The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.

The Aquarian Theosophist

The Writings of an Eastern Master - 21 - A Compilation of the the Letters of Blavatsky's Teacher [Letters 5 and 3] [from 'Letters From the Masters of the Wisdom - First Series' Transcribed and Compiled by C Jinarajadasa]Letters from Masters of Wisdom with introductions by C Jinarajadasa and Editorial Note by CCAy2018v19i2Decemberp8
The Final Chapters of The Book of Tao [last eleven chapters of the 'Tao Teh Ching' translated by Lin Yutang published under the title of "Laotse the Book of Tao" included in the volume 'The Wisdom of China and India' edited by Lin Yutang]Lin Yutang [translator]; CCA [some footnotes]y2018v19i2Decemberp13
The New Texts in Our Websitesanony2018v19i2Decemberp19
A Commitment to the Soul - Expanding Our Connection With EternityRobert Crosbiey2019v19i3Januaryp1
A Few Words on Discipline and Responsibility [from 'Yoga the Art of Integration' 1982 p141, p148]Rohit Mehtay2019v19i3Januaryp2
Higher Levels of Yoga: The Story of Captain Seymour [adapted from 'From the Caves and Jungles of Hindostan' 1983 pp314-35]Helena P Blavatskyy2019v19i3Januaryp3
IK Taimni: In True Yoga A Broad Viewpoint is Needed ['Glimpses Into the Psychology of Yoga' second edition 1976 Preface ppv-vii]IK Taimniy2019v19i3Januaryp5
Two Fragments on Raja Yoga - Self-Responsibility and Self-Confidence [from 'Raja Yoga or Mental Development' p9, p284]Yogi Ramacharakay2019v19i3Januaryp7
Thoughts Along the Road - A Calm View of Things Allows Us to Save Timeanony2019v19i3Januaryp8
Lawrence Kohlberg: The Stages of Ethical Consciousnessanony2019v19i3Januaryp9
The Writings of an Eastern Master - 22 - Every Student Must be Independent and Blind Belief in an External God is an Obstacle to That - A Compilation of the the Letters of Blavatsky's Teacher [Letters 36, 40, 42 and 43] [from 'Letters From the Masters of the Wisdom - First Series' Transcribed and Compiled by C Jinarajadasa]Letters from Masters of Wisdom with introductions by C Jinarajadasa and Editorial Note by CCAy2019v19i3Januaryp12
Philosophy of Life and Stability - Every Event Gives us an Opportunity To Exercise the Power of Steadfastness [from 'The Friendly Philosopher' 1945 pp88-89]Robert Crosbiey2019v19i3Januaryp14
The New Texts in Our Websitesanony2019v19i3Januaryp15
The Disappointed - Many Are the Songs for Famous Heroes (vf) [from 'Poetical Works of Ella Wheeler Wilcox' undated ?1917 pp429-430]Ella Wheeler Wilcoxy2019v19i3Januaryp16
An Invisible Compass - The Sense of Inner Guidanceanony2019v19i4Februaryp1
What's Innovative About Theosophy - The Groundbreaking Aspect of Eternal Lawanony2019v19i4Februaryp2
Passages From Classical Theosophy: The Poles of Our Planet And The Levels of Life They Represent [from 'The Mahatma Letters' Letter CXXVII pp455-456, Letter XXIV-B p188; 'The Secret Doctrine' HPB vI and vII various pages; 'The Yoga Philosophy' Being the Text of Patanjali with Bhoja Raja's Commentary translation in English by Dr Ballantyne and Govind Shastri Deva edited by Tookaram Tatya 1885 p118; 'Isis Unveiled' HPB vI various pages; 'The History of Magic' Eliphas Levi 1922 pp49-50; 'The Theosophist' May 1881 pp149150]various with introduction notes and editorial notes by CCAy2019v19i4Februaryp3
An Enigmatic Passage of "The Secret Doctrine" [from "The Secret Doctrine" vII pp785-786]Helena P Blavatskyy2019v19i4Februaryp24
The Writings of an Eastern Master - 23 - A Compilation of the the Letters of Blavatsky's Teacher [Letter 11] [from 'Letters From the Masters of the Wisdom - First Series' Transcribed and Compiled by C Jinarajadasa]Letters from Masters of Wisdom with introductions by C Jinarajadasa and Editorial Note by CCAy2019v19i4Februaryp25
