The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.

The Aquarian Theosophist

Thought for others opens the doorcorrespondent in London Ontarioy2011v12i1Novemberp9
The Mystery of Water and Gecko's feet [www:][Ajay Bhatla]y2011v12i1Novemberp10
Correspondence: Avaaz hits 10 Million!!!Ricken, Alice, Luis, Ben, Ari, Saravanan, Wissam, Diego, Mia, entire Avaaz teamy2011v12i1Novemberp11
Correspondence: The Indigenous GrandmothersThe Editors, Cy2011v12i1Novemberp11
Serbian man becomes 'human magnet' after doctors zap his heart [www:]anon, Edsy2011v12i1Novemberp11
Wisdom in Action - Speaking of Adeptship [extract: 'The Friendly Philosopher']R Crosbiey2011v12i1Novemberp12
Real Ethics In Daily Lifeanony2012v12i2Februaryp1
Chennai Monument to Helena Blavatsky ['The Voice of Russia' 26 December 2011]anony2012v12i2Februaryp3
How Gratitude is Good for Your Health ['Good News Network' 26 November 2011]anony2012v12i2Februaryp3
A Prophecy on the Roman Church - How a Tale From the Life of Apollonius of Tyana May Illustrate the Destiny of the Vaticanan E-Theosophy Correspondenty2012v12i2Februaryp4
Homeopathy: Medicine for the 21st Centuryanony2012v12i2Februaryp6
Shocking Scenes ExposedPhilip Lymberyy2012v12i2Februaryp7
Uranus - a New Starta member from Brazil, Edsy2012v12i2Februaryp7
A New Year message from HaitiThe Jacmel ULTy2012v12i2Februaryp8
Correspondence: Where it goes awry!D, Edsy2012v12i2Februaryp8
Wisdom in Action - Mercy and Justice are both reconcilable if Karma is taken as the term to balance the equation [extract: 'The Friendly Philosopher']R Crosbiey2012v12i2Februaryp9
As the Sun Meets Uranus - The Sun Enters Aries In Close Dialogue With the Planet of the Aquarian Ageanony2012v12i3Marchp1
WQ Judge And His Example - To Be Restrained To Be Liberal To Be Merciful This Is the End of SelfishnessSteven H Levyy2012v12i3Marchp3
Celebrating Justice to Judge in 2012 - The Seventh Year of Letters to Indiaanony2012v12i3Marchp5
When Citizens Establish Peace - Israeli President Shimon Peres Sends a Message to the Iranian People []anon, Shimon Peresy2012v12i3Marchp7
The Riches - A Tale From the Sufi Tradition [extract: 'Tales' by Hazrat Inayat Khan]Hazrat Inayat Khany2012v12i3Marchp8
The First Step To Take - As a Man Thinks in His Heart So He Will Become [reprint: "A Clean Life" Theosophy April 1932 pp253-254 anon]John Garrigues [?]y2012v12i3Marchp9
Notes on Helena P Blavatsky - HPB Wants Us to Pass Through the Hall of Learning And Reach the Wisdom on Our OwnNC Ramanujacharyy2012v12i3Marchp11
Wisdom in Action - Between Truth and Appearance [extract: 'The Friendly Philosopher' pp31-32]R Crosbiey2012v12i3Marchp14
Correspondence: [?] The "Aquarian" Has New Editors - Announcement Made At the Blog of "The Aquarian Theosophist" in February 2012The AT Editor February 17 2012 [Will Windham from London UK]y2012v12i3Marchp16
Correspondence: A Message from Athens GreeceAspasia Papadomichelakiy2012v12i3Marchp16
The Umbrella Under the Sun - A Dialogue With the Writings of WQ Judge [Questions by Student and responses by WQJ selected from 'The Allegorical Umbrella' published as 'Theosophical Articles' William Q Judge]Steven H Levyy2012v12i4Aprilp1
Aphorisms of the Rabbis - Universal Wisdom in the Jewish Tradition [reprinted and renumbered from "Aphorisms of the Sages" The Theosophist January 1885 pp85-86]anony2012v12i4Aprilp3
Tansen's Teacher - A Sufi Tale on Transcendental Music [extract: 'Tales' by Hazrat Inayat Khan] with A 2012 Editorial NoteHazrat Inayat Khan, anony2012v12i4Aprilp7
First Letters of a Master to Sinnett - A Study in Two Texts From Immortal SagesNC Ramanujacharyy2012v12i4Aprilp9
Between the Lines - How to Study Classical Books of Theosophy [reprint: Theosophy August 1928 p468 anon]John Garrigues [?]y2012v12i4Aprilp14
The 2012 European School of Theosophy - An Event Dedicated to the Original Teachingsanony2012v12i4Aprilp15
Wisdom in Action - A Masonry Within the Theosophical Movement? [extract: 'The Friendly Philosopher' pp33-36]R Crosbiey2012v12i4Aprilp16
The Use of One's Energies - A Key to the Mystery of Human Dharmaanony2012v12i5Mayp1
The Center of Pascal's Sphere - How Individual Responsibility Can Cause a Healing Chain Reactionanony2012v12i5Mayp3
HPB on Theosophical Drones - Real Learning Inspires Right ActionNC Ramanujacharyy2012v12i5Mayp5
Healthy Food for Thought - Why Should One Improve His Eating Habits?anony2012v12i5Mayp6
Impersonal Justice and Brotherhoodanony2012v12i5Mayp7
The Blessing and the Effort - What Can One Actually Obtain in Exchange for Being Altruistic?anony2012v12i5Mayp8
Pralayas and Manvantaras - The Heart-Beating of Eternityanony2012v12i5Mayp8
The Art of Repenting - Or the Ability to Give Up The Sources of One's SufferingCCAy2012v12i5Mayp9
Helena Blavatsky's Mission - To Propagate the Philosophy of Brotherhood - [A Bibliographically Documented Dialogue with William Q Judge (WQJ) through his Writings]Steven H Levyy2012v12i5Mayp10
The Torch-Bearer and Light-Bringer - One's True Self Is the Watcher and the Silent ThinkerNC Ramanujacharyy2012v12i5Mayp13
Precariousness and Compassion - Theosophy is a Branch of the Music of the UniverseCCAy2012v12i5Mayp14
Unity in Dialogue and Truthfulness - Real Brotherhood Results From Similarity of Goalsanony2012v12i5Mayp15
Open-Mindedness in Theosophy - Why Undogmatic Minds Use Their Discernmentanony2012v12i5Mayp16
The Pedagogy of Confidence - Positive Feelings and Actions Emerge From a Wider Notion of Space and TimeCCAy2012v12i5Mayp17
Two Paragraphs on the Personality [extract: 'The Friendly Philosopher' p38, p39]Robert Crosbiey2012v12i5Mayp17
Special Issue On Justice to William Judgeanony2012v12i6Junep1
The 2012 Report on Letters to India - Twenty-Six People From Eight Countries Wrote 20 Letters Asking for Justice to Mr Judgeanony2012v12i6Junep1
Showing 1901 to 1950 of 3398 entries