
A Year of Theosophy [reprint Theosophist 1881]HP Blavatsky-v22--p3
1888 [reprint Lucifer 1888]HP Blavatsky-v22--p8
A Puzzle from Adyar [reprint Lucifer 1889]HP Blavatsky-v22--p10
The Organisation of the Theosophical Society [1886,reprint Theosophist 1924, 1931]HP Blavatsky-v22--p16
Foreword: Ancient Survivals and Modern Errors--v23--p1
Lamas and Druses [reprint Theosophist 1881]HP Blavatsky-v23--p3
Persian Zoroastrianism and Russian Vandalism [reprint Theosophist 1879]HP Blavatsky-v23--p15
The Devil's Own - Thoughts on Ormuzd and Ahriman [reprint Lucifer 1891]HP Blavatsky-v23--p22
Progress and Culture [reprint Lucifer 1890]HP Blavatsky-v23--p31
Antiquity of the Vedas [reprint Theosophist 1879]HP Blavatsky-v23--p43
Foreword: Science and Criticism--v24--p1
The Signs of the Times [reprint Lucifer 1887]HP Blavatsky-v24--p4
Literary Jottings - or Criticism, Authorities, and Other Matters [reprint Lucifer 1892]HP Blavatsky-v24--p12
The Blessings of Publicity [reprint Lucifer 1891]HP Blavatsky-v24--p16
The Electric and Magnetic Affinities between Man and Nature [reprint Theosophist 1881]HP Blavatsky-v24--p20
The Substantial Nature of Magnetism [reprint Lucifer 1891]HP Blavatsky-v24--p25
Foreword: Ancient Teachings, Adepts, and Yogis--v25--p1
The Denials and Mistakes of the Nineteenth Century [reprint Lucifer 1892]HP Blavatsky-v25--p3
A Signal of Danger [reprint Revue Theosophique 1889]HP Blavatsky-v25--p16
Was Cagliostro a "Charlatan"? [reprint Lucifer 1890]HP Blavatsky-v25--p23
Apollonius Tyaneus and Simon Magus [reprint Theosophist 1881]HP Blavatsky-v25--p32
Pertinent Questions [reprint Theosophist 1883]HP Blavatsky-v25--p36
Foreword: Planetary Symbolism--v26--p1
What's in a Name? [reprint Lucifer 1887]HP Blavatsky-v26--p3
The History of a Planet [reprint Lucifer 1887]HP Blavatsky-v26--p11
Star-Angel-Worship in the Roman Catholic Church [reprint Lucifer 1888]HP Blavatsky-v26--p21
Stars and Numbers [reprint Theosophist 1881]HP Blavatsky-v26--p36
Foreword: Astral, Psychic, and Spiritual Man--v27--p1
Animated Statues [reprint Theosophist 1886]HP Blavatsky-v27--p3
Chinese Spirits [reprint Lucifer 1891]HP Blavatsky-v27--p14
Nature's Human Magnets [reprint Theosophist 1881]HP Blavatsky-v27--p20
A Psychic Warning [reprint Theosophist 1881]HP Blavatsky-v27--p30
Theosophy and Spiritualism [reprint Theosophist 1882]HP Blavatsky-v27--p34
An Astral Prophet [reprint Lucifer 1890]HP Blavatsky-v27--p35
Memory in the Dying [reprint Lucifer 1889]HP Blavatsky-v27--p41
Foreword: Theosophy and Public Opinion--v28--p1
On Pseudo-Theosophy [reprint Lucifer 1889]HP Blavatsky-v28--p3
The Mote and the Beam [reprint Lucifer 1890]HP Blavatsky-v28--p18
A Paradoxical World [reprint Lucifer 1889]HP Blavatsky-v28--p29
Is Denunciation a Duty? [reprint Lucifer 1888]HP Blavatsky-v28--p41
Foreword: Modern Ignorance of Life and Soul--v29--p1
Have Animals Souls? [reprint Theosophist 1886]HP Blavatsky-v29--p3
Why Do Animals Suffer? [reprint Lucifer 1888]HP Blavatsky-v29--p29
Is Suicide a Crime? [reprint Theosophist 1882]HP Blavatsky-v29--p31
Is Foeticide a Crime? [reprint Theosophist 1883]HP Blavatsky-v29--p37
Showing 101 to 150 of 201 entries