The New Texts in Our Websitesanony2019v19i4Februaryp26
The Golden Stairs - Summing Up the Rules of Sacred Learninganony2019v19i5Marchp1
The Life of Boris de Zirkoff - The Editor Who Compiled the Writings of Helena Blavatsky Never Went to School and Never Had a Jobanony2019v19i5Marchp3
The Ethics of Modern Knowledge - Jules Verne and Doctor Ox in the 21st CenturyCCAy2019v19i5Marchp4
A Drama in the Air - Jules Verne and the Aim of ScienceCCAy2019v19i5Marchp6
Vivekananda, on Defeating Pain [from "Raja Yoga, Conquering the Internal Nature" 1996 pp8-9]Swami Vivekananday2019v19i5Marchp7
"A Winter Amid the Ice", by Verne: Living in Extreme Conditionsanony2019v19i5Marchp8
'Master Zacharius' by Verne: Karma Time and WisdomCCAy2019v19i5Marchp10
The Writings of an Eastern Master - 24 - 'Blind Are They Who See And Perceive Not' - A Compilation of the the Letters of Blavatsky's Teacher [Letter 26] [from 'Letters From the Masters of the Wisdom - Second Series' Transcribed and Compiled by C Jinarajadasa]Letters from Masters of Wisdom with introductions by C Jinarajadasa and Editorial Note by CCAy2019v19i5Marchp12
The New Texts in Our Websitesanony2019v19i5Marchp14
Raja Yoga: On Happiness and Desire [from "Raja Yoga, Conquering the Internal Nature" 1996 pp92-93]Swami Vivekananday2019v19i5Marchp15
The Formula of Constant Joy: Albert Einstein, on a Quiet Lifeanony2019v19i5Marchp16
The Practical Side of Compassion: The Roots of Lucidity and Painanony2019v19i6Aprilp1
The Purpose of Disharmonyanony2019v19i6Aprilp3
Ivan A. Il'in, On Suffering [from 'The Singing Heart' 2016 p127]Ivan Ilyiny2019v19i6Aprilp3
Socratic Questions to Oneselfanony2019v19i6Aprilp4
Conversion to Goodness: Unsuspected Kindness as Precipitant [from 'The Ways and Power of Love' 2001 p215]Pitirim A Sorokiny2019v19i6Aprilp5
When the Earth Shall Melt - Planetary Change and the Eternal LawCCAy2019v19i6Aprilp6
The Writings of an Eastern Master - 25 - 'It Was Your Own Most Fervent Desire to Go to India' - A Compilation of the the Letters of Blavatsky's Teacher [Letters 27 and 28] [from 'Letters From the Masters of the Wisdom - Second Series' Transcribed and Compiled by C Jinarajadasa]Letters from Masters of Wisdom with introductions by C Jinarajadasa and Editorial Note by CCAy2019v19i6Aprilp8
The New Texts in Our Websitesanony2019v19i6Aprilp11
Robert Crosbie Writes About Voluntary Simplicity [from 'The Friendly Philosopher' 1945 p163]Robert Crosbiey2019v19i6Aprilp12
Thoughts Along the Road - Victory Must Be Looked at Humblyanony2019v19i6Aprilp13
Learning From the Feeling of Remorseanony2019v19i6Aprilp14
Of Seeing - and Making - the Futureanony2019v19i7Mayp1
The Sociology of Wisdom: A Moral Life the True Source of Kindnessanony2019v19i7Mayp2
Two Fragments - From the Jewish Tradition [quotes from 'Duties of the Heart']Bachya ibn Paquday2019v19i7Mayp3
Written Lessons in Philosophy - Talking to the Great Sages of All Timeanony2019v19i7Mayp4
A Few Words by Main de Biran [includes quotes from 'Influence de L'Habitude sur la Faculte de Pensere' by Maine de Biran]anony2019v19i7Mayp5
An Independent System of Training - Whether a Daily Self-Discipline is Necessary in Theosophy - and Whyanony2019v19i7Mayp6
The Writings of an Eastern Master - 26 - 'The Mahatma says: "Perish the Theosophical Society Rather Than Be Ungrateful to H.P.B."' - A Compilation of the the Letters of Blavatsky's Teacher [Letters 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 and 35] [from 'Letters From the Masters of the Wisdom - Second Series'Notes by C Jinarajadasa and introductory note by CCAy2019v19i7Mayp9
Thoughts Along the Road - Stimulating the Growth of That Which is Goodanony2019v19i7Mayp12
Showing 3101 to 3150 of 3398 entries