The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.


Mind and Will ["Progress in Religion" acceptance of Templeton Prize]Freeman Dysony2018v22i3Summerp96
Commitment and Detachmentanony2018v22i3Summerp99
Gandhi on Modern Civilization and Social Reform [Part Three of talk given at 2016 International Theosophy Conference, Santa Barbara California]anony2018v22i3Summerp105
The Precision of SymbolsAnanda K Coommaraswamyy2018v22i4Autumnp105
The Pythagorean Triangle [extract: 'The Secret Doctrine' i 612-615]HP Blavatskyy2018v22i4Autumnp106
The Five-Pointed Staranony2018v22i4Autumnp111
The Secrets of Time (vf)Percy Bysshe Shelleyy2018v22i4Autumnp121
Theosophical SymbolismWilliam Q Judgey2018v22i4Autumnp122
The Purpose of Mental Disciplineanony2018v22i4Autumnp128
The Sacerdotal Language [extract: "The Beacon Light of the Unknown"]HP Blavatskyy2018v22i4Autumnp137
Voice of the Heart [extract: 'A Hindu Chela’s Diary']Damodar Mavalankary2018v22i4Autumnp138
The Trailblazer The Ferryman and The Shepherd [HHDL Facebook page March 2019]The Dalai Lamay2019v23i1Winterp1
Leadership: Qualities and Responsibilitiesanony2019v23i1Winterp2
Leadership, Ethics and Humoranony2019v23i1Winterp6
Aquarian Leadershipanony2019v23i1Winterp21
The Well of Insightanony2019v23i1Winterp30
Recognition [extract: 'The Friendly Philosopher' 371-372]Robert Crosbiey2019v23i1Winterp31
The House by the Side of the Road (vf)Sam Walster Fossy2019v23i1Winterp32
The Crossroadanony2019v23i1Winterp34
Cultivation of QualitiesMK Gandhiy2019v23i2Springp37
Spiritual Archeryanony2019v23i2Springp38
William Quan Judgeanony2019v23i2Springp43
Towards a Psychology of the Gunasanony2019v23i2Springp49
The Dialectic (I)anony2019v23i2Springp55
Gandhi on Theosophy and the Global Civilization of Tomorrow (I)anony2019v23i2Springp64
Ascent and DescentPandit Bhavani Shankary2019v23i3Summerp73
Divine Incarnations [from "The Mystery of the Buddha" 'Blavatsky Collected Writings' volume XIV by Boris De Zirkoff (Editor)]HP Blavatskyy2019v23i3Summerp74
Avatars and Sagesanony2019v23i3Summerp76
The Light of Wisdom [from 'The Flame and the Light: Meanings in Vedanta and Buddhism']Hugh l'Anson Faussety2019v23i3Summerp84
The Lion’s Strength [from "The Theosophical Mahatmas" 'The Path' December 1886]HP Blavatskyy2019v23i3Summerp85
The Word - Whence and WhitherKabiry2019v23i3Summerp87
The Dialectic (II)anony2019v23i3Summerp88
Gandhi on Theosophy and the Global Civilization of Tomorrow (II) [Public Lecture 143rd International Convention, Theosophical Society Adyar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India]anony2019v23i3Summerp97
An Ever-Present Reality [extract: 'A Survey of Buddhism']Lama Anagarika Govinda quoted by Sangharakshitay2019v23i4Autumnp105
The Bodhisattva Idealanony2019v23i4Autumnp106
The Seven Dhyanis [extract 'Transactions of the Blavatsky Lodge pp50-51]HP Blavatskyy2019v23i4Autumnp116
The Keynote of Beinganony2019v23i4Autumnp118
The Dawning of Bodhichittaanony2019v23i4Autumnp128
Beneath the Tree (vf) [extract: "The Light of Asia"]Sir Edwin Arnoldy2019v23i4Autumnp135
The Ascending Cycle [extract: 'The Irish Theosophist' November 1893]George William Russelly2019v23i4Autumnp136
The Dialectic (III)anony2019v23i4Autumnp138
Mahatmas [extract: "Mahatmas as Ideals and Facts" 'The Path' March 1893]WQ Judgey2019v23i4Autumnp146
The Empty Lake [adapted from 'Twenty Jataka Tales' Retold]Noor Inayat Khany2019v23i4Autumnp147
Showing 751 to 793 of 793 entries