The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.

Theosophy in Australia (2)

(He Shone upon Me ...) (vf)Phyllis Campbelly1980v44-Decemberp189
National Convention Programme - Melbourneanony1980v44-Decemberp190
Quest advertisementanony1980v44-Decemberp192
The Challenge of the FutureRadha Burniery1981v45-Marchp194
Guest Speaker for 1981 - Seetha Neelakantan (photo)anony1981v45-Marchp196
Essay Competition - Present Day Aims & Goals of the Society - Keynote for AustraliaRon Daviesy1981v45-Marchp197
Inauguration of New General Secretary (Jack Patterson, photo)anony1981v45-Marchp199
A Tribute from a Co-Worker (to retiring General Secretary Elaine Murdoch, photo)Shirley Millery1981v45-Marchp200
An Interview with Ianthe HoskinsPhilip Westy1981v45-Marchp201
The Rationale of Yoga PracticeIanthe Hoskinsy1981v45-Marchp204
News & Notesvariousy1981v45-Marchp205
review - `Master Teach Me` by Ianthe Hoskinsanony1981v45-Marchp211
review - `Foundations of Esoteric Philosophy` by Ianthe H HoskinsJack Pattersony1981v45-Marchp211
review - `The Way of Self-Knowledge` by Radha BurnierJack Pattersony1981v45-Marchp211
review - `The Life & Teaching of Geshe Rabten` tr by B Alan WallaceDavid Dynesy1981v45-Marchp212
Another book from Geoffrey Hodson (photo)anony1981v45-Marchp213
review - `The Hidden Wisdom of the Holy Bible` vol 4 by Geoffrey HodsonWinifred McKenziey1981v45-Marchp213
Preliminary Notice of 1982 Conventionanony1981v45-Marchp214
Minutes of the ... Conventionanony1981v45-Marchp214
Minutes of the 1981 Conventionanony1981v45-Marchp214
Theosophical Perspectives (1) Abortion & Human BirthJack Pattersony1981v45-Junep218
Essay Competition - Present Day Aims & Goals of the Society - Keynote for AustraliaSandra Browney1981v45-Junep220
Journey to Wholeness (1)Dianne Kynastony1981v45-Junep224
Journey to Wholeness (2)Pat Hendersony1981v45-Junep226
The Universe, the Atom & You (1) the MicrocosmHugh Murdochy1981v45-Junep229
obituary - Boris de Zirkoff (photo) (1902-1981) - Last Link with HP Blavatsky BrokenJohn Coopery1981v45-Junep232
review - `Extra-Sensory Perception of Quarks` by SM PhillipsDavid Eaglesy1981v45-Junep233
review - `HP Blavatsky Collected Writings` v12John Coopery1981v45-Junep235
review - `Hara - The Vital Centre of Man` by Karlfried Graf von DurckheimDavid Dynesy1981v45-Junep235
Advance Notice of 1982 Conventionanony1981v45-Junep236
Seen at 1981 Convention - photosanony1981v45-Junep237
News & Notesanony1981v45-Junep238
Bequests: (Information on)anony1981v45-Junep240
Projected Group Tours Dec 1982 - Jan 1093anony1981v45-Junep243
A Timely Warning to All Would-Be ConventioneersLaurie Harrisy1981v45-Junep255
Something for Everyone at the 1982 Convention Jan 23rd-30thanony1981v45-Junep256
review - `Ahimsa` (Dynamic Compassion) by Nathaniel AltmanJack Pattersony1981v45-Junep260
review - `The Summit of Daring` by Ted NoffsPat Venny1981v45-Junep261
Theosophical Perspectives (2) Why & How Nature Hits BackJack Pattersony1981v45-Septemberp242
The Action of LoveLinda Wilsony1981v45-Septemberp244
The Universe, the Atom & You (2) the MacrocosmHugh Murdochy1981v45-Septemberp248
Congratulations ... Elinor WrayCatherine Lowryy1981v45-Septemberp251
Theosophy for Today's WorldNorman Hankiny1981v45-Septemberp253
News & Notesanony1981v45-Septemberp257
review - `East Meets West - The Transpersonal Approach` by Rosemarie StewartLaurie Harrisy1981v45-Septemberp260
How Do we Relate to Work?Henry Maasseny1981v45-Septemberp261
An interview with Will Ross (photo)Michael Breeny1981v45-Septemberp262
Lodge Directoryanony1981v45-Septemberp264
General Secretary's (Annual) Reportanony1981v45-Dec+p1
Analysis of Lodge Membership as at 30th September 1981anony1981v45-Dec+p4
Showing 3051 to 3100 of 6131 entries